Executive Branch
Frames Index |
No-Frames Version

Last updated on September 29,

- Federal Advisory
Committees (GSA)
- Searchable list of approximately 1000 advisory committees
- Laws, regulations, and executive orders governing advisory

- Department
of Homeland Security Reorganization Plan (Carlos
- List of government agencies to be transferred or abolished in the new
Department of Homeland Security
- Compilation by Carlos Diaz and posted via GOVDOC-L listserv, December
- Federal
Information Centers (GSA)
- Describes telephone service for locating federal government
- List of toll-free FIC phone numbers
- Answers to most commonly-asked questions about federal services
- Federal
Telephone Directories (GSA)
- Links to web versions of executive, legislative, and independent
agency telephone directories
- Federal Yellow
- Most current directory of Executive Branch available
- Brief biographies of government officials and great detail on
executive staff
- Docs. Ref. JK 6 .F2931)
- Presidential
Nominees to Senate (Senate)
- List of Presidential nominations for cabinet posts since 1977 and
final disposition
- List of all rejected cabinet nominations since 1834
- All nominations for the Supreme Court since 1789 and their final
- Regional Offices
- United
Government Manual
- Browse the current edition by cabinet agency
- Alternative: use the search term: regional ADJ office?
- Federal Regional Yellow
Book (UMich Only)
- More detailed listings than the Government Manual
- Choose Federal Regional from the upperlefthand side of the screen and then do a
keyword search
- Senate
Nominations Report
- Lists civilian and non-civilian appointments submitted by the
President to the Senate for confirmation
- Arranged by stage in the process: submitted, on calendar, confirmed,
withdrawn, etc.
- Provides nominee name and position
- United
States Government Manual, 1995/96+ (National Archives)
- Directory of agencies and officials, primarily in the Executive Branch
- Describes agency activity and cites legislative authority
- Arranged by Cabinet section or agency with a "Search" option at the
top of the page
- Also browsable beginning with 1997/98 edition
- PDF or text format
- Use the Senate
Nominations Report or the Federal
Yellow Book to update this directory
- United
States Government Manual (UMich Only)
- Hein Online provides the browsable text of each Government Manual
since 1935
- Campus access sponsored by the UMich Law Library
- United States Government
Manuals, 1957/58-1985/86 (University of
- Not all executive branch agencies publish annual reports; some
agencies publish multiple reports on multiple subjects
- The Abridgement (J 81 .83) includes
summaries of executive department annual reports, 1858-1920
- Search MIRLYN
under the name of the agency (e.g. united states postal service); then
browse for the title annual
report or report
- Annual reports, 1789-1969, often appear in the Congressional Serial
Set; do an ADVANCED SEARCH in Congressional
Universe (UMich only); search for the agency name and annual
in the Serial Set full text
- Historical Executive
Branch Officers
- Executive branch officials since George Washington are listed by President
- Most names have links to online biographies
- State
Representation in Presidential and Cabinet Offices
- Covers 1789-1880
- Access Vincent Cooke's Hon. James G. Blaine and then
search within the book for "Appendix F"
- State
Department Biographic Register
- Biographies of State Department diplomats, published annually
- Most volumes available online through the Hathi Trust
- United States Executive Branch (Ref. Room E 176
- One-half to one-page biographies of presidents, vice presidents, and
cabinet heads from the Continental Congress through 2002
- Numerous appendices include lists of cabinet heads by Presidential
administration, list of cabinet heads by department, marital
information, branch of military service, and birthplace
- Who's
Who in American Politics (UMich Only)
- Separate database accessed through the Marquis Who's Who
Online database
- Includes presidents and vice presidents, current and former living
cabinet members, legislators, judges, governors
- Current ambassadors, mayors and council members of large cities,
political party chairs
- Entries for former officials often include their current
- Who's Who in the Federal
Government (U.Memphis)
- Links to biographies of the cabinet and heads of independent agencies
- Includes links to Congressional committee chairs

- FirstGov
- Official search engine of the federal government
- Searches also possible for state and international agencies
- Google's Uncle Sam
- Keyword searching for federal and state documents
- Ranks results by the number of external links to them
- Hot Bot
- Advanced Searching (access from lefthand side of screen)
permits limitation to the .gov and .mil

- FirstGov
- Official government gateway
- Lists web sites by type of user (citizen, business, governments)
- Also indexes all federal web site except for pdf files
- Government
Printing Office Browse Topics (Oklahoma State University)
- Index to federal government publications, data bases and web sites
- Sponsored by individual depository libraries with GPO assistance
- InfoMine
- Extensive alphabetic index to federal, international, and California
government information
- Analyzes individual publications and web sites of government agencies
- Optional keyword approach
- Meta-Subject Index
to Government Information (Idaho State University)
- Subject index to web sites maintained by libraries or the government
- Over 1300 entries
- Sources include government and non-government materials
- Subject
Index to Federal
Government Web Sites (NTIS/FEDWORLD)
- Extensive, annotated subject index to federal government web sites
- Subject
Index to Federal Government Web Sites (University of
- Annotated index to both agencies and publications of the agencies
- Includes subjects such as endangered species, parks, and
- U.S. State
Local Government Gateway
- Annotated subject list of federal web sites for state and local
government administration
- Subjects include administration and finance, commerce,
disasters, education, environment, families, health, housing,
public safety, transportation, and workforce development
- Each section includes news, best practices, laws, and reference
- See also Web Searching Tutorials

- Agency
- Grid of cabinet departments and independent agencies
- Columns provide links to the agency's web site, on-line publications,
forms, organization charts, and opinions as applicable
- Federal Agency Web Sites (LSU)
- Cleancut alphabetical listing of federal agency web sites
- Federal
Government Agencies Database (Duke University)
- Comprehensive guide to federal government agencies
- Searchable by keyword; browsable by name, acronym and government
- Provides direct links to the agency's web site and a description based
on the U.S. Government Manual
- Federal Web Locator
- Links to federal agencies and independent boards by name of agency
- FirstGov
- Indexes over 20,000 federal government websites, including Executive
Branch agencies, Members of Congress, individual reports, and bills
- Does not index pdf reports
- Lists government agency web sites
- The broad subject approach (similar to Yahoo) picks up a unique list
of topics (e.g. cruise ship sanitation scores, passports, road closures,
consumer complaints, taxes, museums
- Government by
- Comprehensive links to all branches of the federal government
- Especially good for independent and quasi-governmental agencies
- World
Wide Web Sites Reported by 42 Federal Organizations (GAO)
- Lists over 400 web sites maintained by 42 federal government agencies
- GAO Report "GGD-97-086S"
- See also Web Searching Tutorials

- Consumer
Information Catalog
- Catalog of free and low-cost publications
- The full text of numerous pamphlets are available on the Internet
- Samples include making a will, value of walking, real estate
property sales, buying a house
- Firstgov
- Separate sections from main page list citizen, business, and state and local
government information
- Oriented toward e-government with easily accessible information on birth and
marriage records, taxes, travel, adopting a wild horse, applying for grants
- Recalls.Gov
- List of currently active federal government recalls from several
- Includes consumer products, vehicles, boats, medicines, cosmetics,
food and pesticides
- Related Documents Center Web Pages

- Code of Federal
- Defense Department Directives arranged by number
- SGML, ASCII, and PDF formats
- Federal
Administrative Decisions and Other Actions (UVa)
- Extensive list of administrative law sources on the web, outside
the Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations
- Arranged by agency
- Includes directions, opinions, determinations
- Federal Register
- Federal
Register via Congressional Universe (UMich only)
- Notices of new regulations, proposed regulations, and notices of grants and agency hearings
- Full text of Federal Register since 1980
- Searchable by keyword, agency, date, and type of publication
- Federal Register via GPO Access
- New regulations, proposed regulations, and notices of grants and agency hearings
- Keyword searching and browsable since 1994
- Best public source of Federal Register
- Law Library
Materials Consortium (UMich Only)
- Full text of historical administrative decisions and federal laws
- Searchable as a group or within the Executive, Legislative or Judicial
- As of November 2003, has the text of many administrative laws of
executive branch agencies
- Will be eventually expanded to include all microfiche materials listed
in the LLMC
- Office
of Management and Budget
- Unified
- Detailed information on executive agency regulatory plans for the
next six months
- Sample search: "prescription drugs"
- Data includes agency's regulatory priority, the extent of an
unfunded mandate, and number of government levels involved
- Legal authority for the regulation, summary, planned comment period

- Government
Podcasts (Free Government Information)
- Links to federal and state government agencies with podcasts
- These audio feeds can be heard on an IPod or a PC
- Federal
Employees Locations and Salaries (Gannett)
- Searchable directory of federal government employees by name and
agency OR list of employees by state/county and/or agency
- Provides 2006 salary
- Primarily civil service employees in the Executive Branch or

Grace York, Coordinator, Documents Center
Ankur Mehta, Documents Assistant, June 2002
The University of Michigan Library
Graphics by Sherry Piontek and Barbara Perles
Since February 25, 1996 this page has been accessed 
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