Current members
Postdoctoral Associates
Graduate Students
Norman Meznarich

PhD Candidate, Materials Science & Engineering
Structure and kinetics of Pluronic F127 gel formation
Anne Juggernauth
PhD Candidate, Macromolecular Sci. & Eng. Research Center, Materials Sci. & Eng.
Structure and kinetics of nanocomposites and photogeling systems
Kiersten Batzli

PhD Candidate, Materials Science & Engineering
Inhibition of Amyloid Proteins Aggregation: A study of the aggregation kinetics and structural changes
Yi-Ting Lee

MS Candidate, Biomedical Engineering
Chemistry and kinetics of gel formation in collagen crosslinking
Ao Cui

MS Candidate, Biomedical Engineering
Deformation in living cells using rapid pressure pulses and simultaneous monitoring applied strain in near real time
Undergraduate Students
Christian Bach
BS Candidate, Chemical Engineering
Wear behavior of elastomers