
Assignment 5 - Final Project

UP504 (Campbell)
Winter 2007
University of Michigan

last updated:  Thursday, April 26, 2007 5:41 PM

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Items to be posted on the web:
by March 21: a brief outline of the research proposal. see example.
by April 11: initial results of the research project (such as a few key conclusions and a table, graph and/or map).
You can test the link by creating a draft version of your file and uploading it to your html directory in your ifs space. You can always modify or replace this file.

For presentations, please plan for a quick 4-5 minute formal presentation of your virtual poster, and a few short minutes for questions. Given the quick timing, present only the most important and/or compelling aspects of your project. One or two good visuals (e.g., chart, table, thematic map, etc.) will be more effective than a quick race through a long list of text and data. Regardless of your date of presentation, be sure that your web site works fine BEFORE the start of class, Wednesday, April 11. Please come to class ON-TIME by 10:00 a.m. each day so that each group has a full audience. Students are encouraged to view other project web sites beforehand and offer constructive comments to the other groups both in and outside of class. See also this web page on for advice on writing up your assignment.


proposal url: www-personal.umich.edu/~youruniquename/up504/assign5/proposal.html
results url: www-personal.umich.edu/~youruniquename/up504/assign5/results.html
if your url does not work, please correct ASAP:

Presentation schedule: we need to stick precisely to the start times (including the 10:10 sharp start) to insure that all groups are able to present within class time. Time allocation for each group ranges between 6 and 10 minutes (time = 4 minutes + 2 minutes per group member)


Group Members

Project Outline (March 21)


Results (Apr 11)

Presentation time
Presentation date: Wednesday, April 11
Beth Rothman, Michelle Elder Influence of Public Education on the Economic Development + Stability of American Communities results
Danielle Bober, Mary Tangredi Population Size and Personal Health results
Sarah Elizabeth Ross, Aaron Batsakis Examining Population & Crime Rates: Does Weather Influence Crime Type? results alt
Will Brodnax, Jon VanDerZee The Effects of Density, Percent Urban Population, and Wealth on the National Ecological Footprint results
Stephanie Bailey, Tyler Kinley, Rebecca Mark Predicting Successful Local Economic Recovery after Major Manufacturing Plant Closings results
Ross Davidson, Carolyn Pivirotto, Syeda Hussain Urbanization and Farmland Loss results
Monica Guerra, Erin Schumacher, Mark Hansford

Crime Rates And their Effect on Walkable Communities

Jeff Storrar, Tobias Wacker U of M Masters of Urban Planning Student’s Program Satisfaction results  alt
Tim Parham, Ben Stupka Are DDAs Being Used In Areas without Downtowns? results
11:20 (end 11:28)
Presentation date: Monday, April 16
Nicole Eisenmann, Vicki Kalkirtz Comparison of elevated lead levels among children and juvenile crime rates in six industrial cities results
Chris Girdwood The amount of money received by Iraqi Contractors in Iraqi Reconstruction results
James McMurray, Seong Yun Cho, Eric Beckett The Effect of Light Rail Transit Stations on Surrounding Land Rents over Time results
Erin Thoresen, Melon Wedick Cultural Amenities as Indicators of City Preference results
Bonnie Wessler, Greg Hoogland Economic indicators as environmental policy predictors results
Lisa Morris, Rachel Wells What makes a neighborhood safe to grow up in? A comparative analysis of youth mortality in Chicago neighborhoods results
Andrew Walton The growth of basketball power regions results
Kimiko Doherty, Kris Hammerberg Trends of Local Reinvestment and Reconstruction in Detroit results
Khalilah Burt, Sarah Powers Rural Health Disparities: More than Just Location, Location, Location results  alt
Jason Anthony Plummer Do AmeriCorps and City Year Programs Affect Per Capita Income? results
Nicole Lewis A comparative look at formal water conflict in Oregon’s major river basins results
11:26 (end 11:32)