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Center for Motor Behavior & Pediatric Disabilities

Current Research

Infants capacity to select and remember complex leg movement patterns

Contact: Rosa Angulo-Barroso <>

We want to expand on the previous research, Modulation of Leg Coordination Patterns in Infants with and without a Disability, and look at the memory capacity of infants with and without DS between 2-6 months of age. The purpose of this study is to examine infants' memory capacity to remember complex leg movements. To gain the visual and auditory reinforcement from an overhead mobile, the infant must select and remember the successful leg movement. The same testing protocol used in the previous study will be followed in this study with the exception of the number of testing sessions. Following the first testing session, infants will be tested 2 more times in the same experimental task, each session separated 48 hours apart from each other. The questions to answer are: Can infants select and remember a complex leg movement pattern as a result of changes in the environment? What is the effect of practice on the quantity and quality of their movements?





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Center for Motor Behavior & Pediatric Disabilities
401 Washtenaw Ave
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2214
(734)936-2607, Fax (734)936-1925

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Copyright © 1999 The Regents of the University of Michigan
Created September 1, 1999