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Allapattah is inhabited by 39,200
people, 69% of whom are Hispanic. The community consists mostly
of working class adults and families.2 The area
is known for its wholesale produce market, which is the largest outdoor
for distribution of food in Miami. Additionally, the area
is also well-known for its clothing
serving as a trading ground for buyers and sellers from all over,
especially representing Latin America and Caribbean cultures.
Allapattah has
some of the most highly regarded medical institutions in the United States such as Bascom Palmer
Institute, the University of Miami Jackson Memorial Medical Center, the
Sylvester Cancer Center, the Ryder Trauma Center, Cedars of Lebanon
Hospital and
the Veterans Administration Hospital.3
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Downtown Miami is the business and
district of the city. With many high-rise
and a very elegant skyline, the area in and around downtown houses
of many transnational corporations. It serves as the headquarters for
Latin American operations of multi-national companies like American
Cisco, Sony, SBC Communications, FedEx, and Microsoft.
Downtown Miami has more international
banks than any other city in the United States. Therefore, it
makes sense that Miami hosted the
negotiations for
the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas in 2003.4
Downtown Miami is famous for its
attractions and is an extremely popular tourist area. It is also very
known for the entertainment and shopping it offers. Some of the many
attractions are the Metro Dade Cultural Center, the Center for Fine
Arts, the South Florida Historical Museum and the Miami Arena. Downtown is
also very
close to the Port of Miami and the Miami International
Airport In addition, downtown Miami is home to about 13
square feet of office space, 5 million square feet of retail space,
and 104,000 employed people.5
to Communities and Demographics]
Little Haiti
Little Haiti is situated between 57th
and 84th streets in Miami--just north of
downtown. With a population of
33, 908,
Little Haiti is pre-dominantly inhabited by Haitians who migrated during
the Haitian Diaspora.6
The area is filled with Haitian owned-and-operated businesses.
Little Haiti is only minutes away from the Design District of
which is an 18 square mile block of artistic displays,
art galleries, and magnificent and lavish exhibits of furnishings and
textiles. With its characteristic and
unique Caribbean culture and
festivities, Miami’s Little Haiti is both
and ethnically vibrant. It is a colorful community which greatly
enhances Miami-Dade County.7
to Communities and Demographics]
With its population of
91,465, Little Havana is located above the Coconut Grove area and is
just west of downtown Miami. It has emerged as a
dynamic and
colorful Cuban colony, with Cuban immigrants from as early as the
1960s. It is
one of the neighborhoods of Miami which has the largest
of Latinos. Calle Ocho, a smaller neighborhood within Little Havana,
hosts a
festival also called ‘Calle Ocho’ which is the largest Hispanic event
the United States.9 The
area is culturally
vibrant and
boasts of a very rich Cuban heritage. It is also inhabited by
Columbians, Hondurans and Mexicans-- essentially people that migrated
Central and South America.
The area also houses the Orange Bowl, home of the Miami Hurricanes--Miami's own football
[Photo by Armando Bellmas (www.bellmas.com)]
[Copyright 2002. Used with permission]
to Communities and Demographics]
Miami Shores
Miami Shores is a suburb of Miami and is an economically
well off
neighborhood. Many of this community's residents belong to the
upper-middle socioeconomic category.
to the 2000 U.S Census, the total population of Miami Shores is 10,380, 21.74% of
whom identify as Hispanic or Latino.11
to Communities and Demographics]
Hialeah, the city, is located
in Miami-Dade County, northeast of Downtown
Miami. According to the 2000 U.S Census
Bureau, it
has a population of 226,419 and covers an area of 51.1 km2.13 Hialeah
is pre-dominantly Hispanic with 90.3 % of its population being Hispanic
or Latino, of which 62% are Cuban, 3% are
Puerto Rican and 0.8% are Mexican.14
created by Kim Brow, Carmen Lafia, and Umang
Malhotra 2004