UP504 • Final Project

last updated: Wednesday, April 4, 2007

STUDENT PROJECTS: PROPOSALS AND RESULTS [links to be added later in the semester]

Assignment Five

due in stages: Feb 21, Mar 21, Apr 11, Apr 20

Useful Assignment Advice


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The object of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to combine several of the skills from this course to develop and answer a research question of your choice. You are to work in teams of two students. (Note: in group projects, you are to turn in a single, integrated write-up. All group members receive the same grade.)

The project consists of four steps:

  STEPS Format Due Date
(90 total)
5a Draft Outline of Proposed Research Project paper Feb 21
5b Final Outline of Proposed Research Project web (html file on your ifs space) Mar 21 [new date]
  Work Session [in class discussion] Apr 2
5c "Virtual Poster" of Initial Results (to be presented Apr 11, 16) web (html files with .gif images on your ifs space) Apr 11
5d Written Version paper Apr 23 (9:00 am) [new date]


STEP ONE: A one page outline of your proposed project (DRAFT VERSION) -- due Feb 21

Format:  paper

Briefly outline your

Do emphasize methodology -- how you will actually do the project.

[start early so you can discover whether the data is available]


STEP TWO: A one page outline of your proposed project (FINAL VERSION) -- due Mar 21 (new date)

Format:  web page.
web address to use:  www-personal.umich.edu/~youruniquename/up504/assign5/proposal.html [corrected]

see example of a prototypical research proposal outline

For guidelines and tutorials for web page creation, see this page of web page design advice and the linked resources.


In-Class Work Session: April 2

On Monday we have a "Work Session" for your final projects. This is an opportunity to articulate your project goals and challenges, get advice from others, and discuss common challenges and solutions.

For Monday, each project should come ready to answer these questions:
1. What is your research question (RQ)?
2. What you expect to find (i.e., a concise hypothesis linked to the RQ)?
3. What major methodological problem have you encountered?
4. What you have done so far to address these problems (change data set; alter unit of analysis; change method; etc.)
5. Is there a good fit between your RQ, your data and your methodology? (the 3 points of a good proposal).

Do read the proposals of your fellow students. Articulate a typology of different types of research questions and methodologies.

for some guidance on proposals, see:
Locke, Lawrence F. Waneen W. (Wyrick) Spirduso, Stephen J. Silverman "The Function of the Proposal," in Proposals that Work. 4th edition, Sage, 1999,2000, pp. 3-24. [electronic reserves]


STEP THREE: "Virtual poster": a web-based presentation of your initial results (due April 11)

We will present preliminary results in class on April 11 and 16.  This will be a chance to get feedback about your project's methodology, data, and interpretations -- both during the presentation and outside class time. This web page can be short, including a modest amount of text (e.g., a few key findings in bullet-point format), and one or more visuals (table, graph, and/or map). Be creative, brief, visual -- you might view this project as a "virtual poster." We will provide an example of a web page soon.

Format:   web
web address to use:  www-personal.umich.edu/~youruniquename/up504/assign5/results.html

(you should also link your proposal page and your results page)


>>> see a few examples from a previous year:  
The Success of New York City Public Transport: a Comparative study with other major cities in the United States Siu Kee Chan
Public Health in the United States: Environmental Conditions, Transportation Options, Health Insurance Coverage Rebecca Alter, Deirdre Hennebury


STEP Four: Final Project -- due Monday, April 23 (9:00 am) [new date]

Format:    paper 
optional:  you may, in addition, also update your web page to include your final project, but this is not necessary)


Required Elements of Project (in full-sentence narrative where appropriate)

An Example:

Develop a research question: "Do carpool lane programs significantly reduce traffic congestion in cities that use them?" Set this question in its context. Describe your methodology. Explain your measures and how they relate to your larger concepts. Gather data. Input into Excel and/or SPSS. Run some basic charts and statistical analysis (e.g., regression). Do any necessary tests of significance. Write up results.

A few other questions: What is the relationship between housing prices and K-12 school performance? Do enterprise zones raise the level of local economic development? Do higher gas prices lead to less automobile use? Are we, in fact, a more globalized economy than we were 20 years ago? What are the determinants of whether a person will buy or rent a home? What explains the larger increase in a metropolitan area's built land coverage in the 1990s than in its population growth? Do cities with high percentages of immigrants have higher or lower levels of unemployment? Do World Bank investments favor democratic or non-democratic countries? What are the key determinants of housing costs in Ann Arbor? Is there a gender or racial pay gap among urban planners? etc.

Assignment Advice