Computational Laboratories in Number Theory
Number theory can be taught as a lab course, in the same way
that chemistry and physics are customarily taught. Students
have a lecture course, of three hours a week (say), and then
meet on a fourth day in a room equipped with PCs and the
approprite software. A lab manual and software for this
purpose are provided here. Students who have taken such a
lab course seem to have a better grasp of the material, and
of course more knowledge of the algorithmic issues that arise
in number theoretic calculations.
These materials were developed for use with
the NZM text, but could be used with other texts, or on its own.
Instead of the DOS programs found here, one could use Maple,
or Mathematica, or PARI GP. The advantage of such an approach
is that one can cut-and-paste, and one has a wider range of
professional-level tools. However, in such a case the
instructor would need to provide some tuteledge concerning the
appropriate commands. The DOS programs are limited by the fact
that all inputs must be typed manually (no cut-and-paste),
and currently there is no printing. On the other hand, the DOS
programs have some advantages: (1) The algorithms being used are
limited to those that the student has studied, so the computer is
only doing the drudge work that the student in principle could
do by hand. (2) The "demo" programs walk the student through
the execution of an algorithm, one step at a time. (3) The "tab"
programs create tables of numbers in which students can identify
- Computational Laboratories in Number Theory
(CLINT) manual (x+104pp) in
DVI (336 KB)
PS (717 KB)
PDF (1.26 MB)
- DOS Programs clintprgms.7z
(zipped file, 674KB; unzips to 74 programs)
- Folder of uncompressed files74 files
(74 programs 6.44MB)
listed by Type
listed by Section
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