Thank you in advance for participating in the FACULTY SURVEY. This survey will be used to provide
information about the Faculty/Staff's awareness, support, and interest in Philippine-related resources
in Michigan.
At this time, we are unable to provide a survey form in this website. Until we
are able to provide an interactive survey, we ask that you
1. Highlight the survey below 2.
Copy the text 3. Paste the text into a word document or the body of an e-mail 4. Complete the
survey 5. E-mail the completed survey back to Survey_psg@hotmail.com
If you have any
problems or questions with the survey, contact one of our representatives and we'll be happy to assist
you. (philippinestudygroup1@hotmail.com)

FACULTY SURVEY Philippine Studies Program Feasability
Date: ____________
Name: ____________________________ Title: _______________________________ Current Institution Affiliation:
_______________________________________________ Department: _____________________________________________________________
Office Address: __________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________
Telephone: __________________________ Email:______________________________ Academic background
(i.e. degrees, institutions, etc.______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________
1. What courses on Philippine Studies do you teach or have taught in the past, if any? Department___________
Course No.______ Credits______ Semester Given_______ Title:____________________________________________________________
2. What courses do you teach or have taught that have some Philippine content? Department___________
Course No.______ Credits______ Semester Given_______ Title:____________________________________________________________
3. What course(s) would you like to teach that would in some way deal with the Philippines?
Please specify and describe briefly.________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. What research are you currently engaged in that has some Philippine content or focus? Please
specify and describe briefly.___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. If support were available, what research on the Philippines would you like to conduct? Please
specify and describe briefly.___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
6. Are you currently serving, or have served in the past, on a thesis or dissertation committee of
any student who is writing on the Philippines? Yes____ No____ If yes, please state: Number of
students_____ Your capacity (chairman or member):_________________________________________ Departments
of student(s): __________________________________________________ Topic(s) of thesis or dissertation:_____________________________________________
7. Are you currently
serving, or have served in the past, as an advisor for an independent study or an undergraduate thesis
on the Philippines? Yes____ No____ If yes, please state: Number of students_____ Departments
of student(s): __________________________________________________ Topic(s) of thesis or dissertation:_____________________________________________
8. a. Are you aware
of the unique resources available on the Philippines at the University of Michigan? Yes____ No____
If so, which collections do you know about? ___ The David J. Steinberg Philippine Collection ___
Philippine Worcesters Collection at: ___Hatcher Graduate Library (Special and Rare Books section)
___Michigan Bentley Historical Library ___Museum of Anthropology ___Kelsey Museum. ___The
Labadie Collection ___other(s). please specify __________________________________________________
b. Have you used any
of these collections in your research? Yes ____ No ____ If yes, which ones? ________________________________________
c. Have any of your students used these collections? Yes___ No ___ If yes, which ones? ____________________________________________
d. Do you think the establishment of a Philippine Studies Program will increase the amount and improve
the quality of usage of these collections? Definitely Yes___ Probably No___ Definitely No___
Probably No___ Pleaseexplain________________________________________________________________________________________
e. If you have used University of Michigan resources on the Philippines or are planning to
use them, would you be willing to contribute your research findings via: ____submission of paper(s)
or publication(s) ____guest lecture ____other (please specify)____________________________________________
f. Would you be willing to contribute any personal resources for the enhancement of Philippine related
resources at the University of Michigan? Yes____ No____ If yes, please list.____________________________________________________
9. If a Philippine Studies Program were re-established at the University of Michigan what topics
should be included? Please check one or more.
a. _______ Philippine History b. _______
Pre-colonial Philippines c. _______ Philippine Politics and Government d. _______ Philippine
Literature e. _______ Philippine Agriculture f. _______ Philippine Languages (Ilokano, Tagalog,
Visayan, etc.) g. _______ Philippine Arts and Culture h. _______ Philippine Economics i. _______
Women/Gender Studies in the Philippines j. _______ Philippine Diaspora k. _______ Other (please
10. Should the proposed Philippine Studies Program
institute (in order of priority: 1=highest): a. ___ an undergraduate major in Philippine Studies,
leading to a Bachelor's Degree? b. ___ an undergraduate major in Southeast Asian Studies with a concentration
in Philippine Studies, leading to a Bachelor's Degree? c. ___ a graduate major in Southeast Asian
Studies, with a concentration in Philippine Studies, leading to a Master's Degree? d. ___ interdisciplinary
graduate courses that are crosslisted between different departments e. ___ programs or workshops on
the Philippine collections at the University of Michigan f. ___ non-degree programs (i.e. courses
or events open to non-students) g. ___ community service programs (e.g. initiating or cooperating
with other groups/ institutions to sponsor Philippine cultural activities in the community? h. ___
others _________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
11. There are several ways in which a Philippine Studies Program in the University system
can be organized. Please check one of the following: a. ___ as a program within the Center for Southeast
Asian Studies b. ___ as a specific unit within the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures c.
___ as a more autonomous unit? d. ___ as a unit within the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures
but with collaborative arrangements with other departments (i.e. crosslisting courses with other departments)
e. ___ as part of an existing program or department (please specify) ____________ f. ___ other _________________________________________________________
12. Do you think the proposed
Philippine Studies Program should establish links with other institutions that currently have Philippine
Studies Programs or Centers? ___Yes ___No If yes, please specify: _____________________________________
13. Do you think the proposed
Philippine Studies Program should establish links with institutions in the Philippines? ___Yes
___No If yes, please specify: _____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________
If yes, what kind of link(s)? a. ___ student exchange b. ___ faculty exchange c. ___ sharing
of resource materials d. ___ others_________________________________________________________
14. Do you think the proposed Philippine Studies should seek financial assistance from : a. ___ the
State Legislature of Michigan b. ___ private sources, such as _________________________________________
c. ___ other ________________________________________________________ d. ___ other ________________________________________________________
15. In your opinion, should the program name be: (check one) a. ___ Filipino Studies Program
b.___ Philippine Studies Program
16. Please write below other comments or suggestions you would
like to make regarding the proposed Philippine Studies Program. _____________________________________
17. Please attach your curriculum vita.