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VAR CF0017    MODE PERSONAL/TELEPH                                            
              COLUMNS 86   - 86                                               
              MD EQ 0

        MODE OF INTERVIEW:  PERSONAL OR TELEPHONE                             
        In 1992, a shorter questionnaire was designed for telephone           
        interviewing only, where telephone administration was intended for    
        selected panel cases; all long-form questionnaires were designed to be
        administered in person.  However, due to interviewer misunderstanding,
        125 Pre interviews and 284 Post interviews -- including both "panel"  
        and new "cross-section" respondents --were administered over the      
        telephone using long-form questionnaires.  Mode of interview here thus
        cannot be identified with short or long questionnaire                 
        (VCF015a,VCF015b).  [Note: additionally, in 1 pre case a panel        
        short-form interview was conducted in person.]                        
        For years prior to 1992 (except the 1984 post), interviews have been  
        conducted in personal mode with such few exceptions that the very few 
        cases administered by telephone or partially by telephone were not    
        documented.  Since 1992, all telephone cases have been documented.    
        In 1984 and 1996, roughly half of the post-election interviews were   
        conducted by telephone.                                               
        For 1998, this is the beginning mode of the interview; in some cases, 
        the interview may have been suspended and completed in a different    
        The Ns below are unweighted.                                          
        1984:  840004                                                         
               1.  Personal Pre, personal Post (978 CASES)                    
               4.  Personal Pre, telephone post (1011 CASES)                  
        1992:  923031,925003                                                  
            Personal Only:                                                    
               1.  Personal pre and post (1733 CASES) or                      
                   Personal pre, no post (189 CASES)                          
            Telephone Only:                                                   
               2.  TELEPHONE PRE -- TELEPHONE POST (187 CASES) or             
                   TELEPHONE PRE -- no post (41 CASES)                        
            Personal and Telephone:                                           
               3.  TELEPHONE PRE -- personal post (48 CASES)                  
               4.  Personal pre  -- TELEPHONE POST (287 CASES)                
        1994:  940045                                                         
               1.  Personal (1759 CASES)                                      
               4.  Telephone (36 CASES)                                       
        1996:  960031A                                                        
            Personal Only:                                                    
               1.  Personal pre and post (777 CASES) or                       
                   Personal pre, no post (171 CASES)                          
            Telephone Only:                                                   
               2.  TELEPHONE PRE -- TELEPHONE POST (56 CASES) or              
                   TELEPHONE PRE -- no post (9 CASES)                         
            Personal and Telephone:                                           
               3.  TELEPHONE PRE -- personal post (0 CASES)                   
               4.  Personal pre  -- TELEPHONE POST (701 CASES)                
        1998:  980024                                                         
               1.  Personal (290 CASES)                                       
               4.  Telephone (991 CASES)                                      
            all other years:                                                  
               0.  Not applicable to this study                               

Walter Mebane
Mon Nov 12 02:55:58 EST 2001