- “Man as Hospitable Space: The Male Pregnancy Project” in Performance Research. Volume 14, Issue 4, 2009. 'Transplantations' Special Issue, edited by Ric Allsopp and Phillip Warnell. 25-30.
- “My Personal is Not Political?: A Dialogue on Art, Feminism, and Pedagogy”, with Faith Wilding. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies. Volume 5, Issue 2, 2009.
At http://liminalities.net/5-2/
- “Ectogênese E Mãe Como Máquina” in Arte, Ciência E Tecnologia: Passado, Presente E Desafios, edited by D. Domingues, Sao Paolo: Sao Paolo State University, UNESP, 2009. Pp. 429-444.
A Portuguese translation of a previously published journal article.: http://www.hucitec.com.br/loja/produtos_descricao.asp?lang=pt_BR&codigo_produto=2691

- “Stepanova's 'Laboratories” in Place Studies in Art, Media, Science and Technology: Historical Investigations on the Sites and the Migration of Knowledge, edited by Andreas Broeckmann and Gunalan Nadarajan. Kromsdorf, Weimar: Verlag Und Datenbank Fur Geisteswissenschaften, VDG, 2009. Pp. 167-182.
PDF file and abstract
- “The Future is Female” in Proud to Be Flesh: A Mute Magazine Anthology of Cultural Politics after the Net , edited by Josephine Berry Slater and Pauline van Maurik Broekman with Michael Carris, Anthony Iles, Benedict Seymour and Simon Worthington. New York, New York: Mute Publishing with Autonomedia, 2009. Reprint. Pp. 140-143.
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