The Courts play an important part in this game, given that more than half of the characters have ties to them, in one form or another. They are basically an archaic, feudal patriarchy. House membership works as follows: if your parents are married, you belong to your father's house. If your parents are unmarried, you are a bastard and belong to your mother's house. If your parents ever do marry, then you become part of your father's house. Men do not change houses, except under these circumstances. Women become part of their husband's house when they marry. They have little in the way of rights, and are legally considered the property of their husbands. How this works in reality is another matter. Marriages in Chaos are generally for life, although the taking of lovers is not uncommon. Divorce is possible, but very rare. The circumstances under which a couple can divorce vary somewhat from house to house, although the most common reason is failure to produce an heir. In some Houses, having a child out of wedlock will cause you to be exiled from the house, depending on the rules set down by the Head of House. The position of Head of House usually passes to the eldest legitimate son of the current Head upon his death. Women usually cannot become Head of House, even if there are no sons, although under those circumstances, the position could pass to the husband of the eldest daughter, or the eldest son of the eldest daughter, depending on the house. Succession rules are set by the Head of House, and originally women could inherit in some houses. Recently, there have been a few cases of women assuming the position of Head of House, although it remains to be seen if they can hold the position. Supposedly, every Amberite has a "twin" in Chaos, except for those of mixed Amber/Chaos blood. This "twin" tends to be the exact opposite in personality of their Amber "twin."
Chaos went through several states of upheaval in a relatively short period of time, beginning with the death of King Swayvill during Cymnea's revolt. Cymnea was then overthrown by Gramble, with the help of Amber, who Cymnea was also fighting. Then Gramble and House Sawall survived a civil war started by Dara and her former house, Hendrake. Amber aided Gramble on this occasion as well, since once again, they had also been attacked by the forces opposing him.
The most recent upheaval was due to events stemming from the Serpent regaining its missing eye, and then the destruction of Ygg. The Serpent backed a group of insurgents led by a man called Zane, who managed to overthrow and kill King Gramble, and then proceeded to purge anyone with ties to Amber. Many Chaosites fled with Gramble's son Mandor to Amber to escape this purge, and later wound up settling in Middlecourt.
The destruction of Ygg by the Unseelie Court further isolated Chaos, separating it from Amber with an Abyssal Chasm that stretched across Shadow along the plane where Ygg used to be. This Chasm blocked Shadow travel, and prevented Pattern and Logrus from reaching across it, leaving Amber and Chaos free of the other realm's power. Since the only means of crossing the Chasm was to either pass through the realm of Faerie (a difficult task, since they closed their borders after the Chasm opened) or shift into a demonic form capable of withstanding the Abyssal energy within the Chasm (which meant surviving the denizens found therein), there was almost no contact between Amber and Chaos, save for a rescue mission that took place when the borders of Faerie were briefly opened, allowing the Amberites who had been trapped in Chaos when the Chasm opened to be retrieved. Cut off from the Pattern, these Amberites had spent 100 years fleeing from Zane and fighting to survive. Among them was Nicholas, who swore he would return someday and defeat Zane. Upon his return, Amber set about regrowing a new Ygg, from a cutting taken from the Ygg tree near Corwin's Pattern. Although only a few months passed in Amber while this was accomplished, 800 years passed in Chaos.
During this time, Chaos became more wild, in a return to the way it had been before the creation of the Pattern. The art of Demonology was revived, and interbreeding occurred between Chaosites, demons, and members of the Unseelie Court. The Abyssal power of the demons and the magic of the Unseelie faeries became quite common as a result. Zane managed to maintain his throne through all of this time by dealing with his opponents ruthlessly. Enemies who defied him openly often had to flee for their lives, or else they simply disappeared, never to be seen again. House Helgram was disbanded for opposing Zane one time too many, and many of its members were killed. Those who survived continued to fight against him, however, along with a woman known as the Slayer and her armies. These rebels were also secretly aided by Houses Sawall, Chanicut and Jesby. Arrayed against them on the side of Zane were Houses Borge, Dhur and Eireg, who actively worked to defeat the rebels and reveal those who aided them, while Houses Bances, Hendrake and Vetch worked for whoever could offer them the most. Only Houses Hondl and Toryt did their best to remain neutral, neither working against Zane nor aiding his supporters. House Gadlan, as ever, was simply used by all.
This uneasy balance existed throughout the 800 years of the Chasm's existence, with neither side ever managing to eliminate the other, until the Chasm mended and Nicholas, now King of Amber, returned, at the head of his armies. House Helgram immediately reformed to support Nicholas, and Sawall, Chanicut and Jesby gave him their support as well. Vetch and Toryt withdrew from the conflict altogether, while Bances, Borge, Dhur, Eireg, Hendrake and Hondl supported Zane. The fighting went on for years, before Amber began to get the upper hand. At this point, Zane's ally Miranda, along with Houses Bances, Hendrake and Hondl changed sides, throwing their support over to Nicholas and sealing Zane's fate. Borge, Dhur and Eireg, who supported Zane to the end, were soon decimated. Finally, Nicholas met Zane in single combat, and for a while it was uncertain as to who would win. Nicholas was the superior fighter, but Zane had better control of the Logrus, and used it frequently to his advantage. Then fate stepped in. Nicholas and Zane possessed between them the eyes of both the Serpent and Unicorn, who had been killed fighting each other shortly after Zane took the throne. When all four eyes came within close proximity of each other, they flew off of their bearers and fused together into a red, opaque stone, which became known as the Orb. Zane touched the Orb in an attempt to use it, and was immediately reduced to ash. The Orb did not harm Nicholas, however, since he was a direct descendant of both the Serpent and the Unicorn, and only one so descended could touch the Orb and live.
With Zane eliminated, the war came to an end. Nicholas declared himself Emperor of Chaos, with the Orb as the symbol of his office, and appointed Despil as his Steward King to rule in his absence. Things were peaceful for almost five years... Then the Orb was destroyed by Faerie, and Nicholas declared war on them in response. In the end, to avoid the bloodshed that seemed inevitable, Nicholas abdicated the Chaos throne to Despil, fought and lost a duel with Finndo, the Unseelie King, and was never seen again.
There were 17 houses originally in Chaos. Bartok, Ranc and Solm were allied with Hendrake in the civil war against Sawall, and were destroyed. One house is a mystery, and its name and fate are unknown. The 13 remaining houses are:
Known for their swordsmanship, they were allied with Sawall in the civil war. During Zane's regime, they took no sides in the struggle between Zane and the rebellion, preferring to work for whoever could offer them the most money and power. They initially continued in this vein when Nicholas returned to overthrow Zane, until it seemed likely that Nicholas would succeed, at which point they came out on his side shortly before the end of the war. Members of the House tend to have large dark eyes and straight dark hair, but there are always exceptions.
Symbol: | A sword dividing a vertical black and white field |
Colors: | Gray and silver |
Strengths: | Weapon crafting, strength, magic |
Weaknesses: | Trump |
Head: | Chameleon |
Lady: | unknown |
Heir: | unknown |
Chameleon Bances: Head of House Bances, brother of Flavia, Driscoll's "twin" in Chaos, he is 6'3" tall and weighs about 175 lbs., with black hair and green eyes. He attacked Laughter, then kidnapped Caitt and Beauty, locking them away in a fast-time Shadow where they aged five years in a matter of days. He ceased his attacks when he learned Laughter's identity, and, more importantly, her parentage, claiming he thought she was a Shadow. It has been suggested that he may have been attacking her under orders from Dara. Due to the fact that he later saved the lives of both Gramble and Mandor during the civil war, he was not killed for his actions.
Borge trades in information, and handles most of the seedy, illegal sorts of things, like gambling. Basically the Chaos version of the Mafia. They made the mistake of siding with Zane during his reign, actively working to seek and destroy his enemies. They were decimated when Nicholas' returned to Amber and successfully overthrew Zane.
Symbol: | A black crow perched on a gray field |
Colors: | Black and gray |
Strengths: | Intrigue, Logrus, magic |
Weaknesses: | Warfare |
Head: | Lucretia |
Lord: | none |
Heir: | unknown |
Fenar: Former Head of House Borge, ex-husband of Mirelle, father of Devlin. He was responsible for the auction in which Grayson was sold to House Eireg. He was deposed by Lucretia after Nicholas' invasion, and is currently rotting away in a dungeon somewhere. He is 6' tall and weighs about 170 lbs., with narrow gray-blue eyes and curly, black hair, which he wears loose.
Leto: Princess of Amber, sister of the Head of
House Dhur, ex-wife of
Eric, mother of Sebastian and Prospero. She is 5'9" tall and sleight of build,
with large gray eyes and shoulder-length black hair.
Lucretia Borge: Head of House Borge, Princess of Amber, former lover of Eric, widow of Delwin, mother of Alex and Teresa. She was originally exiled from House Borge for conceiving children out of wedlock with an Amberite, and dwelled in Amber for a time after her marriage to Delwin. After Nicholas' invasion of Chaos, she returned to Chaos and deposed Fenar, taking his place as Head of House. She is of medium height and slight build, with dark blue eyes and long silver hair, which she often wears in an elaborate braid on her head.
Prospero: Son of Eric and Leto, younger half brother of Ronan and Rénard, twin brother of Sebastian.
Sebastian: Son of Eric and Leto, younger half brother of Ronan and Rénard, twin brother of Prospero.
House Chanicut worked secretly with Houses Jesby and Sawall to undermine Zane, and supported Nicholas when he returned to overthrow Zane.
Symbol: | A red phoenix rising on a gold field |
Colors: | Red and gold |
Strengths: | Psyche, warfare, Trump, magic |
Weaknesses: | None |
Head: | unknown |
Lady: | unknown |
Heir: | unknown |
Cort (deceased): Count of Clere, he was killed
by Brand so that Brand could assume his
Allied with Hendrake in the civil war, they made the mistake of siding with Zane during his reign, actively working to seek and destroy his enemies. They were decimated when Nicholas' returned to Amber and successfully overthrew Zane.
Symbol: | A red bull rampant of a black field |
Colors: | Red and black |
Strengths: | Logrus, warfare, magic, strength |
Weaknesses: | Trump |
Head: | unknown |
Lady: | unknown |
Heir: | unknown |
Allied with Hendrake in the civil war, they made the mistake of siding with Zane during his reign, actively working to seek and destroy his enemies. They were decimated when Nicholas' returned to Amber and successfully overthrew Zane.
Symbol: | A blue griffin rampant on a silver field |
Colors: | Blue and silver |
Strengths: | Psyche, Trump, magic, endurance |
Weaknesses: | Strength, warfare |
Head: | unknown |
Lady: | unknown |
Heir: | unknown |
Eleanor (deceased): Married to
Hector, she finished bringing Grayson to term and raised him as her son.
She was also the only person in the house who actually loved him. Upon
learning of Grayson's escape to Amber, Hector choked her to death. She
was formerly of House Helgram.
Hector (deceased): Widower of Eleanor, he is the man who actually bought Grayson for House Eireg. Disappointed with
how his purchase was turning out, he often beat Grayson with the Logrus,
trying unsuccessfully to make him into the tool House Eireg required.
When Grayson escaped to Amber, Hector was so furious that he killed his
own wife, whom he held responsible. He was killed during Nicholas' invasion of Chaos.
Rhys (deceased): Trump artist
who worked with Dara, he contacted several
Amberites and programmed then to act as Dara's unwitting spies. When this
programming was discovered, one of his victims,
Ariana, was counterprogrammed to Trump Rhys with a spy report, then
attempt to kill him. She was successful, slitting his throat with a Takaran blade.
In Gramble's time, this was the servant house, and most of the houses used them for one purpose or another. Under Zane, the house also came to contain wealthy commoner merchants and general laborers, but their status regarding the other houses has not greatly improved. Their symbol is an open hand.
Symbol: | An open hand on a gray field |
Colors: | White and gray |
Strengths: | None |
Weaknesses: | None |
Head: | unknown |
Lady: | unknown |
Heir: | unknown |
Tena (deceased): Mother of Zane, grandmother of
Ariana, great-grandmother of Jalana,
Ana, Briana, Grayson,
Bryan and Dorian, great-great-grandmother of Adrian,
Jasper, Nigel and Tristan. One of Swayvill's serving maids, she bore him a
son that stood no chance of ever being acknowledged, due to her station.
The cause of her death is unknown.
Zane (deceased): Emperor of
Chaos, bastard son of Swayvill and Tena, a serving maid, half brother of Kimdyl, married to Mirelle, father of Ariana, grandfather of Jalana,
Morgan, Ana, Briana,
Grayson, Bryan and
Dorian, great-grandfather of Adrian,
Nigel and Tristan. Zane was only
about 5'8" tall, with black hair and pale green eyes. He grew up
unacknowledged in House Gadlan, and spent several years on Shadow Earth under the identity of Kurt Whalen, during which time he married
Mirelle and fathered Ariana. He later developed a hatred of all
Amberites, for reasons unknown. He used the fact that Gadlan served the
other houses to gather information against them, biding his time until he
had a shot at the throne. That moment came when the Serpent came into
possession of its missing eye and chose to back him. He deposed and
executed Gramble, and managed to hold
the throne for over 800 years, despite his insanity. Ironically, he
viewed the house which provided the means for his assent with great
disgust. He was killed when Nicholas
invaded Chaos and challenged him in combat. While they fought, the eyes
of the Serpent and Unicorn, which were in their possession, came into
close proximity to each other. Once this happened, the eyes flew together
and fused into the object known as the
Orb. When Zane touched the Orb in an attempt to use it, he
disintegrated into ash. His colors were silver and gray.
Another fighting house, somewhat smarter than the Hendrakes. They were allied with Sawall in the civil war, and secretly supported the rebellion against Zane when he deposed Gramble. Several of them were instrumental in helping Nicholas and the other Amberites stranded in Chaos to escape when the rescue party from Amber arrived. When their actions against Zane were discovered, the house was disbanded, but it reformed to support Nicholas when he returned to overthrow Zane.
Symbol: | A brown hawk stooping on a red field |
Colors: | Red and brown |
Strengths: | Warfare, magic |
Weaknesses: | None |
Head: | Gavin |
Lady: | Elena |
Heir: | Adam |
Adam: Heir to House Helgram, son of Gavin and Elena, older brother of Florian, Gabriel and Mordecai, married to Constance. He is 6'2" tall and weighs about 190 lbs., with red-brown hair and blue eyes. A known sorcerer, his symbol is a hooded falcon, and his colors are brown and red.
Constance Amoreila (deceased): Daughter of Barnabas, half sister of
Bartholomew, older half sister of
Brinnan and Llewellan, married to
Adam, formerly of House Jesby.
She was killed during Zane's reign, for being in the
wrong place at the wrong time.
Gabriel: Son of Gavin and Elena, younger brother of Adam and Florian, older brother of Mordecai. He is 6'4" tall and weighs about 200 lbs., with dark brown hair and pale blue eyes. He is a very skilled fighter. His symbol is a griffin, and his colors are black and red.
Gavin: Head of House Helgram, older brother of Duncan, Wallace, Elspeth and Lorna, married to Elena, father of Adam, Florian, Gabriel and Mordecai.
Mordecai: Son of Gavin and Elena, younger brother of Adam, Florian and Gabriel. He is 5'11" tall and weighs about 175 lbs., with brown hair and turquoise eyes. He is known for his skill in conjuration. His symbol is crossed falcon wings, and his colors are turquoise and black.
Renowned for its fighting abilities, fairly large and powerful. Benedict is revered as an ancestor of theirs. They and their allies led a civil war against House Sawall and its supporters, and laid siege to Amber, but were defeated. In the final battle with Amber, they lost close to two-thirds of their House, including their Head of House, due in no small part to the efforts of two Amberites, Ariana, the Lady of House Vetch, and Usires, both of whom had reason to hate the Hendrakes. It is unknown how much of the house remained in Chaos after their Head, Luther, fled to Middlecourt. They lost another Head of House to Ariana and Vixen, who killed him (with assistance from Whimsy) during the mission to retrieve Nicholas and several other Amberites who were trapped on the Chaos side when Ygg was destroyed. Whimsy still possesses Lord Hendrake's head, and several other body parts which she turned to stone, although one of the hands was claimed by Alex as a replacement for his own. Although they were often seen in the role of Zane's enforcers, they took no sides in the struggle between Zane and the rebellion, preferring to work for whoever could offer them the most money and power. They initially continued in this vein when Nicholas returned to overthrow Zane, until it seemed likely that Nicholas would succeed, at which point they came out on his side shortly before the end of the war.
Symbol: | A red dragon rampant on a red field |
Colors: | Red |
Strengths: | Warfare, strength, endurance |
Weaknesses: | Trump, magic |
Head: | Luther |
Lady: | Deirdre |
Heir: | Ishmael |
Luther: Head of House Hendrake, older brother of Gunnor, Lor, Magdalyn and Victor, husband of Deirdre, father of Ishmael, grandfather of Duncan, Daffyd, Clare, Finn and Reese. He is 6'2" tall and weighs about 260 lbs., with gray-blue eyes and red-gold, shoulder-length hair. He is of solid build, and sports a neatly trimmed Vandyke. Luther was appointed the new Head of House after the civil war, but was forced to flee to Middlecourt after Zane's insurrection, due to his marriage to Deirdre. When Middlecourt was disbanded after Zane's defeat, Luther returned to Chaos and regained his old position.
Allied with Hendrake in the civil war, they remained neutral during Zane's regime and initially continued that stance when Nicholas returned to overthrow Zane. When it seemed likely that Nicholas would succeed, however, they came out in support of him, shortly before the end of the war. They are the record-keeping house in the Courts.
Symbol: | A tied scroll on a blue field |
Colors: | Gray and blue |
Strengths: | Psyche, magic, history, religion, Logrus |
Weaknesses: | None |
Head: | unknown |
Lady: | unknown |
Heir: | unknown |
Renowned for its artisans, and the rapid rate at which its members both are slaughtered and reproduce. Before the civil war, they were a favorite target of the Hendrakes when they felt like killing something. They were allied with Sawall in the civil war. As with House Hendrake, it is unknown how much of the house remained in Chaos after their Head, Barnabas, fled to Middlecourt. House Jesby worked secretly with Houses Chanicut and Sawall to undermine Zane, and supported Nicholas when he returned to overthrow Zane.
Symbol: | A white hare running on a green field |
Colors: | Green and white |
Strengths: | Trump, art, poetry, magic |
Weaknesses: | Strength, warfare |
Head: | Claire |
Lord: | None |
Heir: | Edwin |
Barnabas: Former Head of House Jesby, son of Bartleby, married to Llewella, father of Bartholomew, Constance, Brinnan and Llewellan, grandfather of Barton and Darwin. He fled to Middlecourt after Zane's insurrection and has only recently returned.
Bartleby: Former Head of House Jesby, former Grand Duke Trevaine, father of Barnabas, grandfather of Bartholomew, Constance, Brinnan and Llewellan, great-grandfather of Barton and Darwin. He fled to Middlecourt after Zane's insurrection and has only recently returned.
Castor: Marquis of Amber, five-year-old son of Edwin and Whimsy, younger half brother of Thorn, older identical twin brother of Pollux. He takes after his father in looks, with dark hair and eyes, and is somewhat rambunctious in nature. After his birth, Whimsy left for Amber with Pollux, leaving Castor to be raised by Edwin for the first five years of his life. He was born in Jesbyways on Friday, December 29, 5 NR, Amber time.
Claire Jesby: Head of House Jesby, widow of Credence, mother of Edwin and Wesley, grandmother of Thorn, Castor and Pollux. It was Claire who insisted that Whimsy remarry Edwin and provide him with an heir, as recompense for killing Wesley.
Credence (deceased): Married to
Claire, father of Edwin and
Wesley, grandfather of Thorn,
Castor and Pollux.
Edwin: Heir to House Jesby, son of Credence and Claire, older
identical twin brother of Wesley, father of Castor and Pollux, married to
Whimsy. He and Whimsy eloped, but on their
first night together, he was replaced by Wesley, who raped Whimsy and left
her to nearly bleed to death. Whimsy later delivered a stillborn son,
almost dying again in the process. In revenge for what she believed was
his rape and abandonment of her, Whimsy tried to kill Edwin, but
accidentally killed Wesley instead. Edwin later played a role in helping
Nicholas' forces depose Zane. When Whimsy learned that Edwin still lived, she
demanded, and was reluctantly granted, a divorce. She was later forced to
agree to remarry Edwin, however, to make up for the manner in which she
disposed of Wesley. While Whimsy was less than pleased by this, Edwin
appears to be determined to get her to fall in love with him once
Pollux: Marquis of Amber, five-year-old son of Edwin and Whimsy, younger half brother of Thorn, older identical twin brother of Castor. He takes after his father in looks, with dark hair and eyes, and has a quiet, thoughtful nature. After his birth, Whimsy took him with her to Amber for the first five years of his life, leaving Castor to be raised by Edwin. He was born in Jesbyways on Friday, December 29, 5 NR, Amber time.
Thorn (deceased): Son of Wesley and Whimsy,
older half brother of Castor and
Pollux he died when Whimsy gave birth to him in Chaos, causing much of
Whimsy's original, somewhat unstable, nature.
Wesley (deceased): Son of
Credence and Claire,
younger identical twin brother of Edwin, father of
Thorn. Seeking to eliminate his brother, and
therefore assume his position as the next Head of House Jesby, Wesley
pretended to be Edwin on his wedding night, and raped his new bride, Whimsy. He figured, correctly, that Whimsy
would eventually seek revenge on Edwin for what she believed he'd done to
her. Unfortunately, he had the misfortune to be the one she found first
when she came to take her vengeance. Believing him to be Edwin, she
carved him into steaks and placed his remains in a meat locker, where they
were later served to his unwitting family.
Formerly the house of the King, most of the house fled to Middlecourt when Zane took over, but a few remained behind in Chaos to thwart Zane whenever possible, working with Houses Chanicut and Jesby. They openly supported Nicholas when he returned to overthrow Zane.
Symbol: | A white lion rampant on a black field |
Colors: | Black and white |
Strengths: | Magic, intrigue, psyche, endurance |
Weaknesses: | Warfare |
Head: | Enver |
Lady: | None |
Heir: | None |
Anan: Daughter of Despil and Mara, twin sister of Enver, older sister of Darniil and Modred.
Darniil: Son of Despil and Mara, younger brother of Enver and Anan, fraternal twin brother of Modred.
Emer: Former Princess of Chaos, daughter of Mandor and Heather, younger half sister of Laughter, older sister of Jordan and Meredith. Emer is 5'9" tall and weighs about 120 lbs., with curly strawberry blond hair, green eyes, and lots of curves. She is very good at saying little and hearing much. Like her father, there is a certain air of both power and authority about her.
Enver: Head of House Sawall, son of Despil and Mara, twin brother of Anan, older brother of Darniil and Modred.
Jordan: Former Prince of Chaos, son of Mandor and Heather, younger half brother of Laughter, younger brother of Emer, older brother of Meredith. He is 5'7" tall and weighs about 145 lbs., with black hair and lavender eyes.
Malcolm: Marquis of Redcrest, former Chaos ambassador to Amber, married to Nili. He briefly served as Middlecourt's representative on the King's Guard in Amber, but returned to Chaos after the Chasm formed to become one of Despil's most valued supporters.
Mara: Queen of Chaos, Baronettess of Cleev, bastard
daughter of an Unseelie noble, wife of
Despil, mother of
Enver, Anan, Darniil and
Modred. Originally a member of the Unseelie Court,
she was ill-treated due to her parentage until her marriage to Despil. He
showed her kindness, and in return she became his ally and taught him
faerie magic.
Meredith: 18-year-old daughter of Mandor and Heather, younger half sister of Laughter, younger sister of Jordan and Emer.
Modred: Son of Despil and Mara, younger brother of Enver and Anan, fraternal twin brother of Darniil.
Nili: Marquess of Redcrest, married to Malcolm, formerly of House Helgram.
Toryt remained neutral during Zane's regime and continued that stance when Nicholas returned to overthrow Zane, thus limiting their losses in the fighting.
Symbol: | A brown toad sitting on a black field |
Colors: | Black and brown |
Strengths: | Logrus |
Weaknesses: | None |
Head: | unknown |
Lady: | unknown |
Heir: | unknown |
House of assassination, sword-arm of the King of Chaos, often deployed to deal with dirty problems the King can't become officially involved in. The House was almost non-existent for many centuries, due to a vendetta between House Hendrake and Lucien, the Head of House Vetch, until Vetch allied with Sawall in the civil war. The end of the war brought about an end to the vendetta, and the House began to slowly rebuild. When Zane killed Gramble, Lucien remained in Chaos for two years, pretending loyalty while trying to get close enough to Zane to kill him. Unfortunately, his cover was blown before he could accomplish this, and he fled to Amber. He was replaced as Head of House by Angelique, although she kept her true identity a secret. While appearing to support Zane's regime, House Vetch withdrew from supporting either side when Nicholas returned to overthrow Zane, and thus sustained no losses in the fighting. Lucien returned to Chaos several years later, after refusing to assassinate Finndo for Nicholas, and resumed his position as Head of House.
Symbol: | A coiled serpent
![]() |
Colors: | Black |
Strengths: | Shapeshifting, assassination, intrigue |
Weaknesses: | Magic, Trump |
Head: | Lucien |
Lady: | Ariana |
Heir: | Morgan |
Ana: Marchioness of Amber, 17-year-old daughter of Lucien and Ariana, younger sister of Jalana and Morgan, younger half sister of Tamaryn, Sive, Lene, Tove, Adrie, Anikke, Lucija, Lia, Logan, Lorens, Anne-Marie, Shannon and Vincent, older sister of Briana, Bryan and Dorian, older half sister of Grayson. Ana was conceived due to the energy released when the Jewel of Judgment was shattered, and was exposed to the energy released when the Jewel was reformed while still in the womb. Because of this, she has a special affinity for the Pattern. Like all of the children conceived due to the destruction or reformation of the Jewel, she has unusually pale blue eyes. Her hair is a warm auburn in color, and she tends to be curious, gentle and sensitive. She was born in Rath on Saturday, July 15, 2994, Amber time, but due to the time she spent in Rath and Bedlam, her birthday currently falls on June 18.
Angelique: Former Head of House
Vetch, ex-wife of Lucien, mother of Anne-Marie, formerly of House
Sawall. Angelique's marriage to Lucien was a political one, but she
soon fell in love with him. That love prompted her to attempt to become
what she thought his ideal wife would be, a powerful and skilled assassin,
eliminating her compassion, honesty and idealism in the process. But the
more she became like Lucien, the more he withdrew from her. Finally, when
they had been married for 500 years, Angelique was presumed killed in an
assassination attempt that Lucien escaped from. In reality, she survived
and took on the form of the assassin, shaping his dead body to look like
her own. Unfortunately, she lost herself in the process, and spent four
months believing she really was that assassin before she managed to come
back to herself. During that time, however, she learned that her husband
had been behind the attempt on her life, so she decided it was safest to
stay dead. When Lucien left House Vetch, after Zane
took over Chaos, Angelique moved in and took control of the House, with
the assistance of most of Lucien's daughters. Since Chaos was still
primarily a patriarchy, Angelique ruled from behind a veil to conceal her
identity. When Zane was finally deposed, Angelique set off to bring
Lucien back to what she considered his proper place ruling the house. She
also intended to resume her position as Lucien's wife, a goal that was
somewhat complicated by the fact that Lucien remarried after her supposed
death, and showed no interest in setting
Ariana aside. Lucien eventually did return to Chaos to resume
leadership of the house, however, so Angelique accomplished one of her
goals. When Angelique learned that Lucien was going to divorce her, she
appeared to commit suicide by immolating herself in the middle of the
Court of Thelbane. In reality, she had split into two versions of
herself, only one of which died. Losing that much of herself turned out
to be a far bigger shock than she expected, however, and the surviving
part is currently comatose, with a good chance of developing Chaos
Anne-Marie: 19-year-old daughter of Lucien and Angelique, younger half sister of Tamaryn, Sive, Lene, Tove, Adrie, Anikke, Lucija, Lia, Logan and Lorens, older half sister of Jalana, Morgan, Shannon, Vincent, Ana, Briana, Bryan and Dorian. Her mother kept her from aging by turning her to stone, so that she would still be a child when Angelique moved to reclaim Lucien.
Briana: Marchioness of Amber, 17-year-old daughter of Lucien and Ariana, younger sister of Jalana, Morgan and Ana, younger half sister of Tamaryn, Sive, Lene, Tove, Adrie, Anikke, Lucija, Lia, Logan, Lorens, Anne-Marie, Shannon and Vincent, older half sister of Grayson, older sister of Bryan and Dorian. She has strawberry blond hair and blue eyes, and is headstrong, firm and arrogant. Of all of Ariana and Lucien's children, she is the one who most takes after her father. She was born in Bedlam on Tuesday, July 18, 2994, Amber time, but due to the time she spent in Bedlam, her birthday currently falls on April 29.
Bryan: Marquis of Amber, ten-year-old son of Lucien and Ariana, younger brother of Jalana, Morgan, Ana and Briana, younger half brother of Tamaryn, Sive, Lene, Tove, Adrie, Anikke, Lucija, Lia, Logan, Lorens, Anne-Marie, Shannon, Vincent and Grayson, older brother of Dorian. He has red-brown hair and dark blue eyes, and is industrious, headstrong and firm, but humble. Due to the difficulty Ariana had in conceiving him, she is somewhat overprotective of him, which may be the reason he is the most clinging of her children. He is named after Tamaryn's first husband and was born in an unnamed Shadow on Tuesday, October 23, 0 NR, Amber time.
Charlotte: Ariana's personal assistant, she is about 5'4" tall,
with short, mousy brown hair, gray eyes and a soft voice. She was
assigned by Lucien to help Ariana familiarize
herself with the current customs in the Courts.
Dorian: Marquis of Amber, five-year-old son of Lucien and Ariana, younger brother of Jalana, Morgan, Ana, Briana and Bryan, younger half brother of Tamaryn, Sive, Lene, Tove, Adrie, Anikke, Lucija, Lia, Logan, Lorens, Anne-Marie, Shannon, Vincent and Grayson. He has reddish-brown hair and gray eyes, and is happy, gregarious and curious. He was born in Vetchways on Tuesday, August 1, 5 NR, Amber time.
Jalana: Marchioness of Amber, 23-year-old daughter of Lucien and Ariana, younger half sister of Tamaryn, Sive, Lene, Tove, Adrie, Anikke, Lucija, Lia, Logan, Lorens and Anne-Marie, older twin sister of Morgan, older half sister of Shannon, Vincent and Grayson, older sister of Ana, Briana, Bryan and Dorian. Jalana has pointed ears, blue-green eyes and her mother's wavy brown hair. Her impressionableness often lets her fall prey to her brothers, but given time she can make sense out of any situation and is entirely devoted to her little clan. Named after Ariana's childhood best friend, Jalana is the eldest of Ariana's children, and the most like Ariana in temperament. She was born in Amber on Wednesday, December 21, 2988, but due to the time she spent in Chaos, Rath and Bedlam, her birthday currently falls on July 14.
Lugyr: One of Lucien's
many descendants, he was hired by Lucretia to
kill Vixen, but after several failed
attempts, was killed by her instead.
Millicent: Demon member of House Vetch.
Morgan: Heir to House Vetch, Marquis of Amber, 23-year-old son of Lucien and Ariana, younger half brother of Tamaryn, Sive, Lene, Tove, Adrie, Anikke, Lucija, Lia, Logan, Lorens and Anne-Marie, younger twin brother of Jalana, older half brother of Shannon, Vincent and Grayson, older brother of Ana, Briana, Bryan and Dorian, wielder of Morglyph. He has pointed ears, and his mother's wavy brown hair and piercing green eyes. Like the rest of his brothers, he has little fear of anything. He hopes for the best in all situations and never tires of singing his own praises, often taking credit for plots spawned by Shannon. He was born in Amber on Wednesday, December 21, 2988, but due to the time he spent in Chaos, Rath and Bedlam, his birthday currently falls on July 14.
Shannon: Marquis of Amber, 23-year-old son of Lucien and Sand, adopted at birth by Ariana, younger half brother of Tamaryn, Sive, Lene, Tove, Adrie, Anikke, Lucija, Lia, Logan, Lorens, Anne-Marie, Jalana and Morgan, older fraternal twin brother of Vincent, older half brother of Ana, Briana, Bryan and Dorian. He has pointed ears, red-brown hair and brown eyes. He has the coolest temperament of Lucien's sons, so he very rarely gets upset when his daredevil plots backfire, and Morgan takes the credit for them. He was born in Amber on Saturday, January 14, 2989, but due to the time he spent in Chaos, Rath and Bedlam, his birthday currently falls on August 7.
Summer: 20-year-old daughter of Samuel and Helena, older sister of Justina and Virgil, married to Vincent. With the loss of her parents at the ball celebrating the union of Amber and Chaos, she was taken in by Ishmael and Maddy until she came of age. Formerly of House William.
Vincent: Avatar of Trump, Marquis of Amber, 23-year-old son of Lucien and Sand, adopted at birth by Ariana, younger half brother of Tamaryn, Sive, Lene, Tove, Adrie, Anikke, Lucija, Lia, Logan, Lorens, Anne-Marie, Jalana and Morgan, younger fraternal twin brother of Shannon, older half brother of Ana, Briana, Bryan and Dorian, married to Summer. He has pointed ears, red-brown hair and brown eyes, and is the most cleanly of his siblings, quickly demanding new clothes if the ones he has are unavoidable spoiled. He is also the most rebellious of his brothers, and the most self-critical. His birth mother, Sand, reappeared as a ghost when Vincent was seven, visiting him in his dreams and offering to teach him Dream Trump, her specialty, by the time he was 12. Unfortunately, when the Chasm mended and the two separated planes of Trump merged and doubled, Vincent was severely affected due to the combination of his advanced Trump abilities and his very young age. He survived, but was left with some damage to the verbal centers of his brain which he eventually managed to overcome. In addition, the reunion of the two planes of Trump gave Sand enough energy to transfer her spirit into his body, causing a massive increase in Vincent's strength of mind, and a corresponding increase in his skill with Trump. When it proved impossible to remove Sand without killing Vincent as well, Brand merged them together, leaving Vincent with all of Sand's skills and memories. He then became one of the Triumvirate, the three Avatars of Trump. Sand remained part of Vincent until Fiona forced her way out of the Triumverate, leaving Vincent in a weakned state. Ariana was somehow Trumped inside of his head during this time, where Sand proceeded to try to kill her. When Ariana escaped from Vincent's mind, Sand was finally removed as well. Vincent was born in Amber on Saturday, January 14, 2989, but due to the time he spent in Chaos, Rath and Bedlam, his birthday currently falls on August 7.
"Outrageous Fortune"
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Artifacts, Creatures & Places of Note
The Trumps of Mara Sawall and Lucien Vetch are the work of Wendi Strang-Frost and are © by her. Please contact her before reproducing them in any fashion. For more examples of her work, check out her web page, her online comic "Johnny Public" or the "Wavedancers" story in Elfquest.
The images of Angelique Vetch and Edwin Jesby are the work of Matthew Richardson, and are actually the combination of several different images. The woman in the Angelique image is a model for Jonvieve, and the man in the Edwin image is actor Alexis Arquette. If you have any questions about these images, feel free to contact Matthew.
The image of Leto Borge is the work of Lisamarie Babik. The woman depicted is actress Madeleine Stowe. If you have any questions about this image, feel free to contact Lisamarie.
All text on this page is © 1997-2002 by Kris Fazzari Kris Fazzari.
House names Bances, Chanicut, Helgram, Hendrake, Jesby, and Sawall are from Roger Zelazny's Amber Chronicles and are © by Roger Zelazny.
Last modified on November 26, 2002 by Kris Fazzari.