Prof. Scott Campbell

University of MichiganCollege of Architecture + Urban Planning

UP504 • General Information on Assignments and Grading
Winter 2008

last updated:  Monday, April 14, 2008


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Assignments (subject to change)

  Topic Answer sheet (for selected assignments) Format Due Date
(100 total)
1 Regression   paper Jan 28
2 Use of Quantitative Methods in Planning Writing and Practive (a) Critique of Quantitative Analysis in a Planning Document of (b) Interview & Analysis of Methods   paper Feb 11
3 Graphic Presentation of Data   web (html files with .gif images on your ifs space) Mar 5
4 Survey Research answer sheet paper Mar 17
5 Demographics answer sheet paper Mar 28
6a Final Project - Draft Outline of Proposed Research Project   paper Feb 20
6b Final Project - Final Outline of Proposed Research Project link to proposals web (html file on your ifs space) Mar 19
6c Final Project - "Virtual Poster" of Results (to be presented Apr 2, 7) link to presentation posters web (html files with .gif images on your ifs space) Apr 2
6d Final Project - Written Version   paper (optional alternative: web version) Apr 18 new
  Exam (in-class)   (in class exam; bring pencils, calculator) Apr 14


Assignment Teams

For all assignments (except the exam), you are to work in teams of two students. You may stick with the same partner over the semester or change for different assignments. If you are not able to find a partner, you may work alone. (Note: in group projects, you are to turn in a single, integrated write-up. All group members receive the same grade.) Exception for the final project (assignment 6): Please, if possible, work in groups of two students for the final project. If, however, you would like to work as a group of THREE for the final project, that is a possibility. (We will expect a level of work from the final projects that corresponds to the size of your team.)


Grading Criteria

Students are expected to complete all the required readings, attend all class sessions, participate in class discussions and presentations, and complete several short assignments, a longer term project, and an exam. Evaluation of your work will be based on substantive content, analytical rigor, and writing quality.

Late assignments: Assignments are due at the start of class on the due date. Late assignments will be penalized (marked down by 1/2 point per day late). If you will NOT be able to turn in an assignment on time due to an illness (or other medical exigency), please email the instructor BEFORE the due time/date.

Important: Please read these guidelines about writing, coursework and academic integrity.

For basic information on creating web pages, see this overview.