guestbook writes visitor comments to a file in your IFS
home directory. You will need a special directory called
cgi-data in your Public/html space and you
will also need to give Guestbook permission to save changes
there. Issuing the following commands on a
login.itd.umich.edu server will set things up properly ( be
sure to replace uniqname with your uniqname ( or
your group name ):
% mkdir -p ~uniqname/Public/html/cgi-data
% fs sa ~uniqname/Public/html/cgi-data umweb:servers rlidw
% touch ~uniqname/Public/html/cgi-data/guestbook.html
Once this is done you can use
as your guestbook submission form. Again, be sure to
replace uniqname with your uniqname in the URL
After submitting comments using the guestbook form,
your guestbook will be located at
You can customize your guestbook form by copying the
html source of
and creating a new page in your Public/html directory.
Your form must contain at least the fields labeled
comments and realname. You can also
customize your Public/html/cgi-data/guestbook.html by
editing that file in any way you wish, provided you do
not remove the line stating:
Note that anything may be submitted in either the
comments or realname fields. User's of guestbook
are not guaranteed of the user's identification. No
verification is performed.
Groups who use guestbook will have their guestbook
pages served off the cgi.www.umich.edu server. For help, contact
customize your guestbook
Feel free to modify your guestbook form and html in any way
you like, but be sure not to delete the following line:
New guestbook entries are insterted after that line. If
you delete that line your guestbook will start working in
For example, if you want to remove garbage entries,
feel free to edit your
~/Public/html/cgi-data/guestbook.html file, and delete
the lines that make up that entry.
The fields that guestbook keeps track of are:
url - This is the URL entered by the individual
signing your guestbook. This URL is used as a link for
that person's name.
realname - This is what the individual enters as a
real name.
email - An email address for the individual. If
this is left blank, nothing is printed.
city - The city the individual enters. If this is
left blank, nothing is printed.
state - The state the individual enters. If this is
left blank, nothing is printed.
country - The country the individual enters. If
this is left blank, nothing is printed.
comments - Any comments the individual enters. This
is usually a multi-line field.
successURL - The URL to which a successful guestbook
submission is directed. If this is left blank, then it
gives a stock success message.
ccme - If this is set to "yes", then email will be
sent to the uniqname that owns the page notifying it of the
guestbook submission.
ccmeSubject - If this is set (and ccme above),
the value will be used in the subject of the
notification email. This is intended for those who are
using several guestbooks, so the email will specify
which has received the posting.
filename - an alternative filename, for maintaining
multiple guestbooks in the same home directory. For
example, if filename is set to "stories.html"
with the tag:
<input type="hidden" name="filename" value="stories.html">
The file will be stored in ~/Public/html/cgi-data/stories.html
Note that slashes ( / ) are not allowed in this filename.
Your form can be changed to include any of these fields, or
more fields than this. The only fields that are required
are realname and comments.
Guestbook now adds div and span tags with each new
entry. This means that you can use a Cascading Style
Sheet (CSS) to override the appearance of those
elements. This should not affect the default look of
existing guestbooks. However, if you do add styles,
they may not work properly with older entries until
those tags are added.
You can use our example
to append comments to these instructions.
Reducing guestbook spam
It can be annoying when your guestbook attracts unwanted
visitors. Sometimes spammers will try to insert comments and or
links into your guestbook in order to launch a Google bomb.
One way to prevent this would be to insert this tag before your guestbook:
<meta name="ROBOTS" content="NOINDEX, NOFOLLOW" />
This will tell robots (i.e. web search engine spiders) to ignore
following content. The less often that robots index the page,
the less attention you'll get from spammers, and it may even
deter some automated spamming agents as well.
You can also implement a robots.txt file. This can prevent robots from crawling your site,
or limit them if you choose to allow them. Information about robots.txt can be found
here. Information about the Robots
Exclusion Standard can be found on Wikipedia
User Comments ( add )
Thursday, June 02, 2005 -- 03:47:15 (EDT)
Name: jerel -- Email: jerel50@aol.com
Laddy, thast a great work i think;-)!!!
Tuesday, May 31, 2005 -- 20:36:02 (EDT)
Name: Carl von Buelow -- Email: cvbuelow@umich.edu
Nice script. Is it possible for me to get the source code to use on another site?
Monday, May 30, 2005 -- 02:41:17 (EDT)
Name: Gus
Best guset book =)
Monday, May 30, 2005 -- 00:16:12 (EDT)
Name: sdfs
Sunday, May 29, 2005 -- 18:43:55 (EDT)
Name: john
"Sailing Away", by John S.
"Singing", by Scarlett A.
Sunday, May 29, 2005 -- 18:42:45 (EDT)
Name: John -- Email: too
Sunday, May 29, 2005 -- 15:14:41 (EDT)
Name: dfg
Thursday, May 26, 2005 -- 14:12:20 (EDT)
Name: blah blah -- Email: blah@blah.blah
Tuesday, May 17, 2005 -- 20:32:16 (EDT)
Name: test
Wednesday, March 30, 2005 -- 03:13:50 (EST)
Name: `
Tuesday, March 22, 2005 -- 21:22:48 (EST)
Name: fgfg -- Email: fgf
fg fdgfdg
Tuesday, March 15, 2005 -- 17:23:05 (EST)
Name: bob
Wednesday, March 09, 2005 -- 11:18:23 (EST)
Name: Amp
1 & 2 & 3
Thursday, January 20, 2005 -- 20:45:41 (EST)
Name: Michael Smith
I've been recently getting some guestbook SPAM, so I will try the no robots tag to see if that reduces the amount. I'm glad I checked back here.
Thursday, January 06, 2005 -- 18:23:54 (EST)
Name: kevin mcgowan
willie is my hero. nice work, laddy!
Wednesday, January 05, 2005 -- 10:37:02 (EST)
Name: Willie -- Email: webmaster@umich.edu
I added some new features to guestbook yesterday. Please read about ccmeSubject, and the new div and span classes added to each new entry.
Thursday, August 05, 2004 -- 14:20:34 (EDT)
Name: SPATIL -- Email: surpa@umich.edu
How do I delete old comments from the guest book.
For example, I tested while I composed my guest book.
Tuesday, July 20, 2004 -- 13:40:05 (EDT)
Name: Birgit
instructions were very helpful!