In Hindi m:an:aðø
or j:òs:ð with the
subjunctive renders English as if ( m:an:aðø is slightly more formal than
j:òs:ð ):
1. m:ØJ:ð
Oðs:a l:g:t:a T:a j:òs:ð m:ØJ:ð )ðm:
hað g:y:a hað.
2. b:hÜ Es: t:rh
hm:ari eS:kay:t: krt:i hò m:an:aðø hm: us:p:r b:_a
z:Ølm: krt:ð haðø.
Clauses beginning with
j:òs:ð or m:an:aðø are often keyed to their main
clause with Oðs:a, Oðs:ð or Es: t:rh
3. v:h m:ðri
Oðs:ð dðK: rha T:a j:òs:ð m:òø us:ka
dØSm:n: haðUø.
Clauses in m:an:aðø or j:òs:ð commonly occur in expressions of
4. m:t: edK:aAað
j:òs:ð t:Ømhðø p:rix:a ki erz:lX p:r
t:ajj:Øb: hað.
5. v:h b:n: rhi
hò m:an:aðø us:ð us: p:Ø,\: s:ð kaðI
m:t:l:b: n: hað.
When such clauses refer
to the past, the indicative is used:
6. m:an:aðø
Aaj: S:Ø#v:ar hað ! m:an:aðø us: edn: t:Ømhari
v:\:üg:aúY T:i !
Like many relative clauses in j:òs:ð, "as if" clauses in j:òs:ð can be reduced to postpositional
phrases :
7a. Aap: t:að
Oðs:ð rht:ð hòø j:òs:ð kaðI
CaðXð raj:a haðø.
j:òs:ð can be further reduced to
adjectival ( j:ò-)s:a :
8a. m:ðra
CaðXð s:ð CaðXa kam: t:Ømhðø Oðs:a
l:g:t:a hò j:òs:ð p:ha_ hað.
and j:òs:ð can be used
as independent hedges on a statement. As such they govern the indicative
rather than the sunjunctive :
9. Aaj:kl:
dØen:y:a j:òs:ð CaðXi hað rhi hò.
10. t:Øm:
m:an:aðø ehndØst:an:i m:s:al:aðø kñ Aadi
hað g:y:ð hað.
is used in a similar way with nouns, adjectives, adverbs, even
verbs :
11. m:riz: kñ
m:aT:ð p:r ddü ki l:kirðø s:i edK:aI diø.
12. D:im:i s:i Aav:az:
m:ðø v:h m:afiün: m:aúg:n:ð l:g:a.
13. Ok j:v:an: s:i
Aaòrt: uY K:_i hØI Aaòr us:n:ð m:ðri b:at: p:r
z:b:rdst: Ot:raz: eky:a.
14. Ap:n:i b:at: Q:tm:
krkñ m:ðri t:rf dðK:a Aaòr m:Øs:kra s:i di.
Notice that when
s:a is being used as a hedge it does not
require the oblique form of noun which precedes. Compare :
15. p:an:i m:ðø
S:iS:ð s:i c:m:k T:i.
(postpositional s:a )
16. p:an:i m:ðø
S:iS:a s:a c:m:k rha T:a. ( s:a as hedge)
With certain adjectives of
degree s:a intensifies rather than
attenuates the meaning:
17. t:Ømhðø
Et:n:i s:i b:at:aðø p:r daðst:aðø s:ð
y:Üú hi ec:` hað j:at:i hò.
18. ehndØst:an:
m:ðø Aam: l:aðg: Ap:n:ð kÙ¶:aðø ka
z:ra s:a B:i Qy:al: n:hiø rK:t:ð.
19. m:ØJ:s:ð
T:að_i s:i B:i em:c:ü b:rdaSt: n:hiø
The particle
s:a may also be used adverbially:
20. Pað_aðø
kað p:kñ Aam:- s:a dab: dðt:a T:a, K:al: kað Aal:Ü- s:a Cil: dðt:a T:a . . .
(from km:l:ðSv:r 's
raj:a en:rb:øes:y:a, p. 60)
To index of grammatical notes.
To index of m:lhar.
Keyed in by ev:v:ðk Ag:rv:al: in Mar
2001. Posted 4 Apr 2001.
'It seemed to me as if I were in
'Daughter-in-law complains about us
as if we were being terribly cruel to her.'
'He was looking at me as if I were
his enemy.'
'Don't pretend to be surprised at the
examination results.'
'She's acting as if
she had nothing to do with that man.'
'As if today is Friday! As if that
day were your birthday!'
7b. Aap: t:að
eks:i CaðXð raj:a j:òs:ð rht:ð hòø.
'You live like (as if you were ) a
little king.'
8b. m:ðra
CaðXð s:ð CaðXa kam: t:Ømhðø p:ha_
( j:ò)
- s:a l:g:t:a hò.
'The least little thing I ask you to
do seems like a mountain to you.'
'Nowadays the world is as if
'You've become as it were addicted to
Indian spices.'
'Something like lines of pain
appeared on the patient's brow.'
'In a somewhat faint voice he began
to ask for morphine.'
A youngish woman got up and objected
violently to what I'd said.'
'When she was finished she looked my
way and, it seemed, smiled.'
'The water had the gleam of a
'In the water was shining something
like a mirror.'
'You get annoyed with your friends
over the least little things for no reason at all.'
'In India ordinary people don't take
care of their dogs at all.'
'I cannot stand even a little bit of
(chili) pepper.'
'(The doctor) would squeeze
boils as if they were ripe mangos and peel off skin as if it were a