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Featured Athlete: Sarrie Rubin


"You only live once. You’re only in college for four years. You can sleep when you die."
    - anonymous
Nickname(s):   Sar, Sarrieberry, Emmeril
Birthday, Sign:   5/21/85, Gemini
Hometown:   Sudbury, MA
Prior Gym:   Brestyan’s American Gymnastics Club
Parents:   Paul and Juel Rubin
Siblings:   brother- Ryan
Pets:   none
Major:   Undecided, but something with psychology
Hobbies:   Hanging out with friends, singing and listening to music, shopping



Q & A - About Gymnastics and U-M

Why do you like doing gymnastics?   I’ve been doing gymnastics since I was three and it has become a part of my identity that I could not live without.
What is your favorite event or routine? Why?   A tie between floor and bars because I love to tumble, and I also love doing release moves off of the bars
What attracted you to the University of Michigan?   #1 attraction was the team, tied for #2 attraction was the Michigan pride and the great academic opportunities
What has been your most memorable gymnastics moment at Michigan?   Big Tens - everyone was on that night! (the dance parties that we had in the locker room definitely helped the team’s morale!)
What has been your biggest challenge/obstacle in gym or college (or both)? How did your overcome this challenge?   During spring term my freshman year I had surgery on my shoulder and my foot within less than a week. I had to miss a lot of class and make up all of my work in three days while on medication. It was very challenging, but I made it through!
What has been your most embarrassing moment in the gym (ever)?   One of the most embarrassing moments here at Michigan was when I had an eye infection and was forced to wear my thick glasses taped around my head. Scott called me Bernice the whole time because I reminded him of a girl that went to his high school.
What goes through your head immediately before a routine?   Stay calm and relaxed, you have done this a million times in practice, go hard and do not hold back!
What advice would you share with up-and-coming Michigan gymnasts?   Do NOT worry about feeling alone because you have a whole entire family (the team) from the moment you get here!
What is your favorite part of the gym meets?   Watching my teammates and cheering for them as loudly as possible, especially when they nail a routine!
Other than Michigan, where is your favorite place to compete and why?   No other place matches Michigan! Although, the UCLA campus was very nice and it was right near the beach…

Some of my Favorites include...

  Michael Jordan
ice cream:
  Ben and Jerry’s Phish Food, and any creation from Cold Stone
  Family Guy, The Simpsons  
A2 hang out:
  State Street or South University
  The Da Vinci Code  
place to shop:
  Bebe, Guess, Newbury Street in Boston
board game:
  Candy Land and Shoots and Ladders  
  Genetics, Psychology
place to study:
  In my house, outside while laying out

Q & A - About You Personally

What is something that people would be surprised to know about you?
I can make a chucky doll face that scares everybody!

How would your teammates describe you?
Silly, smart, fun, and really short.

Who is one of your role models and why?
My older brother because he is always easy going and gives me great advice (even when I don’t follow it all of the time).

What do you want to be when you grow up?
As of now, I want to be a genetic counselor. Eventually I want to get married, have a family, and be able to retire early .

Besides gymnastics, what is one thing that you do well?
Singing in the shower and talking on the phone—oops that’s two things.

If you were given $431,718 how would you spend it?
I would fly all my best friends out on a vacation around the world and buy lots of clothes. I would also donate a chunk of the money to breast cancer research. I would also use it to pay off my friend Elaine Griffin’s phone bill because I call her a lot.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
Travel through time.

What’s the best way to show your Michigan spirit?
Paint your face maize and blue and cheer as loud as you can!

Since beginning college one thing I’ve learned is that…
I have to do my own laundry and my phone bill has skyrocketed.

Some Random Facts!

my dream car:
   A pimped out jaguar convertible
I relax after a big meet by:
  Celebrating with my teammates, which usually involves some type of really good desserts
last concert I attended:
a poster hanging on my wall:
  A bunch of collages of my friends
I can't live without:
  Ice cream and eclipse gum  
best way to procrastinate:
  Telling everybody you know how much homework you have to do and how you do not want to do it
I acquire/download music via:
  My friends who are willing to make me cds  
pair of footwear I can't live without:
  Chunky black sandals—they make me tall(er)!
my pet peeve is:
  When people open my eclipse gum from the wrong side that is not yet opened        


Take Your Pick!

Coke or Pepsi:
Cats or Dogs:
  DOGS!! (I hate cats)
Theater or DVD:
N’SYNC or Backstreet:
  Neither—old news
Macs or PCs:
Cook or Takeout:
PlayStation or Xbox:
Studs or Loops:
  Don’t have earrings
Noisy or Quiet:
  Depends on situation  
Cowbell or Wave:
Big 10 Burrito or
Jimmy Johns:
  Big 10 Burrito, but w/o the salsa!  
Jessica or Ashley (Simpson):
Bagels or Donuts:
Sun or Snow:
Bed Early or Up Late:
  Up late  
MTV or Vh1:
Indoors or Outdoors:
Big House or Yost:
  Big House
Take on the Town or Cuddle on the Couch:
(High-Risk) Stocks or (Low-Yield) Bonds:




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