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Party 2 - 1998

Little is known about this party. The list of party attendees and pictures of their creations have all been lost with just two exceptions.

Original Creations

Creator: Neil McNeight

The Exxon Valdeze
Please ignore the POLICE sign on the side. This boat is really an oil tanker with a tanked captain. If you could see the back of the boat you'd see the big Exxon sign, but this ain't no VMRL, so you'll just have to take my word on this one.

Click for front view
Creator: Allen

The Batmobile
This was based it off the original movie with the Keaton batman. Does it have machine guns, smoke screen, and mini bombs? No. It does have one big-ass jet turbine/rocket booster, so that must be worth something. One design flaw involves headroom. If Batman sits inside with his outfit on he's just a tiny bit too tall. Shutting the roof causes the floor to give out. Oh the price of heroism.

Party 1 * Party 2 * Party 3 * Party 4 * Party 5 * Party 6

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Last Update: 2/3/04
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