
The Compute-to-Learn pedagogy is easily expandable to other disciplines and other programs.

The Compute-to-Learn team actively collaborates with other disciplines and schools. Currently, our collaborators are Professor at Spelman College and Professor Phillips at Lafayette College.

Lafayette College



What is happening at Lafayette?

Professor Hendrickson has implemented the Compute-to-Learn pedagogy for the physical chemistry course at Lafayette College, with more details here.


Workshop at Lafayette College

Prof. Hendrickson and Ellen Mulvihill, a graduate student at Michigan, facilitated a workshop on the Compute-to-Learn pedagogy at Lafayette College on November 2nd, 2018. Materials from the workshop can be found here and on GitHub.

Spelman College

What is happening at Spelman?

The Compute-to-Learn team was invited by Professor Jeilani to visit Spelman College to host a workshop both describing and sampling the C2L curriculum. The team has developed an interactive general chemistry laboratory module for the students' introduction to quantum chemistry concepts.

Interested in Collaborating?

Along with being on the Compute-to-Learn GitHub page, the Mathematica tutorial that we implement in the first three weeks of the course is given below, with more information to come. You will need Mathematica or the free Wolfram CDF Player in order to open the notebook files (extension .nb). We encourage you to look over the tutorial to see if the compute-to-learn project is something you are interested in and to contact us with any questions or suggestions. If you do plan to use the compute-to-learn project at your school, please let us know!