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``Radio-frequency-modulated Rydberg states in a vapor cell,'' S. A. Miller, G. Raithel, D. A. Anderson, New J. Phys., accepted (2016).
``Atom-pair kinetics with strong electric-dipole interactions N. Thaicharoen, L. F. Goncalves, G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. Lett. accepted (2016).
``Motion of Rydberg atoms with strong permanent-electric-dipole interactions,'' L. F. Gon\c{c}alves, N.~Thaicharoen, G.~Raithel, J. Phys. B, accepted (2016).
`` Using frequency detuning to improve the sensitivity of electric field measurements via electromagnetically induced transparency and Autler-Townes splitting in Rydberg atoms,'' M. T. Simons, J. A. Gordon, C. L. Holloway, D. A. Anderson, S. A. Miller, G. Raithel, App. Phys. Lett. 108 , 174101 (2016).
``Optical measurements of strong microwave fields with Rydberg atoms in a vapor cell,'' D. A. Anderson, S. A. Miller, G. Raithel, and J. A. Gordon, M. L. Butler, C. L. Holloway, Phys. Rev. Applied 5 , 034003 (2016) .
``Measurement of the van der Waals interaction by atom trajectory imaging,'' N. Thaicharoen, A. Schwarzkopf, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 92 , 040701(R), Editors' pick, (2015).
``Probe of Rydberg-Atom Transitions via an Amplitude-Modulated Optical Standing Wave with a Ponderomotive Interaction,'' K. R. Moore and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115 , 163003 (2015).
``Measurement of Rb 5P3/2 scalar and tensor polarizabilities in a 1064 nm light field,'' Yun-Jhih Chen, Luis Felipe Goncalves, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 92 , 060501(R) (2015).
``Atom-interferometric measurement of Stark level splittings,'' Limei Wang, Hao Zhang, Linjie Zhang, Georg Raithel, Jianming Zhao, and Suotang Jia, Phys. Rev. A 92 033619 (2015).
``Dipolar Rydberg-atom gas prepared by adiabatic passage through an avoided crossing,'' Limei Wang, Hao Zhang, Linjie Zhang, Changyong Li, Yonggang Yang, Jianming Zhao, Georg Raithel and Suotang Jia, New J. Phys. 17 063011 (2015).
``Broadband Rydberg Atom-Based Electric-Field Probe for SI-Traceable, Self-Calibrated Measurements,'' C. L. Holloway, J. A. Gordon, S. Jefferts, A. Schwarzkopf, D. A. Anderson, S. A. Miller, N. Thaicharoen, G. Raithel, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 62 , 6169 (2014).
``Forbidden atomic transitions driven by an intensity-modulated laser trap,'' K. R. Moore, S. E. Anderson, G. Raithel, Nature Communications 6 (2015), notes at arXiv:1409.4087 (2014).
``Angular-momentum couplings in long-range Rb2 Rydberg molecules,'' D. A. Anderson, S. A. Miller, G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 90 , 062518 (2014).
``Two-photon microwave transitions and strong-field effects in a room-temperature Rydberg-atom gas,'' D. A. Anderson, A. Schwarzkopf, S. A. Miller, N. Thaicharoen, G. Raithel, J. A. Gordon, C. L. Holloway, Phys. Rev. A 90, 043419 (2014).
``Autler-Townes spectroscopy with interaction-induced dephasing,'' H. Zhang, L. Zhang, L. Wang, S. Bao, J. Zhao, S. Jia, G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 90, 043849 (2014).
``Pressure-driven evaporative cooling in atom guides,'' S. E. Olson, G. Raithel, A. J. Christlieb, Phys. Rev. A 90, 043612 (2014).
``Millimeter wave detection via Autler-Townes splitting in rubidium Rydberg atoms,'' J. A. Gordon, C. L. Holloway, A. Schwarzkopf, D. A. Anderson, S. Miller, N. Thaicharoen, G. Raithel, Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 024104 (2014).
``Sub-Wavelength Imaging and Field Mapping via EIT and Autler-Townes Splitting In Rydberg Atoms,'' C. L. Holloway, J. A. Gordon, A. Schwarzkopf, D. A. Anderson, S. A. Miller, N. Thaicharoen and G. Raithel, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104 , 244102 (2014).
``Atom trapping and spectroscopy in cavity-generated optical potentials,'' Yun-Jhih Chen, Stefan Zigo, and Georg Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 89 , 063409 (2014).
``Photoassociation of long-range nD Rydberg molecules,'' D. A. Anderson, S. A. Miller, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112 , 163201 (2014).
``Spatial correlations between Rydberg atoms in an optical dipole trap,'' A. Schwarzkopf, D. A. Anderson, N. Thaicharoen, and G. Raithel Phys. Rev. AA 88 , 061406(R) (2013) ; Editor's suggestion.
``Ionisation of Rydberg atoms by standing-wave light fields,'' Sarah E. Anderson and G. Raithel, Nature Communications 4 , Article number 2967 (2013).
``Production and trapping of cold circular Rydberg atoms,'' D. A. Anderson, A. Schwarzkopf, R. E. Sapiro, and G. Raithel Phys. Rev. A 88 , 031401 (2013; Editor's suggestion).
``Coupled internal-state and center-of-mass dynamics of Rydberg atoms in a magnetic guide,'' M. Traxler, R. E. Sapiro, K. Lundquist, E. P. Power, and G. Raithel Phys. Rev. A 87 , 053418 (2013) .
``Bragg scattering and Brownian motion dynamics in optically induced crystals of submicron particles,'' R. E. Sapiro, B. N. Slama, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. E 87 , 052311 (2013) .
``Highly polar states of Rydberg atoms in strong magnetic and weak electric fields,'' E. Paradis, S. Zigo, and G. Raithel Phys. Rev. A 87 , 012505 (2013).
``Guiding of Rydberg atoms in a high-gradient magnetic guide.'' M. Traxler, R. E. Sapiro, C. Hempel, K. Lundquist, E. P. Power, and G. Raithel Phys. Rev. A 86 , 023414 (2012) .
``Dependence of Rydberg-Atom Optical Lattices on the Angular Wave Function.'' S. E. Anderson and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 023001 (2012) .
``Characterization of laser cooling in a high-magnetic-field atom trap,'' E. Paradis, S. Zigo, K. Z. Hu, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 86 , 023416 (2012).
``Trapping Rydberg atoms in an optical lattice,'' S. E. Anderson, K. C. Younge, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. Lett. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 263001 (2011).
``Imaging Spatial Correlations of Rydberg Excitations in Cold Atom Clouds,'' A. Schwarzkopf, R. E. Sapiro, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 103001 (2011) .
``Three-dimensional arrays of sub-micron particles generated by a four-beam optical lattice,'' B. N. Slama-Eliau and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. E 83, 051406 (2011) .
``Trapping Rydberg atoms in optical lattices,'' G. Raithel, K. C. Younge, S. E. Anderson, B. Knuffman, Proceedings of the SPIE 7993, 799313 (2010) .
``Rydberg-atom Trajectories in a Ponderomotive Optical Lattice,'' K. C. Younge, S. E. Anderson and G. Raithel, New Journal of Physics 12, 113036 (15 pp.) (2010).
``State-dependent Energy Shift of Rydberg Atoms in a Ponderomotive Optical Lattice,'' K. C. Younge, S. Anderson, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 173001 (2010).
``Ion imaging in a high-gradient magnetic guide,'' Varun Vaidya, Mallory Traxler, Cornelius Hempel, Rahul Mhaskar, and G. Raithel, Rev. Sci. Instr. 81, 043109 (2010).
``Adiabatic Potentials for Rydberg Atoms in Optical Lattices,'' K. C. Younge, S. Anderson, and G. Raithel, New J. Phys. 12, 023031 (2010).
``Rotary Echo Tests of Rydberg Atom Coherence,'' Kelly Cooper Younge and Georg Raithel, New J. Phys. 11, 043006-1-11 (2009).
``Atom interferometry using Kapitza-Dirac scattering in a magnetic trap,'' R.E. Sapiro, R. Zhang, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 79, 043630-6 (2009).
``Mesoscopic Rydberg ensembles: Beyond the pairwise interaction approximation,'' K.C. Younge, A. Reinhard, T. Pohl, P.R. Berman, G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 79, 043420-5 (2009).
``Reversible loss of superfluidity of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a 1D optical lattice,'' R. E. Sapiro, R. Zhang and G. Raithel, New J. Phys. 11, 013013 (10) (2009).
``Role of the mean field in Bloch oscillations of a Bose-Einstein condensate in an optical lattice and harmonic trap,'' R. Zhang, R. E. Sapiro, R. R. Mhaskar, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 78, 053607-1-7 (2008) .
``Effect of Foerster resonances on the excitation statistics of many-body Rydberg systems,'' A. Reinhard, K. C. Younge, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 78, 060702(R)-1-4 (2008)
``Bose-Einstein condensate inside a Bragg-reflecting atom cavity,'' R. Zhang, R. E. Sapiro, N. V. Morrow, R. R. Mhaskar, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 77, 063615 (2008).
``Observation of Superfluorescent Emissions from Laser-Cooled Atoms,'' E. Paradis, B. Barrett, and A. Kumarakrishnan, Department of Physics and Astronomy, York University, R. Zhang and G. Raithel, University of Michigan, Phys. Rev. A 77, 043419 (2008)
``Rydberg-Rydberg collisions: resonant enhancement of state mixing and penning ionization,'' A. Reinhard, T. Cubel Liebisch, K. C. Younge, P. R. Berman, G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 123007-1-4 (2008).
``Double-Resonance Spectroscopy of Interacting Rydberg-Atom Systems,'' A. Reinhard, K. C. Younge, T. Cubel Liebisch, B. Knuffman, P. R. Berman, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 233201 (2008).
``Trapping and evolution dynamics of ultracold two-component plasmas,'' J.-H. Choi, B. Knuffman, X. Zhang, A. P. Povilus, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 175002-1-4 (2008).
``Effects of static and random magnetic fields on atoms in a gray optical lattice,'' N. V. Morrow, S. K. Dutta, and G. Raithel, Laser Physics 17, 948-955 (2007).
``Analysis of atomic density distributions in optical lattices using an optical mask,'' R. Zhang, N. V. Morrow, R. Sapiro, P. R. Berman, G. Raithel, Optics Communications 275, 311-17 (2007) .
``Multipole transitions of Rydberg atoms in modulated ponderomotive potentials,'' B. Knuffman and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 75, 053401 (2007).
``Level shifts of rubidium Rydberg states due to binary interactions,'' A. Reinhard, T. Cubel Liebisch, B. Knuffman, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 75, 032712 (2007).
``Open-channel fluorescence imaging of atoms in high-gradient magnetic fields,'' R.R. Mhaskar, S.E. Olson, and G. Raithel, European Physics Journal D 41, 221-227 (2007).
``Magnetic Trapping of Strongly-Magnetized Rydberg Atoms,'' J.-H. Choi, J. R. Guest, G. Raithel, European Physics Journal D 40, 19 (2006).
``Emission of fast atoms from a cold Rydberg gas,'' B. Knuffman and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 73, 020704 (2006).
``Transition of laser cooling between standard and Raman optical lattices,'' R. Zhang, R. E. Sapiro, N. V. Morrow, G. Raithel,Phys. Rev. A 74, 33404 (2006).
``Continuous propagation and energy filtering of a cold atomic beam in a long high-gradient magnetic atom guide,'' Spencer E. Olson, Rahul R. Mhaskar, and Georg Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 73 , 033622 (2006).
``Magnetic trapping of long-lived cold Rydberg atoms,'' J.-H. Choi, J. R. Guest, A. P. Povilus, E. Hansis, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 243001 (2005).<
``Atom counting statistics in ensembles of interacting Rydberg atoms,'' T. Cubel Liebisch, A. Reinhard, P. R. Berman, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 253002 (2005). and Erratum.
``Time dependence and Landau quantization in the ionization of cold, magnetized Ryberg atoms,'' J.-H. Choi, J. R. Guest, E. Hansis, A. P. Povilus, and G. Raithel,Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 253005 (2005).
``Laser cooling in an optical lattice that employs Raman transitions,'' R. Zhang, N. V. Morrow, P. R. Berman, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 72, 043409 (2005).
``Coherent population transfer of ground-state atoms into Rydberg states,'' T. Cubel, B. K. Teo, V. S. Malinovsky, J. R. Guest, A. Reinhard, B. Knuffman, P. R. Berman, G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 72, 23405-1-4 (2005).
``Sub-Doppler cooling in reduced-period optical lattice geometries,'' P.R. Berman, G. Raithel, R. Zhang, V. S. Malinovsky, Phys. Rev. A 72, 33415-1-11 (2005).
``A simple pressure-tuned Fabry-Perot interferometer,'' E. Hansis, T. Cubel, J.-H. Choi, J. R. Guest, and G. Raithel, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 033105 (2005).
``Laser cooling and magnetic trapping at several Tesla,'' J. R. Guest, J.-H. Choi, E. Hansis, A. P. Povilus and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 073003 (2005).
``Wave-packet interference in an optical lattice,'' N. V. Morrow and G. Raithel, Laser Physics Vol. 15, 74-81 (2005).
``Atom interference in a gray optical lattice,'' N. V. Morrow and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 70, 051601 (2004).
``Time Averaging of Multi-mode Optical Fiber Output for a Magneto-Optical Trap,'' A. P. Povilus, J. R. Guest, S. E. Olson, R. R. Mhaskar, B. K. Teo, G. Raithel, JOSA B 22, 311 (2005).
``Cold-Rydberg-gas dynamics,'' A. Walz-Flannigan, J. R. Guest, J.-H. Choi, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 69, 063405 (2004).
``Autler-Townes spectroscopy of the 5S1/2-5P3/2-44D cascade of cold 85Rb atoms,'' B. K. Teo, D. Feldbaum, T. Cubel. J. R. Guest, P. R. Berman G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 68, 053407 (2003).
``High-|m| Rydberg states in strong magnetic fields,'' J. R. Guest, G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 68, 052502 (2003).
``Decay rates of high-|m| Rydberg states in strong magnetic fields,'' J. R. Guest, J.-H. Choi, G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 68, 022509 (2003).
``Magnetic Behavior of Atoms in Gray Optical Lattices'', J. R. Guest, B. K. Teo, N. V. Morrow, G. Raithel, JOSA B 20, 942 (2003).
``A slow and dark atomic beam'', B. K. Teo, T. Cubel, G. Raithel, Optics Communication 212 307 (2002).
``Coulomb Expansion of laser-excited ion plasmas,'' D. Feldbaum, N. V. Morrow, S. K. Dutta, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 173004 (2002).
``Atom reflection in a tepared magnetic guide," B. K. Teo, G. Raithel, Phys,. Rev. A 65, 051401 (2002).
``Tunneling resonances and Coherence in an Optical Lattice,'' B. K. Teo, J. R. Guest, G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 173001 (2002).
``Feedback Control of Atomic Motion in an Optical Lattice,'' N.V. Morrow, S. K. Dutta, G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 093003 (2002).
``Loading mechanism for atomic guides,'' B. K. Teo, G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 63, R031402 (2001).
``Ponderomotive Optical Lattice for Rydberg Atoms,'' S. K. Dutta, J. R. Guest, D.Feldbaum, A. Waltz-Flannigan, G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 5551 (2000)
``High-Angular-Momentum States in Cold Rydberg Gases,'' S. K. Dutta, D. Feldbaum, A. Walz-Flannigan, J. R. Guest, and G. Raithel, Phys. Rev Lett. 86, 3993 (2001).
``Enhancement of Sisyphus cooling using a bichromatic standing wave,'' S. K. Dutta, N. V. Morrow, G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. A 62, 035401 (2000).
``Tunneling and the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation in Optical Lattices,'' S. K. Dutta, G. Raithel, J. Opt. B: Quantum Semiclass. Opt. 2, 651 (2000).
``Tunneling Dynamics and Gauge Potentials in Optical Lattices,'' S. K. Dutta, B. K. Teo, G. Raithel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 1934 (1999).
``Collapse and revivals of wave-packets in optical Lattices,'' G. Raithel, S. L. Rolston, W. D. Phillips, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 3615 (1998).
``Observation of level statistics and Heisenberg-time orbits in diamagnetic Rydberg spectra,'' H. Held, J. Schlichter, G. Raithel, H. Walther, Europhys. Lett. 43, 392 (1998).
``Magnetization and Spin-Flip Dynamics of Atoms in Optical Lattices,'' G. Raithel, S. L. Rolston, W. D. Phillips, Phys. Rev. A 58, R2660 (1998).
``Enhanced laser cooling and state preparation in an optical lattice with magnetic field,'' D. L. Haycock, S. E. Hamann, G. Klose, G. Raithel, P. S. Jessen, Phys. Rev. A 57, R705 (1998).
``Compression and Parametric Drive of Atoms in Optical Lattices,'' G. Raithel, G. Birkl, W. D. Phillips, S. L. Rolston, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 2928 (1997).
``Cooling and Localization Dynamics in Optical Lattices,'' G. Raithel, G. Birkl, A. Kastberg, W. D. Phillips, S. L. Rolston, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 630 (1997).
``Atomic Interference in the One-Atom-Maser,'' G. Raithel, O. Benson, H. Wather, Phys. Rev. Lett. 75, 3446 (1995).
``Observation of High Angular Momentum States of Rubidium Rydberg Atoms in Strong Magnetic and Weak Electric Fields,'' G. Raithel, M. Fauth, J. Phys. B 28, 1687 (1995).
``Quantum Jumps of the Micromaser Field - Dynamic Behavior Close to Phase Transition Points,'' O. Benson, G. Raithel, H. Walther, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 3506 (1994).
``Rubidium Rydberg atoms in strong static fields,'' G. Raithel, H. Held, L. Marmet, H. Walther, J. Phys. B 27, 2849 (1994).
``Observation of Quasi-Landau Wave Packets,'' L. Marmet, H. Held, G. Raithel, J. A. Yeazell, H. Walther, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 3779 (1994).
``From Coherent to Noise-Induced Microwave Ionization of Rydberg Atoms,'' O. Benson, A. Buchleitner, G. Raithel, M. Arndt, R. N. Mantegna, H. Walther, Phys. Rev. A 51, 4862 (1995).
``Ionization energy of rubidium Rydberg atoms in strong crossed electric and magnetic fields,'' G. Raithel, H. Walther, Phys. Rev. A 49, 1646 (1994).
``Observation of Wave Packet Motion along Quasi-Landau Orbits,'' J. A. Yeazell, G. Raithel, L. Marmet, H. Held, H. Walther, Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 2884 (1993).
``Circular Rydberg states with very large n,'' R. J. Brecha, G. Raithel, C. Wagner, H. Walther, Opt. Comm. 102, 257 (1993).
``Atoms in strong crossed electric and magnetic fields: Evidence for states with large electric-dipole moments,'' G. Raithel, M. Fauth, H. Walther, Phys. Rev. A 47, 419 (1993).
``Quasi-Landau resonances in the spectra of rubidium Rydberg atoms in crossed electric and magnetic fields,'', G. Raithel, M. Fauth, H. Walther, Phys. Rev. A 44, 1898 (1991)
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