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Chapter 12: Steady-State Nonisothermal Reactor Design: Flow Reactors with Heat Exchange
- Describe the algorithm for BRs, CSTRs, PFRs, and PBRs that are not operated isothermally.
- Size nonadiabatic BRs, CSTRs, PFRs, and PBRs.
- Describe and compare the different traits for PFRs with the following different heat exchange taking place
- Adiabatic
- Constant ambient exchange temperature
- Co-current heat exchange
- Counter current heat exchange
- Carry out an analysis to determine the Multiple Steady States (MSS) in a CSTR along with the ignition and extinction temperatures.
- Analyze multiple reactions carried out in BRs, CSTRs, PFRs, and PBRs which are not operated isothermally in order to determine the concentrations and temperature as a function of position (PFR/PBR) and operating variables.
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