beats.mp3 | Beats |
clicks.mp3 | Clicks increasing in frequency |
compressed64.mp3 | Music compressed at 64 kbits/s |
compressed128.mp3 | Music compressed at 128 kbits/s |
compressed192.mp3 | Music compressed at 192 kbits/s |
cp70.mp3 | CP-70 electric grand |
equalscale.mp3 | An equal tempered major scale |
fifth.mp3 | A fifth |
fivecents.mp3 | Five musical cents |
G4beats.mp3 | Simultaneous beats and roughness |
guitarhrm.mp3 | Harmonics played on guitar |
guitarstrum.mp3 | Two guitar chords |
harmonics.mp3 | Progressively added harmonics |
inharmonic.mp3 | An inharmonic sound |
justscale.mp3 | A just intonation major scale |
majorchord.mp3 | A major chord |
majorscale.mp3 | A major scale |
majorseventh.mp3 | A major seventh |
majorthird.mp3 | A major third |
minorsecond.mp3 | A major second |
minorsixth.mp3 | A major sixth |
narrowband.mp3 | Narrowband noise |
nofund1.mp3 | A sound with fundamental |
nofund2.mp3 | The same sound without fundamental |
octave.mp3 | A octave |
onecent.mp3 | One musical cent |
phase1.mp3 | Two sine waves |
phase2.mp3 | The same sine waves with different phase |
physmod1.mp3 | Physical modeling, stage 1 |
physmod2.mp3 | Physical modeling, stage 2 |
physmod3.mp3 | Physical modeling, stage 3 |
pinknoise.mp3 | Pink noise |
pmchord1.mp3 | A chord generated by physical modeling |
pmchord2.mp3 | A chord generated by physical modeling |
powerchord.mp3 | Power chord on electric guitar |
rhodes.mp3 | Rhodes electric piano |
sawtooth.mp3 | Sawtooth wave |
sinewave.mp3 | Sine wave |
square.mp3 | Square wave |
triangle.mp3 | Triangle wave |
twelfth.mp3 | A twelfth |
twentyfivecents.mp3 | 25 musical cents |
uncompressed.wav | Musical sample, uncompressed |
whitenoise.mp3 | White noise |
wurly.mp3 | Wurlitzer electric piano |