Methods: The convergence angles of 70 tooth preparations for complete crowns were evaluated. These comprised a random sample of upper left second premolar teeth prepared by fifth year dental students on dentoform under preclinical exam conditions. Two senior faculty members evaluated the bucco-lingual (BL) and mesio-distal (MD) convergence angles of each preparation. To determine consistency among raters an interrater reliability analysis was performed using the Kappa statistics.
Results: The lowest MD convergence angle evaluation was (13.9+7.9) degrees and the lowest BL evaluation was (10.1+5.5) degrees. The interrater reliability was found to be Kappa = -.047 (p<.0001) for MD and Kappa = .040 (p<.0001) for BL between the evaluators
Conclusions: There was a substantial disparity between the convergent angles evaluated in this study and the ideal configurations recommended in Fixed Prosthodontics textbooks and the dental literature. The student grades were moderately related to the evaluated convergence angles. Interrater reliability showed poor agreement between the two eveluators
Keywords: Evaluation, Prosthodontics, Reliability and Teeth
See more of: Education Research