Brian J. Love



1984 B.S. Chemistry, University of Illinois
1986 M.S. Metallurgical Engineering (Polymers), University of Illinois
1990 Ph.D., Applied Science (Materials Science), Southern Methodist University

Awards and Professional Service:

Nominee, WL Wine Award for Teaching Excellence, 2007
Dean's list for Teaching Excellence based on Student perceptions at Virginia Tech: 2004, 2002, 1998, 1994
Visiting Professorship, Universite Claude Bernard, LYON France, 1996, 1999
NIH Post-docotoral Fellowship, 1991-1993
Editorial Boards
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2002-present
Journal of Adhesion, 2003-present

Prior Experience:

1993-2007: Professor, Dept of Materials Science and Engineering, Virginia Tech
2004-2007: Adjunct Professor, Dept of Chemical Engineering, Virginia Tech
2001-2007: Core Faculty and Professor, Virginia Tech/Wake Forest School for Biomedical Engineering
Other adjunct appointments:
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
Georgetown School of Medicine
1991-1993: NIH Postdoctoral Training Fellow, Georgia Institute of Technology, Department of Materials Engineering, Atlanta, GA
1996-1990: Process Engineer, Texas Instruments: Defense Systems and Electronics Group, Dallas, TX