Centering Equity and Mobilizing Local Knowledge in Recovery

During a disaster, the most vulnerable communities are often disconnected from the decisions and processes that impact their ability to recover. Our work assesses how planners, community organizers, and nonprofit leaders can and have work together to accurately measure community needs and coordinate equitable emergency response.

Community Assessment Dashboard

We have developed two interactive dashboards to change how we understand vulnerability and community networking.

New and worthly
3 min read

Recovery Social Vulnerability Index

Our recovery social vulnerability indices provide a first glance look at the characteristics of a community that might impact its ability to recover. Our rSVI expands upon the current CDC Social Vulnerability Index by redefining and identifying new variables that can highlight the communities most vulnerable to disasters.

New and worthly
3 min read

Community Asset Analysis

Community asset mapping shows the resources and local leadership present within a community. We use our community asset and network map to understand how resources are mobilized and communicated between local organizations, municipalities, and other types of community leadership.

Project Documentation

Working Papers