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People frequently ask me ``The head of our religion says that using artificial means of birth control like the pill, condom, vasectomy, tubectomy etc. is a sin for which we can go to hell after death. What should we do?'' Unfortunately, most religious leaders are unwilling to open their eyes to the reality of today. Their only knowledge comes from reading documents prepared by their predecessors a very long time ago when human population was very low and nature appeared endless and indestructible. Also like most other human beings, these religious leaders are obsessed with growth because they want to boast that their followers number in the billions, that they are the dominant religion in the world, and they may also want to benefit from the large contributions that may flow from the increasing number of followers; even though this type of greedy behavior is unbecoming for a religious leader. When people ask me this question, I tell them to use their own judgment. God created nature too, why would he want the nature he created to be completely destroyed by the growing human population? I sincerely believe that under the conditions prevailing today, God would greatly appreciate it if each of us individually adopt and follow the Grow Fewer Children motto by whichever techniques are convenient for us to use.
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Up: Technology Quo Vadis
Previous: Our Fossil Fuels Civilization
Katta G Murty