The Virtual Museum Project is reliant on the contributions of the IT community. Unlike a typical museum, content here isn't generated by a curatorial staff. Instead the stories come from you—developers, users, and enthusiasts of information technology. The Virtual Museum has provided the general framework for the content, and we have done a great deal of research to kick things off. So, you can use the collaborative tools provided to help us flesh out our first exhibits, or propose new acquisitions to our collections.
Many of the Community web features are in test mode, or under development. So, please be patient while we figure out the best way to do this. In the meantime, you can help us better understand the relationship between user-generated content and museum exhibits by adding your thoughts to our blog and wiki. If you have a public event that is related to IT history, please let us know about it, so we can add it to the calendar. And of course, don't forget to syndicate our site!