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The technologies we are using today release different types of pollution on land, water resources and air.
All the governments are allocating a lot of research funds to develop new technologies that will eliminate or at least reduce the pollution being generated today without causing any hardship to our lifestyles. Even if such a technology is developed and implemented, it will create new types of pollution itself. Also anyone who has studied human behavior knows that there is really no end to human desires.
If a technology to control the pollution in satisfying one desire is discovered and
successfully implemented, then we will have another desire that generates much more pollution.
Therefore it is impossible to control pollution by developing new technologies to reduce the pollution being caused by existing technologies. I named this Murty's Law on Pollution.
As human population keeps on increasing, so does pollution. The following are essential to control pollution: 1. Limit the population, and 2. Adopt simpler lifestyles that will create less pollution in the first place.
The idea that some future technology is going to eliminate pollution, change mankind, empower generations, bring the world together and save the environment is just more of the hyped promise of the technology revolution.
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Katta G Murty