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Party 4 - Nov 21, 1999

Better pictures thanks to better digital camera technology.
Click on the tumbnails to see the full size picture.

LEGO maniacs: Susan Lyon, Emily Dresner, Eric Thornbur, Dan Winningham, Donald Adamek, and others?

Original Creations

Creator: Susan

Iglo complete with DUPLO penquin and polar bear.

Creator: Eric

Radio Controlled Car
Commandos ready to attack using a vast array of weaponry. Front mounted rifles, crossbows, and the skulls of their enemies.

Creator: Allen

Space Camper
This pile of space junk started out as a space ship, but ended up looking more like a camper. It isn't even self powered, and must be hooked up to your space pickup truck.

Creator: Dan

This ship is owned and pilotted by space cowboys. The back has room for 4 horses. It comes armed with 4 surplus gatling guns. They don't work in space, but they make the cowboys feel safe anyhow.

Creator: Donald

Space Hotrod
Donald almost wouldn't let me take a picture of this. Rest assured that he made a cooler merry-go-round later on (no picture).

Creator: ???

Space Rowboat.

Creator: ???

Windup Flier
It winds up and rolls, but never quite takes off.

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