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Computational and Experimental Facilities

Computational Resources

The ECMF group owns a Linux cluster consisting of:
- 5 nodes with 320 cores and over 1000 GB RAM
- 2 nodes with 24 cores and 288 GB RAM for the generation of large computational meshes

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The ECMF group make use of the following advanced instrumentation:
- wire-mesh sensors (up to 16,384 measurement locations, up to 10,000 images/s
- high speed cameras (4 MP, 800 frames/s at full resolution)
- Dual cavity laser (up to 10,000 Hz per head)
- High speed stereo PIV and PLIF
- Laser Doppler Velocimetry
- Under construction: gamma tomography for fuel bundle applications, high-speed X-ray radiography

Wire-mesh sensors

A simplified scheme of the wire-mesh working principle together with an example of a wire-mesh sensor for a 2" pipe is shown below:

The sensor can be used for the investigation of single-phase mixing and two-phase flows. Videos of measurements performed with wire-mesh sensors are shown below.

Single-phase mixing in a vessel with symmetric two-side injections (only left injection is visualized)

Air-water flow in a pipe

3D measurement of steam-water flow in a 5-cm diameter pipe, using two wire-mesh sensors

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Stereo PIV and PLIF

The ECMF group owns high resolution high speed cameras and a high frequency dual-cavity Litron laser for Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence (PLIF). The system allows for measurement of flow velocity and concentration/density fields.

PIV measurement of the flow velocity in a jet

PIV measurement of the flow vorticity in a jet

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Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV)

The ECMF group uses Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) for accurate monitoring of boundary conditions (velocity profile) at the inlet of our test sections.
Accurate characterization of boundary conditions is crucial for validation of CFD (computational fluid dynamics) model.

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Gamma tomography system

The ECMF group is currently building a gamma-tomography system to image mock-ups of sizes up to 450 mm in diameter. The system is built in 8-detectors modules. More information will soon be available on this website.

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High-speed X-ray imaging system

The ECMF group has built a high-speed X-ray imaging system capable of up to 1000 frames/s. More information will soon be available on this website.

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