Monjira Biswas
Hajira Choudry
Yasaman Kazerooni
Sooin Lee
Mehgha Shyam

research assistants


universität mainz
university of birmingham
university of massachusetts
universität marburg
nasa ames research center
national science foundation

Xiaoxiao Guo
Nan Jiang
John Laird

Satinder Singh

michigan computer science
michigan linguistics
Marc Berman
university of toronto
michigan psychology


Below are all publications in reverse chronological order. For key overview papers and publications related to specific topics, click on the topics at left. Click here for a file of bibtex references. Attend to the copyright notice below.

Lewis, R. L. and Howes, A. (2020). Cognitively bounded rational analyses and the crucial role of theories of subjective utility. Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

Rajendran, J., Lewis, R., Veeriah, V., Lee, H., and Singh, S. (2020). How should an agent practice? In Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI).

de los Santos, G., Boland, J. E., and Lewis, R. L. (2020). Grammatical predictions in Spanish-English bilinguals and Spanish-language learners. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 46(5):907.

Langsford, S., Stephens, R. G., Dunn, J. C., and Lewis, R. L. (2019). In Search of the Factors Behind Naive Sentence Judgments: A State Trace Analysis of Grammaticality and Acceptability Ratings. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:2886.

Zhang, Q., Lewis, R. L., Singh, S., and Durfee, E. (2019). Learning to communicate and solve visual blocks-world tasks. In Thirty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI). [ PDF ]

Veeriah, V., Hessel, M., Xu, Z., Rajendran, J., Lewis, R. L., Oh, J., van Hasselt, H. P., Silver, D., and Singh, S. (2019). Discovery of useful questions as auxiliary tasks. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, pages 9306-9317.

Ke, A. H., Epstein, S. D., l. Lewis, R., and Pires, A. (2018). The quantificational domain of dou: An experimental study. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 47(3):537-556. [ DOI | PDF ]

Howes, A., Chen, X., Acharya, A., and Lewis, R. L. (2018). Interaction as an emergent property of a partially observable markov decision process. In Oulasvirta, A., Kristensson, P. O., Bi, X., and Howes, A., editors, Computational Interaction, pages 287-310. Oxford University Press. [ PDF ]

Howes, A. and Lewis, R. L. (2018). The role of (bounded) optimization in theory testing and prediction. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41.

Cho, P. W., Goldrick, M., Lewis, R. L., and Smolensky, P. (2018). Dynamic encoding of structural uncertainty in gradient symbols. In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics (CMCL 2018), pages 19-28. [ PDF ]

Acharya, A., Chen, X., Myers, C. W., Lewis, R. L., and Howes, A. (2017). Human Visual Search as a Deep Reinforcement Learning Solution to a POMDP. In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. [ DOI ]

Guo, X., Singh, S., Lewis, R. L., and Lee, H. (2016). Deep learning for reward design to improve monte carlo tree search in ATARI games. In 25th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). [ PDF ]

Howes, A., Warren, P. A., Farmer, G., El-Deredy, W., and Lewis, R. L. (2016). Why contextual preference reversals maximize expected value. Psychological Review, 123(4):368-391. [ PDF ]

Patil, U., Vasishth, S., and Lewis, R. L. (2016). Retrieval interference in syntactic processing: The case of reflexive binding in english. Frontiers in Psychology, 7. [ PDF ]

Howes, A., Duggan, G. B., Kalidindi, K., Tseng, Y.-C., and Lewis, R. L. (2015). Predicting short-term remembering as boundedly optimal strategy choice. Cognitive Science, pages 1-32. [ PDF ]

Jiang, N., Kulesza, A., Singh, S., and Lewis, R. L. (2015). The dependence of effective planning horizon on model accuracy. In 14th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS2015). Best Paper Award.PDF ]

Oh, J., Guo, X., Lee, H., Lewis, R. L., and Singh, S. (2015). Action-conditional video prediction using deep networks in atari games. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS). [ PDF ]

Guo, X., Singh, S., Lee, H., Lewis, R. L., and Wang, X. (2014). Deep learning for real-time Atari game play using offline monte-carlo tree search planning. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS). [ PDF ]

Howes, A., Lewis, R. L., and Singh, S. (2014). Utility maximization and bounds on human information processing. Topics in Cognitive Science, 6(2):198-203. [ PDF ]

Jian, N., Singh, S., and Lewis, R. L. (2014). Improving UCT planning via approximate homomorphisms. In Lomuscio, A., Scerri, P., Bazzan, A., and Huhns, M., editors, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2014), Paris, France. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems. [ PDF ]

Lewis, R. L., Howes, A., and Singh, S. (2014). Computational rationality: Linking mechanism and behavior through utility maximization. Topics in Cognitive Science, 6(2):279-311. [ PDF ]

Liu, B., Singh, S., Lewis, R. L., and Qin, S. (2014). Optimal rewards for cooperative agents. IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development, 6(4):286-297.

Shvartsman, M., Lewis, R. L., and Singh, S. (2014). Computationally rational saccadic control: An explanation of spillover effects based on sampling from noisy perception and memory. In Demberg, V. and O'Donnell, T. J., editors, Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Cognitive Modeling and Computational Linguistics (CMCL 2014), Baltimore, MD. Association for Computational Linguistics. Best Student Paper Award.PDF ]

Feary, M., Billman, D., Chen, X., Howes, A., Lewis, R. L., Sherry, L., and Singh, S. (2013). Linking context to evaluation in the design of safety critical interfaces. In Proceedings of Human-Computer Interaction International. [ PDF ]

Guo, X., Singh, S., and Lewis, R. L. (2013). Reward mapping for transfer in long-lived agents. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26 (NIPS). [ PDF ]

Lewis, R. L., Shvartsman, M., and Singh, S. (2013). The adaptive nature of eye-movements in linguistic tasks: How payoff and architecture shape speed-accuracy tradeoffs. Topics in Cognitive Science, 5(3):583-610. [ PDF ]

Myers, C. W., Lewis, R. L., and Howes, A. (2013). Bounded optimal state estimation and control in visual search: Explaining distractor ratio effects. In Knauff, M., Pauen, M., Sebanz, N., and Wachsmuth, I., editors, Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, pages 1049-1054. [ PDF ]

Bratman, J., Singh, S., Lewis, R. L., and Sorg, J. (2012). Strong mitigation: Nesting search for good policies within search for good reward. In Proceedings of the11th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2012). [ PDF ]

Liu, B., Singh, S., Lewis, R. L., and Quin, S. (2012). Optimal rewards in multiagent teams. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Development and Learning. Paper of Excellence Award.PDF ]

Atkins, A. S., Berman, M. G., Reuter-Lorenz, P., Lewis, R. L., and Jonides, J. (2011). Resolving semantic and proactive interference in memory over the short-term. Memory & Cognition, 39:806-817. [ PDF ]

Bartek, B., Lewis, R. L., Vasishth, S., and Smith, M. R. (2011). In search of on-line locality effects in sentence comprehension. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 37(5):1178-1198. [ PDF ]

Sorg, J., Singh, S., and Lewis, R. L. (2011). Optimal rewards versus leaf-evaluation heuristics in planning agents. In Proceedings of AAAI-2011 (Conference of the Association for the Advancement Artificial Intelligence). [ PDF ]

Strohminger, N., Lewis, R. L., and Meyer, D. E. (2011). Divergent effects of different positive emotions on moral judgement. Cognition, 119:295-300. [ PDF ]

Bratman, J., Shvartsman, M., Lewis, R. L., and Singh, S. (2010). A new approach to exploring language emergence as boundedly optimal control in the face of environmental and cognitive constraints. In Salvucci, D. and Gunzelmann, G., editors, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. To appear. [ PDF ]

Obata, M., Lewis, R. L., Epstein, S., Bartek, B., and Boland, J. (2010). Featural analysis and short-term memory retrieval in on-line parsing: Evidence for syntactic, but not phonological, similarity-based interference. In Proceedings of NELS 41: Conference of the North East Linguistics Society, Philadelphia. [ PDF ]

Singh, S., Lewis, R. L., Barto, A. G., and Sorg, J. (2010). Instrinsically motivated reinforcement learning: An evolutionary perspective. IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development. [ PDF ]

Sorg, J., Singh, S., and Lewis, R. L. (2010b). Reward design via online gradient ascent. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, volume 23. [ PDF ]

Sorg, J., Singh, S., and Lewis, R. L. (2010c). Variance-based rewards for approximate Bayesian reinforcement learning. In Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence. Also available at http://event.cwi.nl/uai2010/. [ PDF ]

Sorg, J., Singh, S., and Lewis, R. L. (2010a). Internal rewards mitigate agent boundedness. In International Conference on Machine Learning, Haifa, Israel. [ PDF ]

Vasishth, S., Suckow, K., Lewis, R. L., and Kern, S. (2010). Short-term forgetting in sentence comprehension: Crosslinguistic evidence from verb-final structures. Language and Cognitive Processes. In press. [ PDF ]

Berman, M. G., Jonides, J., and Lewis, R. L. (2009). In search of decay in verbal short-term memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 35(2):317-333. [ PDF ]

Howes, A., Lewis, R. L., and Vera, A. H. (2009). Rational adaptation under task and processing constraints: Implications for testing theories of cognition and action. Psychological Review, 116(4):717-751. [ PDF ]

Lustig, C. A., Lewis, R. L., Berman, M. G., Nee, D. E., Moore, K. S., and Jonides, J. (2009). Psychological and neural mechanisms of short-term memory. In Berntson, G. and Cacioppo, J. T., editors, Handbook of Neuroscience for the Behavioral Sciences. John Wiley, Hoboken, NJ. [ PDF ]

Marinier, R. P., Laird, J. E., and Lewis, R. L. (2009). A computational unification of cognitive behavior and emotion. Cognitive Systems Research, 10(1):48-69. [ PDF ]

Singh, S., Lewis, R. L., and Barto, A. G. (2009). Where do rewards come from? In Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pages 2601-2606, Amsterdam. [ PDF ]

Jonides, J., Lewis, R. L., Nee, D. E., Lustig, C. A., Berman, M. G., and Moore, K. S. (2008). The mind and brain of short-term memory. Annual Review of Psychology, 59:15.1-15.32. [ PDF ]

Smith, M. R., Lewis, R. L., Howes, A., Chu, A., Green, C., and Vera, A. (2008). More than 8,192 ways to skin a cat: Modeling behavior in multidimensional strategy spaces. In Love, B. C., McRae, K., and Sloutsky, V. M., editors, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pages 1441-1446, Austin, TX. [ PDF ]

Vasishth, S., Bruessow, S., Lewis, R. L., and Drenhaus, H. (2008). Processing polarity: How the ungrammatical intrudes on the grammatical. Cognitive Science, 32(4):685-712. [ PDF ]

Lewis, R. L., Polk, T. A., and Laird, J. E., editors (2007). The Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, New York. Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis. [ PDF ]

Chu, A., Lewis, R. L., and Howes, A. (2007). Evaluating the performance of optimizing constraint satisfaction techniques for cognitive constraint modeling. In Lewis, R., Polk, T., and .Laird, J., editors, The Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, pages 26-31, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis. [ PDF ]

Howes, A., Lewis, R. L., and Vera, A. (2007). Bounding rational analysis: Constraints on asymptotic performance. In Gray, W. D., editor, Integrated Models of Cognitive Systems. Oxford University Press, New York. [ PDF ]

Pearson, D., Gorski, N. A., Lewis, R. L., and Laird, J. E. (2007). Storm: A framework for biologically-inspired cognitive architecture research. In Lewis, R., Polk, T., and Laird, J., editors, The Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis. [ PDF ]

Eng, K., Lewis, R. L., Tollinger, I., Chu, A., and Howes, A. (2006). Generating automated predictions of behavior strategically adapted to specific performance objectives. In Proceedings of the Computer-Human Interaction Conference, CHI 2006. Best paper nomination: top 5 per cent of submissions.PDF ]

Lewis, R. L., Vasishth, S., and Van Dyke, J. A. (2006). Computational principles of working memory in sentence comprehension. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10:44-54. [ PDF ]

Nakayama, M., Vasishth, S., and Lewis, R. L. (2006). Difficulty of certain sentence constructions in comprehension. In Handbook of East Asian Psycholinguistics, volume 2. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England. [ PDF ]

Remington, R. W., Lewis, R. L., and Wu, S. (2006). Scheduling mental operations in a multiple-response sequence: Modeling the effects of a strategy to minimize variance in the timing of saccades. In Fum, D., Del Missier, F., and Stocco, A., editors, Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, pages 250-255. Edizioni Goliardiche, Trieste, Italy. [ PDF ]

Ritter, F. E., Haynes, S. R., Cohen, M., Howes, A., John, B., Best, B., Lebiere, C., Jones, R. M., Crossman, J., Lewis, R. L., St. Amant, R., McBride, S. P., Urbas, L., Leuchter, S., and Vera, A. (2006). High-level behavior representation languages revisited. In Fum, D., Del Missier, F., and Stocco, A., editors, Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM). Edizioni Goliardiche, Trieste, Italy.

Wu, S., Remington, R. W., and Lewis, R. L. (2006). Modeling the scheduling of eye movements in performing a sequence of discrete tasks. In Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society. [ PDF ]

Vasishth, S. and Lewis, R. L. (2006b). Symbolic models of human sentence processing. In Brown, K., editor, Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, 2nd edition, volume 5, pages 410-419. Elsevier. [ PDF ]

Vasishth, S. and Lewis, R. L. (2006a). Argument-head distance and processing complexity: Explaining both locality and anti-locality effects. Language, 82:767-794. [ PDF ]

Howes, A., Lewis, R. L., Vera, A., and Richardson, J. (2005). Information-requirements grammar: A theory of the structure of competence for interaction. In Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society, Stresa, Italy. [ PDF ]

Lewis, R. L. and Vasishth, S. (2005). An activation-based model of sentence processing as skilled memory retrieval. Cognitive Science, 29:375-419. [ PDF ]

Nakayama, M., Lee, S.-H., and Lewis, R. L. (2005). Difficulty of processing Japanese and Korean center-embedding constructions. In Minami, M., Kobayashi, H., Nakayama, M., and Sirai, H., editors, Studies in Language Sciences, volume 4, pages 99-118. Kurosio Publishers, Tokyo. [ PDF ]

Vasishth, S., Drenhaus, H., Saddy, D., and Lewis, R. L. (2005). Processing negative polarity. In Proceedings of the CUNY Sentence Processing Conference, University of Arizona. [ PDF ]

Tollinger, I., Lewis, R. L., McCurdy, M., Tollinger, P., Vera, A., Howes, A., and Pelton, L. (2005). Supporting efficient development of cognitive models at multiple skill levels: Exploring recent advances in constraint-based modeling. In Proceedings of the Computer-Human Interaction Conference, Portland, Ore. Best paper nomination: top 5 per cent of submissions.PDF ]

Vannest, J., Polk, T. A., and Lewis, R. L. (2005). Dual-route processing of complex words: new fMRI evidence from derivational suffixation. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 5:67-76. [ PDF ]

Vera, A. H., Howes, A., Lewis, R. L., Tollinger, I., Eng, K., and Richardson, J. (2005a). A constraint-based approach to understanding the composition of skill. In Proceedings of the Human-Computer Interaction 2005 Symposium,, Las Vegas.

Vera, A. H., Tollinger, I., Eng, K., Lewis, R. L., and Howes, A. (2005b). Architectural building blocks as the locus of adaptive behavior selection. In Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society, Stresa, Italy. [ PDF ]

Howes, A., Vera, A., Lewis, R. L., and McCurdy, M. (2004). Cognitive constraint modeling: A formal approach to supporting reasoning about behavior. In Proceedings of the Cognitive Science Society, Chicago. [ PDF ]

Lewis, R. L., Vera, A., and Howes, A. (2004). A constraint-based approach to understanding the composition of skill. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. [ PDF ]

Simen, P., Polk, T. A., Lewis, R. L., and Freedman, E. (2004). A computational account of latency impairments in problem solving by parkinson's patients. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Modeling. [ PDF ]

Vasishth, S. and Lewis, R. L. (2004). Modeling sentence processing in act-r. In Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Barcelona. [ PDF ]

Vera, A., Howes, A., McCurdy, M., and Lewis, R. L. (2004). A constraint-satisfaction approach to predicting skilled interactive cognition. In Proceedings of the Computer-Human Interaction Conferece CHI-2004, Vienna, Austria. [ PDF ]

Lewis, R. L. (2003). Computational psycholinguistics. In Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. Macmillon (Nature Publishing Group), London. [ PDF ]

Simen, P., Polk, T. A., and Lewis, R. L. (2003). Universal computation by networks of model cortical columns. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM). [ PDF ]

Van Dyke, J. A. and Lewis, R. L. (2003). Distinguishing effects of structure and decay on attachment and repair: A cue-based parsing account of recovery from misanalyzed ambiguities. Journal of Memory and Language, 49:285-316. [ PDF ]

Lewis, R. L. and Nakayama, M. (2002). Syntactic and positional similarity effects in the processing of japanese embeddings. In Nakayama, M., editor, Sentence Processing in East Asian Languages. CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA. [ PDF ]

Simen, P., Polk, T. A., Lewis, R. L., and Freedman, E. (2002a). Goal management in a recurrent neural network. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence, pages 566-569. [ PDF ]

Simen, P., Polk, T. A., Lewis, R. L., and Freedman, E. (2002b). A recurrent neural network model of goal management. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, pages 504-508. [ PDF ]

Lewis, R. L. (2001a). Cognitive theory, Soar. In International Encylopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, pages 2178-2183. Pergamon (Elsevier Science), Amsterdam. [ PDF ]

Lewis, R. L. (2001b). Falsifying serial and parallel parsing models: Empirical conundrums and an overlooked paradigm. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 29(2):241-248. [ PDF ]

Lewis, R. L. (2000). Specifying architectures for language processing: Process, control, and memory in parsing and interpretation. In Crocker, M. W., Pickering, M., and Clifton, Jr., C., editors, Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. [ PDF ]

Nakayama, M. and Lewis, R. L. (2000). Similarity interference and scrambling in Japanese. Korean Journal of Cognitive Science, 12:39-53. [ PDF ]

Lewis, R. L. (1999a). Accounting for the fine structure of syntactic working memory: Similarity-based interference as a unifying principle. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 22:105-106. [ PDF ]

Lewis, R. L. (1999b). Cognitive modeling, symbolic. In Wilson, R. A. and Keil, F. C., editors, The MIT Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA. [ PDF ]

Young, R. and Lewis, R. (1999). The Soar cognitive architecture and human working memory. In Miyake, A. and Shah, P., editors, Models of Working Memory: Mechanisms of Active Maintenance and Executive Control. Cambridge University Press, New York. [ PDF ]

Lehman, J. F., Newell, A., and Lewis, R. L. (1998). Architectural influences on language comprehension. In Pylyshyn, Z. W., editor, Constraining Cognitive Theorie: Issues and Options. Ablex Press, Norwood, NJ.

Lewis, R. L. (1998). Leaping off the garden path: Reanalysis and limited repair parsing. In Fodor, J. and Ferreira, F., editors, Reanalysis in Sentence Processing, pages 247-285. Kluwer Academic, Boston. [ PDF ]

Lewis, R. L. (1996a). Architecture matters: What Soar has to say about modularity. In Steier, D. and Mitchell, T., editors, Mind Matters: Contributions to Cognitive and Computer Science in Honor of Allen Newell. Erlbaum, Hillsdale, NJ. [ PDF ]

Lewis, R. L. (1996b). Interference in short-term memory: The magical number two (or three) in sentence processing. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 25(1):93-115. [ PDF ]

Vera, A. H. and Lewis, R. L. (1996). Dissociating performance from learning: An empirical evaluation of a computational model. In Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.

Lewis, R. L. (1994). Task specification language, or theory of human memory? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 17(4):67-75.

Lewis, R. L. and Vera, A. H. (1994). Non-declarative learning in an interactive task. In CHI '94 Research Symposium.

Lewis, R. L. (1993b). An architecturally-based theory of sentence comprehension. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pages 108-113. [ PDF ]

Lewis, R. L. (1993a). An Architecturally-based theory of Human Sentence Comprehension. PhD thesis, Carnegie Mellon University. [ PDF ]

Steier, D. M., Lewis, R. L., Lehman, J. F., and Zacherl, A. L. (1993). Combining multiple sources of knowledge in an integrated intelligent system. IEEE Expert, 8(3):3-4. [ PDF ]

Vera, A. H., Lewis, R. L., and Lerch, F. J. (1993). Situated decision-making and recognition-based learning: Applying symbolic theories to interactive tasks. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. [ PDF ]

Lewis, R. L. (1992). Recent developments in the NL-Soar garden path theory. Technical Report CMU-CS-92-14, School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University. [ PDF ]

Lehman, J. F., Lewis, R. L., and Newell, A. (1991). Integrating knowledge sources in language comprehension. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pages 46-66. Also in P. S. Rosenbloom, J. E. Laird, and A. Newell, eds., The Soar Papers: Research on Integrated Intelligence, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1993. [ PDF ]

Lewis, R. L., Huffman, S. B., John, B. E., Laird, J. E., Lehman, J. F., Newell, A., Rosenbloom, P. S., Simon, T., and Tessler, S. G. (1990). Soar as a unified theory of cognition: Spring 1990. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pages 103-042. Also in P. S. Rosenbloom, J. E. Laird, and A. Newell, eds., The Soar Papers: Research on Integrated Intelligence, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1993. [ PDF ]

Lewis, R. L., Newell, A., and Polk, T. A. (1989). Toward a Soar theory of taking instructions for immediate reasoning tasks. In Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pages 514-521. Also in P. S. Rosenbloom, J. E. Laird, and A. Newell, eds., The Soar Papers: Research on Integrated Intelligence, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1993. [ PDF ]

Polk, T. A., Newell, A., and Lewis, R. L. (1989). Toward a unified theory of immediate reasoning in Soar. In Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, pages 50-13. Also in P. S. Rosenbloom, J. E. Laird, and A. Newell, eds., The Soar Papers: Research on Integrated Intelligence, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1993.

Moshell, J. M., Hughes, C. E., Lacy, L. W., Lewis, R. L., and Blower, D. (1988). Action graphics: An interactive spreadsheet-based animation system for simulation and training. In Clymer, B. and Amico, V., editors, Proceedings of the Simulators V Conference, volume 19, pages 47-78. The Society for Computer Simulation International.

Lewis, R. L. R. L., Hughes, C. E., Lacy, L. W., and Moshell, J. M. (1987). CFCL: Central Florida Common Lisp Object System. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, The University of Central Florida.

Moshell, J. M., Hughes, C. E., Lacy, L. W., Lewis, R. L., and Blower, D. (1987b). A spreadsheet-based visual language for freehand sketching of complex motions. In Proceedings of the 1987 Workshop on Visual Languages.

Moshell, J. M., Hughes, C. E., Lacy, L. W., Lewis, R. L., and Blower, D. (1987a). An educational animation system based on class inheritance. In Proceedings of the Conference of the National Computer Graphics Association, pages 59-62.

Moshell, J. M. and Lewis, R. L. (1986). The Action Graphics freehand animation system. Technical report, Department of Computer Science, The University of Central Florida.

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