Surveys were sent highest priority email with an initial response rate of 20%. Repeated requests eventually generated a 76% response rate, with 17 of 25 sending complete responses and two sites sending incomplete responses. The sites which did not respond were typically the very large megasites for whom health information was only a small portion of their total content, such as Yahoo and Einet Galaxy, or sites which were not being actively developed at
that time.
Of those who sent complete and usable replies, typically the responses were overwhelmingly generous in sharing their personal contact information, selection criteria, administrative structure, and more, although some of this information was considered to confidential. All site who responded had selection criteria and persons or teams who were responsible for the quality control. While several sites asked us not to share their selection criteria,
we can share with you what is probably the next most relevant piece of information -- how often their site is checked for currency and accuracy of the selected links.