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Party 6 - Jan 24, 2004

It had been 3 years since my last LEGO Party. This time I had a whole room dedicated to LEGO. No need to move my livingroom furniture for this party. I did, however lay down some colorful temporary flooring outside the LEGOroom just in case we had more guests than space. As it turned out, there was plenty of room for people to build in comfort.

LEGO maniacs: Laura Packard, David Pochay, Joe Van der Waard, Dan Winningham, Jason Boss, Jacquelene Steele, Jennifer Sobocinski, and Todd Sobocinski

The LEGOroom

Original Creations

Creator: Jacquelene

Red Dragon

Jacquelene has built variations of this model many time in her life. This dragon has been adorned with various embellishments. Several wing configurations were attempted, but in the end she decided to leave the dragon wingless.
Here's a front view of the dragon.

Creator: Allen

A snowman

I finally built a body for my snowman head. I built the head based on circles with an odd number of pegs diameter, and I doubted I had enough white 1 and 3 length bricks to build the other two snowballs, so I made them with even diameters. Here is a look at how I managed to center the odd head onto the even body. Then I hid the ugly connection with a nice scarf.

Creator: Dave

Army of Undead

Dave built himself an army of undead lead by a werewolf with a lightsaber. One vehical was neccessary to receive free car washes. The other is highly armored.
If for some reason one of the skeletons' arms falls off it's OK. The witchdoctor has a whole box of replacement arms.

Creator: Joe

Animal Army

The mortal enemy of Dave's Army of Undead is Joe's Animal Army. Here you see a rocket powered croc, a scorpian mobile with two scorpian snipers on the back, parrots with axes and swords, and a cannon croc.

Creator: Joe

Animal Assualt Plane

This airplane has 7 sniper scorpians and a monkey deployment claw that drops a monkey with two shotguns on unsuspecting victims.


Set #1255
Assembler: Dwinn

Shell Car Wash

They offered the army of undead free carwash vouchers, but the undead decapitated the Shell guy anyhow, and left his head as a warning to others. Now a stormtrooper stands guard to make sure there is no further trouble.

Set #6095
Assembler: Laura

Royal Joust

Doesn't the king look like Sean Connery?

Set #4727
Assembler: Laura

Aragog in the Dark Forest

I dig the new spider leg pieces. I gotta get more copies of this set.

Set #3739
Assemblers: Jenn and Todd

Blacksmith Shop

Life is too stressful for the blacksmith's wife. She's gonna jump off the chimney.
This is the only set designed by a LEGO fan. Check out how it looks on the inside.

Set #7146
Assembler: Dwinn

TIE Fighter

Set #6773
Assembler: Dwinn

Alpha Team Assault Copter

Shell now has absolute air superiority over the undead army.

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Last Update: 2/5/04
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