VAR CF0013 POST DATA PRESENT COLUMNS 81 - 81 NUMERIC NO MISSING DATA CODES POST-ELECTION INTERVIEW DATA PRESENT ------------------------------------------------------------------- Note that in 1956 NO cases without post-election reinterviews were included in the final dataset and that in 1948 all cases in the release datafile were interviewed in the post (some 1948 cases were not interviewed in the pre, however). The following list identifies presidential-year variables which were pre or post in the original datasets [var numbering not necessarily continuous, and some vars listed below as 'pre' may be processing vars which refer to the post election wave as well, and/or some vars listed below as 'post' may be contextual, derived, or vote validation vars which refer to pre-only cases as well]: Year Pre Vars Post Vars 1948 V480038-V480050 V480001-V480037 1952 V520001-V520167 V520168-V520237 1956 V560001-V560191 V560192-V560298 1960 V600001-V600189 V600190-V600274 1964 V640001-V640272 V640273-V640466 1968 V680001-V680269 V680270-V680536 1972 V720001-V720437 V720438-V7201070 1976 V763001-V763523 V763524-V763952 1980 V800001-V800737 V800738-V801196 1984 V840001-V840721 V840722-V841141 1988 V880001-V880563 V880564-V881301 1992 V923001-V924237 V925001-V926315,V927000,V927001 1996 V960001-V960862 V960900-V961513 In 1968, 9 cases which were no-post had some information about voting behavior noted on their coversheets: although defined as "no-post," these cases were nonetheless represented in (post) vote variables in the original dataset, and such coversheet-derived vote information has also been included in Cumulative Data File voting variables where appropriate. 1. POST-ELECTION INTERVIEW DATA PRESENT 0. NO POST-ELECTION INTERVIEW DATA 1952: 520003 1960: 600016 ( 1964: 640276 1968: 680005 1972: 720438 1976: 763004 1980: 800003 1984: 840061 1988: 880048 1992: 923010 1996: 960010 * Note that the 1954 study was a minor study conducted in October of 1954 and has been the only non-presidential year study conducted with pre-election interviews. However, 1954 is coded 1 together with other non-presidential years in VCF0013. The 1954 study was comprised of only 27 variables and is represented in the Cumulative Data File in the following vars only: VCF0104-VCF0106, VCF0110, VCF0112-VCF0114, VCF0127, VCF0128, VCF0140, VCF0301-VCF0305, VCF0701, VCF9027. ==============================