VAR CF0014 PRE DATA PRESENT COLUMNS 82 - 82 NUMERIC NO MISSING DATA CODES PRE-ELECTION INTERVIEW DATA PRESENT ------------------------------------------------------------------- SEE VCF0013 FOR LISTING OF PRE AND POST VARS IN ORIGINAL STUDIES. In 3 presidential-year studies, 1948, 1952 and 1960, a post- election interview was obtained but the pre-election interview was not. In non-presidential years, NES conducts a post-election interview only, and all non-presidential years have been coded 0.* Note that in 1956 ALL cases included in the final data were interviewed in both the pre and the post. In 1948, 1 case code 9 NA was examined and identified as post-only; this case has been coded 1. The number of cases given below for code 1 in 1960 is weighted. 1. PRE-ELECTION INTERVIEW DATA PRESENT 0. NO PRE-ELECTION INTERVIEW DATA PRESENT 1948: 480009 1952: 820003 1960: 600016 * Note that the 1954 study was a minor study conducted in October of 1954 and has been the only non-presidential year study conducted with pre-election interviews. The 1954 study was comprised of only 27 variables and is represented in the Cumulative Data File in the following vars only: VCF0104-VCF0106, VCF0110, VCF0112-VCF0114, VCF0127, VCF0128, VCF0140, VCF0301-VCF0305, VCF0701, VCF9027. ==============================