Melissa Duhaime's publications on Google Scholar

  1. Hannigan GD, Duhaime MB, Koutra D, Schloss PD. 2018. Biogeography and environmental conditions shape bacteriophage-bacteria networks across the human microbiome. PLoS Computational Biology. 14 (4), e1006099.   HTML

  2. Hannigan GD, Duhaime MB, Koutra D, Schloss PD. 2018. Biogeography and environmental conditions shape bacteriophage-bacteria networks across the human microbiome. PLoS Computational Biology. 14 (4), e1006099.   HTML

  3. Duhaime MB, Solonenko N, Roux S, Verberkmoes NC, Wichels A, Sullivan M. 2017. Comparative omics and trait analyses of marine Pseudoalteromonas phages advance the phage OTU concept. Frontiers in Microbiology   HTML

  4. Cable RN, Beletsky D, Beletsky R, Wigginton K, Locke BW, Duhaime MB. 2017. Distribution and Modeled Transport of Plastic Pollution in the Great Lakes, the World's Largest Freshwater Resource. Frontiers in Environmental Science   HTML

  5. Berry MA, Davis TW, Cory RM, Duhaime MB, Johengen TH, GW Kling, Marino J, Den Uyl PA, Gossiaux D, Dick G, Denef V. 2016. Cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms are a biological disturbance to western Lake Erie bacterial communities. Environmental Microbiology.   HTML

  6. Roux S, Brum JR, Dutilh BE, Sunagawa S, Duhaime MB, Loy A, Poulos BT, Solonenko N, Lara E, Poulain J, Pesant S, Kandels-Lewis S, Dimier C, Picheral M, Searson S, Cruaud C, Alberti A, Duarte CM, Gasol JM, Vaque D, Tara Oceans Coordinators, Bork P, Acinas SG, Wincker P, Sullivan MB. 2016. Ecogenomics and potential biogeochemical impacts of globally abundant ocean viruses. Nature.    HTML   view paper pdf  view SI pdf

  7. Oberbeckmann S, Osborn AM, Duhaime MB. 2016. Microbes on a bottle: Substrate, season and geography influence community composition of microbes colonizing marine plastic debris PLoS One doi: 10.1002/etc.2914   HTML

  8. Duhaime MB, Wichels A, Sullivan MB. 2016. Six Pseudoalteromonas strains isolated from surface waters of Kabeltonne, offshore Helgoland, North Sea. genomeA doi: 10.1128/genomeA.01697-15   HTML

  9. Hankett JH, Collin WR, Yang P, Chen Z, Duhaime MB. 2016. Low-volatility model demonstrates humidity affects environmental toxin deposition on plastics at a molecular level. Environmental Science & Technology 10.1021/acs.est.5b05598   HTML   view pdf

  10. Michielssen MR*, Michielssen ER*, Ni J*, Duhaime MB. 2015. Fate of microplastics and other small anthropogenic litter (SAL) in wastewater treatment plants depends on unit processes employed. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology doi: 10.1002/etc.2914   HTML   view pdf   
    * high school co-authors

  11. Voorhies AA, Eisenlord SD, Marcus DN, Duhaime MB, Cavalcoli JD, Dick GJ. 2016. Ecological and genetic interactions between cyanobacteria and viruses in a low-oxygen mat community inferred through metagenomics and metatranscriptomics. Environmental Microbiology doi:10.111/1462-2920.12756  HTML  view pdf

  12. Syberg K, Khan SR, Selck H, Palmqvist A, Banta G, Daley J, Sano L, Duhaime MB. 2015. Microplastics: Addressing Ecological Risk Through Lessons Learned. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry doi: 10.1002/etc.2914   HTML   view pdf

  13. Anantharaman K, Duhaime MB, Breier JA, Wendt K JB, Toner B, Dick G. (2014) Sulfur Oxidation Genes in Diverse Deep-Sea Viruses. Science vol. 344 no. 6185: 757-760.   HTML   view pdf
    Supplementary Material: text    virus genome annotations    protein sequences

  14. Allers E, Moraru C, Duhaime MB, Beneze E, Solonenko N, Canosa JB, Amann R, MB Sullivan. (2013) Single-cell and population level viral infection dynamics revealed by phageFISH, a method to visualize intracellular and free viruses. Environmental Microbiology doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.12100   HTML    view pdf

  15. Buttigieg PL, Hankeln W, Kostadinov I, Kottmann R, Yilmaz P, Duhaime MB, Gloeckner FO. Ecogenomic Perspectives on Domains of Unknown Function: Correlation-based Exploration of Marine Metagenomes. PLoS One.  8:e50869.  HTML view pdf  

  16. Duhaime MB and Sullivan MB. (2012). Ocean viruses: Rigorously evaluating the metagenomic sample-to-sequence pipeline. Virology 434:181-186    HTML   view pdf

  17. Duhaime MB, Deng L, Poulos BP, Sullivan MB. (2012) Linker amplification for quantitative metagenomics of wild viruses and other ultra-low concentration DNA samples. Environmental Microbiology doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2012.02791.x    HTML   view pdf

  18. Duhaime MB, Kottmann R, Field D, Gloeckner FO (2011) Enriching public descriptions of marine phages using the Genomic Standards Consortium MIGS standard. Standards in Genome Sciences 4(2): 271-285.   HTML   view pdf

  19. Duhaime MB, Wichels A, Waldmann J, Teeling H, Gloeckner FO (2010). Ecogenomics and Genome Landscapes of Marine Pseudoalteromonas Phage H105/1. ISME Journal 5: 107-121.  HTML   view pdf

  20. Kottmann R, Kostadinov I, Duhaime MB, Buttigieg P, Yilmaz P, Hankeln W, Gloeckner FO (2010) Integrated database resource for marine ecological genomics. Nucleic Acids Research. 38(Database issue): 391-395.   HTML   view pdf

  21. Duhaime MB, Alsheimer S, Angelova R, FitzPatrick I (2008) In defense of Max Planck. Science 320(5878): 872.   HTML   view pdf

  22. Richter M, Lombardot T, Kostadinov I, Kottmann R, Duhaime MB, Peplies J, Glockner FO (2008). JCoast - A biologist-centric software tool for data mining and comparison of prokaryotic (meta)genomes. BMC Bioinformatics 9:177.   HTML   view pdf

  23. Vrijenhoek RC, Duhaime M, Jones WJ (2007) Subtype variation among bacterial endosymbionts of tubeworms (Annelida: Siboglinidae) from the Gulf of California. Biological Bulletin 212(3): 180-184.    HTML   pdf