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Chapter 8: Multiple Reactions
- Define different types of selectively and yield.
- Choose the appropriate reactor and reaction system that would maximize the selectivity of the desired product given the rate laws for all the reactions occurring in the system.
- Describe the algorithm used to design reactors with multiple reactions.
- Apply the CRE algorithm to size reactors in order to maximize the selectivity and to determine the species concentrations in a batch reactor, a semibatch reactor, a CSTR, a PFR, and a PBR, in systems with multiple reactions.
Useful Links
Polymath, Python, Matlab and Wolfram code to help visualize and deeper understand certain concepts
LearnChemE Screencasts, Summary Notes, FAQs, and Interactive Computer Modules that provide for deeper understanding of important concepts
New Technical Material, Detailed Derivations and Web Modules with Novel Applications, along with expanded explanations and examples that didn't make it in the printed textbook, but are still worth exploring.
Material important to the practicing engineer that is not necessarily covered in all CRE courses.
Digital problems using Wolfram and Python as well as Matlab and Polymath
Interactive problems with solutions to provide extra practice of concepts
Interactive multiple choice questions to help access your understanding of the material