Workshop Venue:
West Hall

Lecture Hall: 340 West Hall (3rd Floor)
University of Michigan
Central Campus Map |
On-shell scattering amplitudes at both tree and loop level possess remarkable hidden structures and interrelations. These are relevant for enhancing calculational efficiency; however, they also have the promise of revealing a fundamentally new approach to quantum field theory and of illuminating connections between gauge theories, gravity, and string theory.
This workshop will be a venue to communicate the most recent progress on amplitudes in the planar limit of N=4 SYM and broaden the perspective towards both phenomenologically relevant applications and formal developments such as massive field theories, perturbative gravity, string amplitudes, and field theories in D≠4 dimensions.
Program: the program of talks will start at 9:30am on Thursday Nov. 10 and end Sunday Nov. 13 at 2:30pm.
We kindly ask all participants to register using the registration link on this page. There is no registration fee.
Expected speakers include:
Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS)
Zvi Bern (UCLA)
Rutger Boels (Hamburg)
Freddy Cachazo (Perimeter)
Vittorio Del Duca (Frascati)
Dan Freedman (MIT)
Henrik Johansson (Saclay)
Johannes Henn (IAS)
Renata Kallosh (Stanford)
Jared Kaplan (SLAC)
Zohar Komargodski (Weizmann/IAS)
Gregory Korchemsky (Saclay)
David Kosower (Saclay)
Matthias Neubert (Mainz)
Radu Roiban (Penn State)
Emery Sokatchev (Annecy)
David Skinner (Perimeter)
Marcus Spradlin (Brown)
Stephan Stieberger (Munich)
Gabriele Travaglini (QMUL)
Pierre Vanhove (Saclay/IHES)
Pedro Vieira (Perimeter)
Anastasia Volovich (Brown)