- “CRISP: An Interactive Student Registration System” by Galler, R. Wagman, J.
Bravatto, G. Lift, G. Kern, V. Berstis, and E. Munn (January 24, 1973). Bernard Galler Papers,“CRISP 1971-73 (3 of 3), Box 23, Bentley Historical Library.
- “On-Line Classification: Report by the Computer Registration Committee” (March
1973) Bernard Galler Papers, “CRISP 1973 (3 of 3)”, Box 24, Bentley Historical Library.
- Edward C. Loyer, “Model for other systems nationwide; CRISP marks decade of
‘easy’ registration” The University Record 40.26 (April 8, 1985).
- An Interview with Bernard A. Galler, conducted by Enid H Galler, August 16,1991, pg. 44. Charles Babbage Institute. http://www.cbi.umn.edu/oh/pdf.phtml?id=126/
- “CRISP: An Interactive Student Registration System” by Galler, R. Wagman, J.
Bravatto, G. Lift, G. Kern, V. Berstis, and E. Munn (January 24, 1973). “CRISP 1971-73 (3 of3)”, Box 23, Bernard Galler Papers, Bentley Historical Library.
- “Proposal for CCS 673 Project CRISP” (December 23, 1971) in “CRISP: 1971-73 (1
of 3)”, Box 23, Bernard Galler Papers, Bentley Historical Library.
- Richard W. Bailey, “Talking About Words: A CRISP Acronym” Michigan Today (date
unknown). http://www.umich.edu/news/MT/NewsE/101503/bailey.html/
Bernard Galler to Lyle Baack (June 12, 1972) in “CRISP: 1971-73 (2 of 3)”, Box 23,
Bernard Galler Papers, Bentley Historical Library.
- Barnard Galler to Douglas Wooley (Jan. 8, 1975) in “CRISP 1973-75 (1 of 3), Box 24, Bernard Galler Papers, Bentley Historical Library.
- “Draft Agreement Between the University of Michigan and Systems and Computer
Technology Corporation (SCT) to Furnish, Install and Use an SCT Student Scheduling and
Fees Assessment System” (February 9, 1973) in “CRISP 1973-75 (2 of 3), Box 24, BernardGaller Papers, Bentley Historical Library.
- “Report of the Computer Registration Committee” (February 19, 1973) in “CRISP
1973-75 (1 of 3), Box 24, Bernard Galler Papers, Bentley Historical Library.
- “Final Report of the CRISP Review Committee” (December 10, 1975) in “CRISP
1975/76”, Box 17, Office of the Registrar records, Bentley Historical Library.
- CRISP Implementation Group Meeting Minutes in “CRISP Implementation Group
1974/75”, Box 17, Office of the Registrar records, Bentley Historical Library.
- “Project Definition CRISP” (Distributed to Acad. Services Board in December,
1973) in “CRISP 1973-75 (2 of 3), Box 24, Bernard Galler Papers, Bentley Historical Library.
- CRISP Bulletin, Issues 1-5 in “CRISP”, Box 59, Provost and Executive Vice President
for Academic Affairs Central Files, Bentley Historical Library.
- LSA Checkpoint in “Unit Publications”, Box 7, College of Literature, Science and
the Arts publications, Bentley Historical Library.
- The University Record March 31, 1975.
- “CRISP: Computer Registration Involving Student Participation,” Data Systems Center,
1975, Data Systems Center Brochures, Box 4, Information Technology Division Publications, Bentley Historical Library.
- “User’s Instructions for CRISP,” March 2, 1973 in “CRISP 1973-75 (1 of 3), Box 24,
Bernard Galler papers, Bentley Historical Library.
- “CRISP Review Committee Interim Report” (October, 1975) in “CRISP 1973-75 (2
of 3), Box 24, Bernard Galler Papers, Bentley Historical Library.
- Charles G. Morris to V-P Pierpont and Rhodes, April 10, 1975 in “Central Files”,
Box 59, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs records, Bentley Historical Library.
- Jeff Ristine, “CRISP debuts; long lines greet students,” The Michigan Daily 85.150
(April 8, 1975).
- “CRISP Review Committee Interim Report” (October, 1975) in “CRISP 1973-75 (2
of 3), Box 24, Bernard Galler Papers, Bentley Historical Library.
- “CRISP Review Committee Interim Report” (October, 1975) in “CRISP 1973-75 (2
of 3), Box 24, Bernard Galler Papers, Bentley Historical Library.
- “‘Sense of indignation’ from faculty over CRISP” The University Record, September
29, 1975.
- Bernard Galler to Douglas Wooley (March 20, 1974) in “CRISP 1973-75 (2 of 3),
Box 24, Bernard Galler Papers, Bentley Historical Library.
- Notes from Interview with Mary Byrkit, June 10, 2008.
- Robert Simpson to Gerard Wideman, March 14, 1974. “CRISP 1974 (1 of 2)”, Box
17, Office of the Registrar records, Bentley Historical Library.
- J. David Singer to Frank Rhodes (March 31, 1975) in “Central Files”, Box 59, Provost
and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs records, Bentley Historical Library.
- Richard Bailey, “”Talking About Words: A CRISP Acronym” Michigan Today
Alumni Magazine.
- “CRISP: Crunch-free?” The Michigan Daily (September 4, 1975).
- Tom McElvain, “Touch-Tone CRISP” For the Record: Projects in the Registrar’s Office
(November 7, 1994).
- Tom McElvain, “Touch-Tone CRISP” For the Record: Projects in the Registrar’s Office
(November 7, 1994).