VAR CF0101 RESPONDENT AGE COLUMNS 87 - 88 NUMERIC MD EQ 0 1964-1976: What is your date of birth? 1978-1982: What is the month and year of your birth? 1984-later: What is the month, day and year of your birth? RESPONDENT'S AGE IN YEARS ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. Except for 1968, in years of presidential elections this variable was a pre-election var. (In 1984, month, year of birth and age were present in both the pre and post. The pre version is represented here.) Beginning in 1964, the age variables in the original NES datasets were created by computing R's age from his/her given date of birth (beginning in 1988, when birthdate was not available, age as given for household listing by R/informant was used instead). The age calculation used in these original NES datasets determined age at date of interview in 1966, 1968, 1970, 1972 and 1980-1994; it represented age on November 1 of the year of interview in 1976 and 1978. In 1974, age on election day of the year of interview was calculated. For 1964, no documentation is extant describing exact calculation made. Prior to 1964, instead of age calculated using R's birthdate, age as given by R/informant (this information may have come from the coversheet) was represented in the original age variables which have been incorporated here. The 1948 and 1954 age vars were in the form of age groups and could not be included in VCF0101 (see VCF0102). Personal data forms were completed for no-pre cases in 1960: data from these forms were incorporated into the (pre) age var listed here for 1960. In 1992, birthdate was not asked in short-form interviews: for 'panel' short-form cases, 2 years were added to the age (if determined) that appeared in the 1990 study; for short-form 'new' cross-section cases, age was pulled from the coversheet. 17-96. Age as coded (1992: 91 is 91 or older) 97. 97 years old (1952, 1974, 1996 and later: or older) 98. 98 years old (1958-1962, 1966, 1968: or older) 99. 99 years old (1976-1990,1994: or older) 00. NA; DK; RF; INAP, no pre IW (1952); question not used (1948,1954) 1952: 520142 1956: 560295 1958: 580174 1960: 600122 1962: 620009 1964: 640187 1966: 660192 1968: 680533 1970: 700398(type 0) 1972: 720294 1974: 742406 1976: 763369 1978: 780504 1980: 800408 1982: 820535 1984: 840429 1986: 860595 1988: 880417 1990: 900552 1992: 923903 1994: 941203 1996: 960605 1998: 980572 ==============================