Methods: Twenty-five subjects with five probing depths (PD) measuring 5-9mm with bleeding on probing (BOP) participated. Each site was randomly assigned to one of the following: (1) SRP only; (2) papillae reflection/SRP/flap closure; (3) laser-curettage(Odyssey Navigator)/SRP; (4) laser-curettage/SRP/laser-disinfection/sealing; and (5) no treatment (control). Using a custom-fabricated vacuform stent, a single examiner measured PD and clinical crown length (CCL). Sites were re-examined at 3 and 6 months. Supportive periodontal therapy was provided at 3 months. Patients followed their usual oral hygiene regimens. Repeated measure ANOVA and student t-test were used for analysis.
Results: All treatments resulted in reduction of PD (average=1.74mm) and BOP (100% at baseline/30% at 3 months/31% at 6 months). The greatest decrease in average PD was at 3 months with Groups 4 and 2. However, the differences were not significant (p>0.05) between the treatment groups (table). CCL did not significantly differ among the therapies. However, Group 2 showed the greatest increase (1.05mm/3 months) (p<0.05) from the control (0.15mm/3 months), while the others showed an average increase of 0.39mm at 3 months.
(1) SRP only |
(2) PR/SRP/FC |
(3) L/SRP |
(4) L/SRP/L/S |
Control |
3 months |
1.59 |
1.79 |
1.68 |
1.91 |
0.89 |
6 months |
1.57 |
1.57 |
1.72 |
1.62 |
0.84 |
Conclusion: Groups 3 and 4 did not signficantly differ from Groups 1 or 2 in decreasing PD/BOP. Although there were no significant differences in CCL between therapies, group 2 showed the greatest increase (largest amount of recession). Groups 1 and 3 healed with minor recession and mostly by soft tissue repair or a long junctional epithelial attachment. If there is an esthetic concern, the laser curettage would be preferable.
Keywords: Clinical trials, Lasers, Periodontal disease and Periodontics
See more of: Periodontal Research - Therapy