Refereed Conference Proceedings
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2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999
LaFleur, B., Petrov. V., Manera, A.,
"CFD Analyses of Main Flow Penetration Depth in Isolated Branch Lines",
Proc. of the 16th Int. Topical Mtg. on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-16),
Chicago, IL, USA, Aug 30 - Sept 4 (2015).
Grunloh, T., Manera, A., "Comparison of Overlapping and Separate Domain Coupling Methods for 1D Pump Driven Closed Loop Flow System", Proc. of the 16th Int. Topical Mtg. on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-16), Chicago, IL, USA, Aug 30 - Sept 4 (2015).
Nguyen, T., Petrov, V., Manera, A., "A separate-effect test facility for CFD-grade measurements of the RCCS upper plenum", Proc. of the 16th Int. Topical Mtg. on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-16), Chicago, IL, USA, Aug 30 - Sept 4 (2015).
Wang, M., Manera, A., Memmott, M.J., Lee, J., Qiu, S., "Preliminary Design of the I2S-LWR Contianment System", Proc. of the 16th Int. Topical Mtg. on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-16), Chicago, IL, USA, Aug 30 - Sept 4 (2015).
Wang, M., Manera, A., Memmott, M.J., Qiu, S., "Passive Decay Heat Removal System Design for the Integral Inherently Safe Light Water Reactor (I2S-LWR)", Proc. of the 16th Int. Topical Mtg. on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-16), Chicago, IL, USA, Aug 30 - Sept 4 (2015).
Walter, D., Petrov, V., Manera, Kendrick, B.K., "A control theory approach to adaptive stepsize selection for coupled CFD and CRUD chemistry simulations", Proc. of the 16th Int. Topical Mtg. on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-16), Chicago, IL, USA, Aug 30 - Sept 4 (2015).
Dave, A., Manera, A., Beyer, M., Lucas, D., Prasser, H.-M., "Uncertainty Analysis of an Interfacial Area Reconstruction Algorithm", Proc. of the 16th Int. Topical Mtg. on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-16), Chicago, IL, USA, Aug 30 - Sept 4 (2015).
Dave, A., Manera, A., Beyer, M., Lucas, D., "Evaluating Performance of the Two Group Interfacial Area Transport Equation for Large Diameter Pipes", Proc. of the 16th Int. Topical Mtg. on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-16), Chicago, IL, USA, Aug 30 - Sept 4 (2015).
Dave, A., Manera, A., Beyer, M., Lucas, D., Prasser, H.-M., "Uncertainty Analysis of an Interfacial Area Reconstruction Algorithm and its application to Two Group Interfacial Area Transport Equation Validation", Proc. of Japan-U.S. Seminar on Two-phase Flow Dynamics (accepted for special issue in Nucl. Eng. Des.), West Lafayette, IN, USA, May 10 - 15 (2015).
Walter, D., Manera, "A control theory approach to adaptive stepsize selection for lattice depletion simulations", Proc. of ANS MC2015 - Joint Int. Conf. on Mathematics and Computations (M&C), Supercomputing in Nucl Appl. (SNA) and the MonteCarlo (MC) Method, Nashville, TN, USA, April 19 - 23 (2015).
Walter, D., Manera, "CRUD and Boron Layer Modeling requirement using MOC Neutron Transport", Proc. of ANS MC2015 - Joint Int. Conf. on Mathematics and Computations (M&C), Supercomputing in Nucl Appl. (SNA) and the MonteCarlo (MC) Method, Nashville, TN, USA, April 19 - 23 (2015).
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Walter, D., Petrov, V., Manera, A.,
"Thermal Hydraulic effects of 3-D power variations in a PWR fuel pin using CFD",
Transaction of American Nuclear Society,
Anaheim, CA, USA, Nov. 9 -13 (2014).
Nguyen, T., Petrov, V., Manera, A., "Design of a scaled experimental facility for the NGNP reactor cavity cooling system", Transaction of American Nuclear Society, Anaheim, CA, USA, Nov. 9 -13 (2014).
Petrov, V., Kendrick, B., Walter, D., Manera, A., Secker, J., "Prediction of CRUD deposition on PWR fuel using a state-of-the-art CFD-based multi-physics computational tool", Proc. of Computational Fluid-Dynamics for Nuclear Reactor Safety Conference, CFD4NRS-5, Zurich, Switzerland, Sept 9 - 11 (2014).
Manera, A., Memmott, M.J.,
"Design and trade-off of the Passive Decay Heat Removal System (DHRS) of the Integral, Inherently Safe Light Water Reactor (I2S-LWR)",
Proc. of 10th International Conf. on the Nuclear Option in Countries with Small and Medium Electricity Grids,
Zadar, Croatia, June 1 - 4 (2014).
Wysocki, A., March-Leuba, J., Thurston, C., Ward, A., Manera, A., Xu, Y., Downar, T.,
"The modeling of advanced BWR fuel designs with the US NRC fuel depletion codes PARCS/PATHS",
Proc. of International Topical Mtg. on Advances in Thermal-Hydraulic, ATH'14,
Reno, NV, June 15 - 19 (2014).
Wang, M., Manera, A., Qiu, S.,
"Development of an ammonia-water mixture code (AWProC) for KALINA cycle",
Proc. of International Topical Mtg. on Advances in Thermal-Hydraulic, ATH'14,
Reno, NV, June 15 - 19 (2014).
Memmott, M.J., Manera, A.,
"The use of a flashing drum to generate steam in the Integral, Inherently Safe (I2S) Light Water Reactor",
Proc. of ICAPP2014,
Charlotte, USA, Apr. 6 - 9 (2014).
Dave, A., Kramer, K., Manera, A., Petrov, V.,
"CFD simulation of temperature distribution in the cavity of an ex-vessel cooling system",
Proc. of the ICAPP 2014,
Charlotte, NC, USA, April 6 - 9 (2014).
LaFleur, B., Walter, D., Manera, A.,
"Neutronic Effects of Nickel Ferrite CRUD without Boron Hideout",
Transaction of the American Nuclear Society,
Washington, DC, November 10 - 14 (2013).
Walter, D., Petrov, V., Manera, A., Franceschini, F., Downar, D.,
"Impact of thermal-hydraulics fidelity on the prediction of PWR fuel using neutron transport and computational fluid dynamics",
Proc. of TOPFUEL 2013 conference,
Charlotte, NC, USA, September 15- 19 (2013).
Kendrick, B., Petrov, V., Walter, D., Manera, A., Collins, B., Downar, T., Secker, J., Belcourt, K.,
"CASL Multiphysics modeling of crud deposition in PWRs",
Proc. of TOPFUEL 2013 conference,
Charlotte, NC, USA, September 15- 19 (2013).
Bolesch, C., Walter, D., Manera, A., Petrov, V., Kendrick, B.,
"Impact of thermal-hydraulic fidelity on the prediction of crud deposition on PWR fuel rods",
Transaction of the American Nuclear Society,
Atlanta, Georgia, June 16 - 20 (2013).
Petrov, V.,Kendrick, B.,Walter, D.,Manera, A.,
"Impact of fluid-dynamic 3D spatial effects on the prediction of crud deposition in a 4x4 PWR sub-assembly",
Proc. of NURETH-14 conference,
Pisa, Italy, May 12 - 16 (2013).
Walter, D., Collins, B., Kendrick, B., Petrov, V., Manera, A., Downar, T.,
"High-fidelity simulation of crud deposition on a fuel pin with grid spacers - a proof-of-principle using the fully coupled MAMBA/DeCART/STAR-CCM+ code",
Proc. of NURETH-14 conference,
Pisa, Italy, May 12 - 16 (2013).
T. Grunloh,V. Petrov, A. Manera, D. Bertolotto, H.-M. Prasser,
"Validation of RANS turbulence models against mixing experiments at the FLORIS test facility",
Proc. of NURETH-14 conference,
Pisa, Italy, May 12 - 16 (2013).
A. Wysocki, J. March-Leuba, T. Downar, A. Manera,
"TRACE/PARCS analysis of out-of-phase power oscillations with a rotating line of symmetry",
Proc. of NURETH-14 conference,
Pisa, Italy, May 12 - 16 (2013).
Asher, I., Fidkowski, K., Drzewiecki, T., Grunloh, T., Petrov, V., A. Manera, Downar, T.,
"Sensitivity study of eulerian multiphase boiling models: NPHASE-CMFD",
Proc. of NURETH-14 conference,
Pisa, Italy, May 12- 16 (2013).
Petrov, V., Lo, S., Manera, A.,
"Validation of CFD Subcooled Model for PWR Subchannels",
Proc. of the 9th Int. Topical Mtg. on Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics,
NUTHOS-9, September 9-13, 2012, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, N9P0309 (2012).
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Manera, A., Prasser, H.-M., Leyer. S.,
"Analysis of the performance of the KERENA emergency condenser, 14th Int. Topical Mtg. on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-hydralics",
Sept. 25-30, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2011).
Kim, T.W., Manera, A.,
"Prediction of the Void Fraction in a Subchannel and Bundle Geometry with FLICA4 and TRACE",
Sept. 25-30, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2011).
Petrov, V., Manera, A.,
"Validation of STAR-CCM+ for buoyancy driven mixing in a PWR reactor pressure vessel",
Sept. 25-30, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2011).
Freixa, J., Bertolotto, D., Manera, A.,
"Testing of the QUICKEST-ULTIMATE algorithm to solve the dissolved convection equation during a boron dilution test at the PKL facility",
Sept. 25-30, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2011).
Freixa, J., Kim, T.W., Manera, A.,
"Post-test thermal-hydraulic analysis fo two intermediate LOCA tests at the ROSA facility including uncertainty evaluation",
Sept. 25-30, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2011).
Zerkak, O., Gajev, I., Manera, A., Kozlowski, T.,
"Revisiting temporal accuracy in neutronics/TH code coupling using the NURESIM LWR simulation platform",
Sept. 25-30, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (2011).
Nikitin, K., Judd, J., Grandi, G.M., Manera, A., Ferroukhi, H.,
"Peach Bottom 2 Turbine Trip Simulation by TRACE/S3K coupled code",
PHYSOR 2010,
May 9 - 14, 2010, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA (2010).
Dang, N.V., Kim, T., Zimmermann, M., Manera, A.,
"Assessing Safety Margins: the impact of a power uprate on risk from Small and Medium LOCA scenarios",
10th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment & Management Conference
(PSAM10), June 7-11, 2010, Seattle, Washington, USA (2010).
Bertolotto, D., Manera, A., Petrov, V., Bissels, W.-M., Prasser, H.-M., Chawla, R.,
"Mixing studies in the FLORIS facility by means of a directly coupled CFD/system-code tool",
June 13-17, 2010 San Diego, CA, USA (2010).
Petrov, V., Manera, A.,
"Development and validation of a CFD model for the EPR pressure vessel",
June 13-17, 2010, San Diego, CA, USA (2010).
Freixa, J., Kim, T., Manera, A.,
"Blind thermal-hydraulic analysis of an intermediate LOCA test at the ROSA facility including uncertainty evaluation",
October 10-14, 2010 Shanghai, China (2010).
Kim, T., Zimmermann, M.A., Dang, V.N., Manera, A.,
"Quantitative analysis of effect of power uprate on core damage frequency on MBLOCA",
October 10-14, 2010, Shanghai, China (2010).
Manera, A., Prasser, H.-M., Lechner, R., Frank, T.,
"Toward the prediction of temperature fluctuations by means of steady RANS for the estimation of thermal fatigue",
Sept. 27 - Oct. 2, 2009, Kanazawa, Japan, selected for publication in special issue of Nuclear Technology (2009).
Kim, T., Manera, A., Zimmermann, M.A., Dang, V.,
"Effect of power uprate on exceedance frequency during MBLOCA with minimum specifications for success",
Sept. 27 - Oct. 2, 2009, Kanazawa, Japan (2009).
Nikitin, K., Manera, A.,
"Simulation of reflood experiments using the best-estimate thermal-hydraulic code TRACE",
Sept. 27 - Oct. 2, 2009, Kanazawa, Japan (2009).
Freixa, J., Manera, A., Reventos. F.,
"TRACE and RELAP5 Thermal-hydraulic analysis of boron dilution tests at the PKL facility"
Sept. 27 - Oct. 2, 2009, Kanazawa, Japan (2009).
Leyer, S., Maisberger, F., Schaub, B., Brettschuh, W., Doll, M., Wich, M:, Schaefer, H., Manera, A., Prasser, H.-M.,
"Full scale quasi steady state component tests of the SWR1000 emergency condenser at the INKA test facility",
May 10-14, 2009, Tokyo, Japan (2009).
Sharabi, M., Manera, A. , Andreani, M.,
"Implementation of Improved Heat Transfer Correlations in RELAP5 and Application to the HPLWR",
4th International Symposium on Supercritical Water-Cooled Reactors,
March 8-11, 2009, Heidelberg, Germany (2009).
Bertolotto, D., Manera, A., Prasser, H.-M., Chawla, R.,
"CFD Simulations of a Single-phase mixing experiment",
Sept. 20 - 26, 2008, Interlaken, Switzerland, Paper No. 542 (2008).
Perez, M., Reventos, F., Batet, L., Pericas, R., Toth, Bazin P., de Crecy, A., Borisov, S., Glaeser, H., Skorek, T., Joucla, J., Probst, P., Ui, A., Chung, B., Oh, D.Y., Kyncl, M., Pernica, R., Manera, A., D'Auria, F., Petruzzi A., del Nevo, A.,
"Main results of Phase IV BEMUSE project",
Sept. 30 - Oct. 3, 2008, Dubrovnik, Croatia (2008).
Bertolotto, D., Manera, A., Smith, B., Prasser, H.-M., Chawla, R.,
"Single-phase mixing studies by means of a directly coupled CFD/system-code tool",
Interlaken, Switzerland, selected for publication in Annals of Nucl. Energy (2008).
Prasser, H.-M., Manera, A., Niceno, B., Simiano, M., Smith, B., Walker, C., Zboray, R.,
"Fluid mixing at a T-junction",
Proc. of the workshop on Experiments and CFD code application to Nuclear Reactor Safety
(XCFD4NRS), September 10 - 12, 2008, Grenoble, France (2008).
Manera, A., Antoni, O.,
"Code-to-code comparison for blowdown transients at supercritical conditions",
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik,
Manera, A., Ozar, B., Paranjape, S., Ishii, M., Prasser, H.-M.,
"Comparison between wire-mesh sensors and conductive needle-probes for measurements of two-phase flow parameters",
April 22-26, 2007, Nagoya, Japan, selected for publication in Nucl. Eng. Des. (2007).
Lucas, D., Krepper, E., Prasser, H.-M., Manera, A.,
"Stability effect of the lateral lift force in homogeneous bubbly flow",
Leipzig, Germany (2007).
Barten, W., Manera, A., Macian-Juan, R.,
"Assessment of the capability of the TRACE code to model propagation of linear acoustic pressure waves in one-dimensional flow",
September 30 - October 4, 2007, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (2007).
Manera, A., Macian-Juan, R.,
"Assessment of TRACE wall condensation models at low pressures in presence of non-condensable gases",
September 30 - October 4, 2007, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (2007).
Zboray, R., Manera, A., Prasser H.-M.,
"Investigations on mixing phenomena in T-junction geometry",
September 30 - October 4, 2007, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (2007).
Rohde, M., Marcel, C.P., Manera, A., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J.,
"Experimental and numerical investigations on the ESBWR stability performance",
September 30 - October 4, 2007, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (2007).
Lucas, D., Prasser, H.-M., Manera, A.,
"Linear stability analysis for the effect of the lift force in a bubble column",
Proc. of 7th German/Japanese Symposium on Bubble Columns,
May 20-23, 2006, Goslar, Germany (2006).
Manera, A., Prasser, H.-M., Lucas, D.,
"Experimental investigation on turbulence dispersion in a vertical large diameter pipe for bubbly and slug flow regimes by means of correlation techniques",
Proc. of NURETH11, 11th Int. Topical Meetg. On Nuclear Reactors Thermal Hydraulics,
October 2-6, 2006, Avignon, France, selected for publication in Nucl. Technology (2006).
Manera, A.,
"A novel start-up procedure for natural circulation Boiling Water Reactors",
Proc. of NURETH11, 11th Int. Topical Meetg. On Nuclear Reactors Thermal Hydraulics,
October 2-6, 2005, Avignon, France (2005).
Manera, A.,
"Out-of-phase flashing-induced instabilities in natural circulation two-phase systems with parallel channels",
Proc. of HEAT-2005, 4th Int. Conf. On Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Systems,
June 26-30, 2005, Gdansk, Poland (2005).
Prasser, H.-M., Beyer, M., Carl, H.,Gregor, S., Manera, A., Pietruske, H., Schutz, P., Weiss, F.-P.,
"The thermalhydraulic test facility TOPFLOW: overview on experimental capabilities, instrumentation and results",
11th Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Predictions, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg,
April 5-8, 2005, Merseburg, Germany (2005).
Manera, A.,
"Strategies for the start-up procedure of natural circulation BWRs",
Proc. Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2005,
Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology, 10-12 May, 2005, Nuremeberg, Germany (2005).
Lucas, D., Prasser, H.-M., Manera, A.,
"Linear stability analysis for the effect of the lift force in a bubble column",
Proc. of 43th European Two-Phase Flow Group Meeting,
May 11-13, 2005, Prague, Czech Republic (2005).
Manera, A., Prasser, H.-M., Lucas, D., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J.,
"Bubble size distributions and three-dimensional flow pattern visualization in stationary and transient flashing flow",
Proc. of 3rd Int. Symposium on Two phase flow modeling and experimentation,
Sept. 22-25, 2004, Pisa, Italy (2004).
Schaefer, F., Manera, A.,
"Investigation of flashing-induced instabilities at the CIRCUS test facility using the code ATHLET",
Proc. 29th Int. Meetg. On Reactor Noise,
May 17-19, 2004, Budapest, Hungary (2004).
Manera, A., Prasser, H.-M., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J.,
"Suitability of drift-flux models, void-fraction evolution and 3D flow pattern visualization during stationary and transient flashing flow in a vertical pipe",
Proc. 10th Int.Topical Meetg. On Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics,
NURETH-10, October 5-9, 2003, Seoul, Korea, selected for publication in Nucl. Technology, (2003).
Manera, A., Rohde, U., Prasser, H.-M., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J.,
"Modelling of flashing-induced instabilities in the start-up phase of natural circulation BWRs using the code FLOCAL",
Proc. of 10th Int.Topical Meetg. On Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics,
NURETH-10, October 5-9, 2003, Seoul, Korea (2003).
Manera, A., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., Rohde, U., Prasser, H.-M.,
"Overview on stability of natural-circulation-cooled Boiling Water Reactors during start-up - an experimental and modeling analysis",
Proc. of Int. Conf. on Global Environment and Advanced Nuclear Power Plants,
GENES4/ANP2003, September 15-19, 2003, Kyoto, Japan (2003).
Schaefer, F., Manera, A.,
"Investigation of flashing-induced instabilities at the CIRCUS test facility using the code ATHLET",
Proc. 10th Int.Topical Meetg. On Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics,
NURETH-10, October 5-9, 2003, Seoul, Korea (2003).
Manera, A., Schaefer, F.,
Experimental and theoretical investigations of flashing induced instabilities at the CIRCUS test facility,
Proc. Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2003, Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology,
20-22 May, 2003, Berlin, Germany (2003).
van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., Manera, A., de Kruijf W.J.M.,
Experiments on flashing and flashing induced instabilities during the start-up of natural-circulation-cooled Boiling Water Reactors",
Proc. of HEAT 2002, 3rd International Conference on Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Systems,
June 24-27, 2002, Poland, pp.149-159., selected for publication in Archives of Thermodynamics (2002).
Manera, A., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J.,
"On stability of natural-circulation-cooled BWRs during start-up (experimental results)",
Proc. of International Conference on Advanced Nuclear Power Plants
(ICAPP-2002), June 9-13, 2002, Hollywood, Florida, on CD, 10 pp. Korea, selected for publication in Nucl. Technology (2002).
Manera, A., Zboray, R., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J.,
"Assessment of linear and nonlinear auto-regressive methods for BWR stability monitoring",
Proc. SMORN-8 Symposium on Nuclear Reactor Surveillance and Diagnostics,
May 27-31, 2002, Goeteborg, Sweden, selected for publication in Progress in Nucl. Energy (2002).
Ketelaar, K.C.J., de Kruijf, W.J.M., van der Hagen, T., Manera, A., Avakian, G., Gubernatis, P., Caruge, D., Yadigaroglu, G., Dominicus, G., Rohde, U., Prasser, H.-M., Castrillo, F., Huggenberger, M., Hennig, D., Munoz-Cobo, J.L., Aguirre, C. ,
"Natural Circulation and Stability Performance of BWRs (NACUSP)",
Proc. FISA 2001 EU Research in reactor safety,
November 12-15, 2001, Luxembourgh, EUR 20281, European Communities, pp. 535-546 (2001).
Manera, A., Hartmann, H., de Kruijf, W.J.M., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., Mudde R.F., de Haas, D.W.,
"Experimental observations on flashing-induced oscillations in a water/steam natural-circulation loop",
Proc. 4th International Conference on Multiphase Flow
(ICMF-2001), May 27 - June 1, 2001, New Orleans, USA (2001).
Manera, A., Prasser, H.-M., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., Mudde R.F., de Kruijf, W.J.M.,
"A comparison of void-fraction measurements during flashing-induced instabilities obtained with a wire-mesh sensor and a gamma-transmission set-up",
Proc. 4th International Conference on Multiphase Flow
(ICMF-2001), May 27 - June 1, 2001, New Orleans, USA (2001).
Manera, A., Hartmann, H., de Kruijf, W.J.M., van der Hagen T.H.J.J., Mudde, R.F.,
"Low-pressure dynamics of a natural-circulation two-phase flow loop",
Proc. of the 4th Workshop on Measurement techniques of stationary and transient multiphase flow,
November 16-17, 2000, Rossendorf, Germany, FZR-320 (2000).
Manera, A., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., de Kruijf W.J.M., van Dam, H.,
"On the Determination of Transit Times During Flow Oscillations",
Proc. of IMORN-28,
October 11-13, 2000, Athens, Greece, 301-318 (2000).
Manera, A., de Kruijf, W.J.M., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., Mudde, R.F.,
"Experiments with the CIRCUS Facility on Flashing-Induced Instabilities During Start-up of Natural-Circulation-Cooled BWRS",
Proc. Int. Top. Meetg. on Advances in Reactor Physics and Mathematics and Computation into the Next Millennium
(PHYSOR 2000), May 7-11, 2000, Pittsburg, USA (paper 27), 12 pages (2000).
de Kruijf, W.J.M., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., Zboray, R., Manera, A., Mudde, R.F.,
"CIRCUS and DESIRE: Experimental facilities for research on natural-circulation-cooled Boiling Water Reactors",
Proc. IAEA TCM on Natural Circulation Data and Methods for Innovative Nuclear Power Plant Design,
July 18-21, 2000, Wien, IAEA-TECDOC-1281 (2000).
de Kruijf, W.J.M., Zboray, R., Manera, A., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., van Dam H., Mudde, R.F.,
"Non-linear characteristics of thermohydraulic instabilities in innovative BWRs",
Proc. of ICENES 2000, 10th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems,
September 25-28, 2000, Petten, The Netherlands, pp. 467-476 (2000).
Furuya, M., Manera, A., van Bragt, D.D.B., van der Hagen T.H.J.J., de Kruijf, W.J.M.,
"Effect of Liquid Density Differences on Two-Phase Flow Instability",
Proc. of 9-th Int. Topical Mtg. On Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics
(NURETH-9), October 3-8, 1999, San Francisco, USA (1999).
Zboray, R., Manera, A., de Kruijf, W.J.M., van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., van Bragt, D.D.B., van Dam, H.,
"Experiments on Non-linear Density-Wave Oscillations in the DESIRE Facility",
Proc. of 9-th Int. Topical Mtg. On Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics
(NURETH-9), October 3-8, 1999, San Francisco, USA (1999).
van der Hagen, T.H.J.J., Manera, A.,
"The Influence of Carry Under on Natural-Circulation BWR Statics and Dynamics",
Proc. of 9-th Int. Topical Mtg. On Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics
(NURETH-9), October 3-8, 1999, San Francisco, USA (1999).
Zboray, R., Manera, A., van der Hagen T.H.J.J., de Kruijf, W.J.M.,
"The effect of an increased riser exit pressure drop on BWR stability: a numerical and experimental study",
Proc. of Jahrestagung Kerntechnik '99,
Annual meeting on nuclear technology '99, May 18-21, 1999, Karlsruhe, Germany, 79-82 (1999).