VAR CF0715 R STATE/LOCAL VOTE PATTERN (1) COLUMNS 483 - 483 NUMERIC MD EQ 0 How about the elections for other state and local offices, did you vote a straight ticket or did you vote for candidates from different parties. (IF STRAIGHT TICKET:) Which party?/ (IF SPLIT TICKET:) How did you split it? ------------------------------------------------------------------- USE WEIGHT VARIABLE VCF0009/VCF0009A/VCF0009B. In 1962, "split ticket, mostly 'other' party" was combined within a single category with "split ticket, NA how split." Because of the very small number of cases voting mostly or entirely for a 3rd/minor party, this combination category was recoded to 3. In 1958, if R voted Democratic or Republican with only 1 exception, then s/he was coded as 'straight ticket.' 1. Straight ticket - Democratic 2. Split ticket - mostly Democratic 3. Split ticket - about half and half, NA how split 4. Split ticket - mostly Republican 5. Straight ticket - Republican 0. DK; NA; R did not vote; DK, NA if voted; refused to say if voted; refused to say who voted for; INAP, form III or IV (1972); no post IW (presidential years exc.1956); didn't vote (or DK/NA if voted) in state and local elections; no partisan state or local elections; voted straight ticket, NA which party; voted straight ticket, 'other' party; voted split ticket, mostly 'other' party; Washington D.C (non- presidential years); question not used 1952: 189 1956: 214 1958: 88 1960: 213 1962: 48 1964: 292 1966: 113 1968: 328 1970: 220,221(type 0) 1972: 492 1974: 2332 1980: 1008-1010 1982: 516-518 1984: 799-801 ==============================