- Graphically summarizes the steps in the legislative process
- Links to public access and campus-licensed web products
- Detailed summary of legislative process from identifying a problem,
to legislation to executive branch solutions to influences on politicians
- Provides hot links to public access and campus-licensed web
Members of Congress
- Contacting
the Congress
- The most updated email list of Members of Congress, active 1995-2015
- Included email addresses, office addresses, fax, phone and district
- Also included committee and subcommittee assignments
with corresponding information about their members
- See the House and Senate web sites for
the most current information
- Biographical
Directory of the United States Congress, 1774+ (Senate)
- Substantial biographies of all Senators, Representatives, and other
delegates to Congress, Continental Congress to the present
- Includes links to the location of their research papers
- Search by first name, last name, position, state, party, and/or
- Official
Congressional Directory, 104th Congress, 1995+
- Index to Members of Congress, committees, staff, and
Executive Branch agencies, searchable by keyword
- Browsable by state or section
- Includes Congressional District maps, biographies, and
committee assignments
- Editions for 1852-1958
available on the web through the Hathi Trust with paper copies in the
Graduate Library stacks or Buhr (JK 1011)
- Congressional Addresses, 1993/94-2003/2004 (UMich)
- 103rd Congress, 1993/94: House and
- 104th Congress, 1995/96: House and Senate
- 105th Congress, 1997/98: House and Senate
- 106th Congress, 1999/2000: House and Senate
- 107th Congress, 2001/02: House and Senate
- 108th Coongress, 2003/04: House and Senate
- Includes district, party, address, telephone, fax, e-mail
- Keyword indexes
- Congressional E-Mail Lists
- Committee Directories
- Party Divisions and Control, 1789+
- Party
Leaders in
Congress, 1789-2002 (CRS)
- House and Senate floor leaders, speakers, whips, conference and
caucus chairs
- Individual tables begin with various dates since 1789
- Identification includes name, state, party, and date
- Seniority
- United States Association of
Former Members of Congress
- Association conducts study tours and seminars on the role of Congress
in American society
- Web site lists names of members by chamber of service
- Almanac
of American Politics
- Arranged by state and Congressional District
- Detailed political profile of each district as well as demographic
- Political profiles of individual Members of Congress with brief
election data, lobby group ratings, key votes in Congress, and
campaign finances
- Paper copy in Documents Center (JK
1012 .A44) with older issues in Graduate Library stacks
- Web
Version available to University of Michigan users
since 1998
- Biographical
Directory of the United States Congress, 1774+ (Senate)
- Substantial biographies of all Senators, Representatives, and other
delegates to Congress, Continental Congress to the present
- Includes links to the location of their research papers
- Search by first name, last name, position, state, party, and/or
- Black Americans in
- Biographies of 123 African Americans serving in Congress,
1870-2007 as senators and representatives
- Includes artifacts and historical data, including committee
assignments, leadership positions, and states represented
- CQ
Congress Collection (UMich Only)
- Analyze members of Congress by gender, race (white, black, Native American,
Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic) as well as religion, occupation and veteran
- Data begins with the 79th Congress, 1945
- Also includes roll call votes, lobby group ratings, and party unity
- Congressional
(UMich Only)
- Interactive search for Members of Congress since 1989
- Search terms include sex, race, party, birthdate, educational
attainment, alma mater, religion
- Ethnic
Majority, Current
- Links to national and state political organizations for African
Americans, Hispanics, and Asians
- List and web links to current African American, Hispanic and Asian
members of Congress
- Official
Congressional Directory (GPO)
- Biographies of Congresspersons as well as the counties and zip codes
represented and staff members, 104th Congress, 1995+
- Committee and subcommittee memberships and staff
- Searchable but not browsable
- Index retrieves section of book rather than specific information
- Updated once per year
- Editions for 1852-1958
available on the web through the Hathi Trust with paper copies in the
Graduate Library stacks or Buhr (JK 1011)
- Political
- Cemeteries in which over 100,000 federal, state and local politicians
- Arranged by name of person, office, birth and death years
- Cemeteries arranged alphabetically and by state/county
- Brief political biography of politician with links to fuller
biographies as available
- Cemetery lists provide biographies of politicians with some links to
the Tiger Map Server
- Extensive section on political families although relationships also
shown under the name search
- Project
Vote Smart
- Campaign finances, lobby group ratings and sample votes of Representatives and Senators
- Answers to National Political Awareness Test (stance on specific issues) if available
- Who's Who in the Federal
Government (U.Memphis)
- Links to biographies of the cabinet and heads of independent agencies
- Includes links to Congressional committee chairs
- Women and Minorities in Congress (Congressional Quarterly)
- Women in
Congress (Clerk of the House)
- Lists of all women serving in the House and Senate since 1917
- Brief biographies and fact lists (who succeeded husband, who married
another Congressman, etc.
- The web site is updated continuously
- There is also a book
form copy of the same work
- Congressional Quarterly's Guide to Congress, 5th
edition (Doc. Cen. JK 1021 .C75 2000)
- Carries a history of
Congressional salaries in vol. 2, p. 776
- 2000 salary was $141,300 for both Senators and Representatives
- Legistorm
- Database of trips made by Members of Congress with price,
destination, and who paid for it
- Salaries
for Senators and Representatives in 2008 were $169,300
- Power
Trips (American Radioworks)
- Travel expenses, 2000-2005, by individual Congressmen and Senators
- Travel money spent by the political parties
- Most expensive trips and groups contributing the most to Congressional
- Senate
Ledger, 1790-1881
- Digitized record of compensation and mileage reimbursements paid to
District Maps
- Congressional District
Maps: 111th Congress (Chris Chubb)
- Choose name of state; then either pan or choose city or district
number to view
- Map displays county and city names in a district as well as the
- Coloring is by political party of current office holder
- Official Congressional Directory
- Individual maps for each state appear in pdf format toward the end of
the Congressional Directory
- Online available,
1995+ through GPO Access
- Editions for 1852-1958
available on the web through the Hathi Trust with paper copies in the
Graduate Library stacks or Buhr (JK 1011) but only those 1920+ can be confirmed to have maps
- Historical Atlas of Congressional Districts,
- Available in paper copy only in Documents Center (G1201.F9 M31
- American
- Draw Congressional District
boundary maps by first going to
- Then search or browse for name
of state
- Under
and Labels
- Government
Redistricting Web Sites (Purdue)
- Links to the Congressional redistricting web sites of most states in
- Often they provide proposed maps, statistics, and redistricting
- Zip
Congressional District Data
- 2000 Census Data, 106th-110th Congresses
- 106th
District Census Data (UMich)
- Labelled Excel spreadsheets with demographic profile data for each
106th Congressional District
- Covers population, social characteristics, economic characteristics,
and housing characteristics
- In EXCEL, highlight the entire spreadsheet, then select
DATA/SORT/COLUMN NAME/DESCENDING to rank districts by most to least under
any given category
- Congressional District Data Book, 87th Congress,
(HA205 .A48 1961)
- Congressional District Data Book, 88th Congress,
(HA205 .A48 1963)
- Congressional District Data Book, 93rd Congress,
(HA205 .A48 1973)
- House of
Representatives Web Site
- Member and committee directories
- Committee schedules, roll call votes
- Senate
Web Site
- Directories of Senators with name and state
- Includes biographies, committee assignments
- Links to web sites of individual Senators
- Lists of Senate e-mail addresses
- Committee, leadership, procedural, and historical information

- Congressional
Yellow Book, 1985+
- Most current directory of Congress available
- Brief biographies of Congressmen and great detail on legislative staff
assignments in Washington and in their respective districts
- Directories of committees and subcommittees with similar detail on
their legislative staffs
- JK 1083 .C75 with current in Documents Center
- Congressional Staff Directory (JK 1012 .C75 with
current in Documents Center) covers the period 1959-2003
- Congressional
Staff Employment Surveys (Congressional Management
- Typical salaries of Congressional staff members by position, average
age, and years of experience
- Taken biennially for the House and Senate
- Only the Senate
Study, 1991-2001 is still free on the web
- Legistorm
- Salaries of Congressional staff members, including interns
- Searchable by name, Member of Congress, and committee

- CQ Guide to
Congress (UMich Only)
- Detailed history of Congress and legislative procedure
- How a Bill
Becomes a Law (Dirksen Center)
- Compact but entertaining tool for undertstanding the
federal legislative
- Each unit from introduction to bill signing includes legislative
definitions, strategies, statistics and quirks, and the legislative
junkie (links to information sources)
- Legislative
Histories in the United States Congress
- Step-by-step
guide for class assignments
- Includes legislative histories, lobby groups, and campaign finances
- Legislative
Sourcebook (Law Librarians' Society of Washington, D.C.)
- Treasures include establishing persistent links to THOMAS and GPO
legislative documents and GAO reports
- Table lists Congresses, 1789-1999, plus serial set volumes and
Presidential Executive Orders
- Excellent lists of House and Senate hearings on the web
- Library of
- Extensive, annotated list of government and
non-government legislative sources
- Vital
Statistics on the Congress
- Years
Conversion Table (Univ. of North Texas)
- List each Congress and session, beginning with the first in 1789
- Provides the opening and closing date
- Especially handy for tracking the text of bills, hearings, and
committee reports when only the Congress is cited

- Almanac of Policy
- Extensive web site on nine policy areas: criminal justice, culture and
society, economics, education, environment, government operations, health,
social welfare, and world affairs
- Each section is divided into 4-10 subtopics
- Provides a non-partisan back to the issues
- Links to articles on all sides of the subject as well as primary
documents and related government agencies, think tanks, and
- CNN Politics
- Today's political news from Time, CNN, and Congressional
- Congressional
Quarterly (UMich Only)
- Weekly publication with non-partisan political analysis of Congress
- Identifies major legislation, the issues, and players
- Roll call votes
- Political party and election analysis
- Web coverage begins in 1983 and is searchable
- Congressional
Quarterly Almanac (UMich Only) is a detailed summary of the
weekly reports, 1946-2006.
- Environment
and Energy News
- Daily publication on environmental and energy legislation
- Hill on the
- Weekly newspaper on Congress with focus on behind the scenes
information about members
- Searchable archives since June 1999
- National
Journal (UMich Only)
- Full text of the National
which analyzes executive branch politics, since 1977
- Paper copy also in Graduate Library as JK 1 .N28 with current issues
in Documents Center
- Almanac
of American Politics, which analyzes Congressional
Districts and the politics of their representatives, since 1998
- Committee
Reports since 1999
- Public opinion polls and election polls since the late 1990s
- Congress
Political Wrap
- Transcripts of daily political news reported by PBS beginning 1998
- Includes links to background information
- Roll Call
- Several articles on todays Congressional news; archive only by
- Extensive policy briefings on a current topic (e.g. appropriations)
changed every few weeks
- Full text since 1989 also available in Academic Universe
(UMich Only)

- THOMAS* (Public Access)
- Full text of Congressional bills, 1989+
- Best source for keyword indexing of bills
- Advanced search can narrow indexing by bill sponsor, committee, dates,
and legislative status (introduced, passed, vetoed, etc)
- Includes text of all bill versions, legislative status, and links to
reports, debates and roll call votes
- Indexes bills 1973+ by sponsor, subject, and stage in the
legislative process
- For older bills, use the ADVANCED search; choose
Congress ahead of time by using UNT's Years
of Congress Conversion Table
- Congressional
Universe (UMich Only)
- Indexes bills beginning 1989; provides full text and legislative status
- Complete legislative histories for bills passed into law
- Bills via
GPO FDSYS (Public Access)
- Search Congressional bills by up to five criteria since 1993
- Best public source for downloading complete text of bills
- History of
Bills (Public Access)
- Search bills beginning 1983 by keyword or bill number
- Use parentheses for phrase: "S.J.Res.7" or "balanced budget"
- Provides references to the Congressional Record, including:
introduction, committee referral, debate, votes
- Does not provide the complete text of the Record
Historical Bill Texts
Time Coverage | Source |
1989+ |
Universe (UMich Only) |
1989+ |
1979-2000 |
Documents Center Microfiche |
1933+ |
Law Library Micro 10 S-502 |
1900-1932 |
No complete set known. Try printed Congressional Record (J 11.R) or
the House and Senate reports as listed in Congressional
(UMich Only) |
1789-1899 |
Serials and Microforms
FILM X557 = House
FILM X558 = Senate |
- House and Senate Floor Calendars
- These contain the history of bills and resolutions
as well as statistics on legislative days in Congress
- Congress
Merge has the current House and Senate calendars
- Calendars beginning with the 104th Congress, 1995/96 are available through
GPO Access
- The Documents Center has some older House calendars under the call number: J 47 .A3
- Committee Calendars
- The House of Representatives
and Senate
link to current committees and their calendars
- The Documents Center has annual paper calendars going back to 1989 in its stacks, shelved just before the current
Senate and House Documents and Reports
- Congressional
Universe carries the full text of calendars since approximately 1970 in its COMMITTEE PUBLICATIONS/ADVANCED SEARCH/COMMITTEE
PRINTS collection

- Committee Hearings
- Congressional
Universe/LexisNexis Congressional (UMich Only)
- Indexes committee hearings, prints and reports since 1789
- Provides the full text of all published hearings, 1833-2003, and committee prints since 1830
- Provides access to the full text of selected published and not-yet-published hearings
beginning 1988 and reports since 1989
- Most publications for the past six years are available in the
Documents Center in paper copy under their SUDOCS (Y1, Y4 or Y10) numbers
all publications are available in the Documents Center on microfiche
- Video on Congressional
Universe (9 minutes, wmv)
- Focuses on search techniques but pre-dates full text of hearings, committee prints, CRS Reports,
and bound Congressional Record
- Congressional
Hearings via GPO/FDSYS (Public Access)
- Full text of selected Congressional hearings beginning with 1995, and committee
prints since 1987
- Searchable by keywords in the full text, metadata, date, committee
and subcommittee, nominee, SUDOCS class number
- Search results may be narrowed by data, committee, organization,
committee member, or location
- Full text available in pdf
- Hearings also browsable by committee
- Congressional
Publications (Public Access)
- Lists Congressional hearings and committee prints available in online full text
from the Government Printing Office, roughly since 1997
- Links to committee web sites with either the links to full texts or the links to
submitted testimony
- Created by the Law Librarians' Society of Washington D.C.
- Congressional Hearings Finding
- Location of printed and microfiche hearings at the University of
Michigan Library
- C-Span (Public Access)
- Television coverage of Congressional floor and committee proceedings
translated into real audio; requires helper application
- Current Congressional television programming
- Historic Digitized Hearings (Public Access)

- Committee Prints
- Congressional
Universe/LexisNexis Congressional (UMich Only)
- Indexes committee hearings, prints and reports since 1789
- Provides the full text of all published hearings, 1833-2003, and committee prints since 1830
- Provides access to the full text of selected published and not-yet-published hearings
beginning 1988 and reports since 1989
- Most publications for the past six years are available in the
Documents Center in paper copy under their SUDOCS (Y1, Y4 or Y10) numbers
all publications are available in the Documents Center on microfiche
- Video on Congressional
Universe (9 minutes, wmv)
- Focuses on search techniques but pre-dates full text of hearings, committee prints, CRS Reports,
and bound Congressional Record
- Congressional
Prints via GPO/FDSYS (Public Access)
- Full text of selected Congressional hearings beginning with 1995 and committee prints with 1987
- Searchable by keywords in the full text, metadata, date, committee
and subcommittee, nominee, SUDOCS class number
- Search results may be narrowed by data, committee, organization,
committee member, or location
- Full text available in pdf
- Hearings also browsable by committee
- Congressional
Publications (Public Access)
- Lists Congressional hearings and committee prints available in online full text
from the Government Printing Office, roughly since 1997
- Links to committee web sites with either the links to full texts or the links to
submitted testimony
- Created by the Law Librarians' Society of Washington D.C.

- Reports and Documents
- Congressional
Universe (UMich Only)
- Full text of REPORTS since 1989
- Indexed by keyword, subject, committee, date, and bill number
- REPORTS and DOCUMENTS, 1789-1969, also appear
in the Congressional Serial Set section
- GPO FDSYS (Public Access)
- Full text of both REPORTS and DOCUMENTS since the 104th Congress, 1995
- THOMAS (Public Access)
- Page down to Committee Information to locate
- Full text of committee REPORTS (i.e. recommendations on legislation) searchable by
keyword, bill number, report number, and committee
- Reports segmented into easily viewable segments
- Links to the full text of the legislation in question and legislative
- Congressional Serial Set, 1789-1969 (UMich Only)
- Serial Set section of LEXIS-NEXIS
Congressional has the full text of over 333,000 documents and 50,000 maps
- Includes all legislative reports on bills, some hearings, national commission reports, and most Executive Branch documents issued during the 19th Century
- Source for social, military, economic, and technology history (immigration, Civil War, Treasury annual reports, lighthouses) as well as geographic explorations
- Indexed by subject, keyword, author, geography, bill number, law number,
witness name, serial number, and SUDOCS number
- Video on Congressional
Universe (9 minutes, wmv)
- Congressional Serial Set
Online Exhibit
- Select
Volumes Digitized by Google
- Executive Documents and Reports
- Most House and Senate Executive Reports and Documents appear in the Serial Set
- Those not appearing in the Serial Set are still listed in LEXIS Congressional but
without a link to the full text
- The Documents Center owns the CIS Index to US Senate Executive Documents
and Reports, 1817-1969 (Doc. Cen. Z 1223 .Z7 C5711)
- The microfiche are located in the Law Library: Micro-10 S515
- Serial
Set (Public Access)
- Selected Senate Documents, 1789-1835, 1899, and 1904-05, digitized by
the Library of Congress
- The Hathi Trust
also provides public access volumes digitized by Google
- Serial Set at
the University of Michigan
- Location of Congressional Serial Set in paper and microfiche
- Indexes and conversion tables from individual number to bound volume
- Schedule
of Volumes (LLSDC)
- List of individual Serial Set volumes beginning 1970 and the
reports/documents each bound volume contains
- Continues listings found in Congressional
Universe (UMich Only)
- Table of
Congressional Volumes and Presidential Issuances: 1789 to present (LLSDC -
- Lists Congress, year, and first Serial Set volume number
- The Serial Set is the bound version of House and Senate Reports and
- Legislative
- Guide to unpublished legislative and Congressional committee
documents beginning 1789
- Instructions for obtaining the material from the National Archives

- Markup Definitions
- Markups are committee meetings held after the
hearings to
make changes in a bill and make recommendations to the floor about its
- Votes are taken among committee members to
determine whether
the bill should be referred to the floor for consideration
- Reports are issued if the committee
determines to recommend the bill
- Markup sessions are covered primarily by the press rather than
official government reporters
- LexisNexis
Congressional Universe Markup Reports (UMich Only)
- Some committees (House Foreign Affairs) publish their markups as part of their hearings;
others (House Science and Technology) publish them in their reports
- To identify them, use the keyword markup when searching for hearings and reports
- The Federal Documents Clearing House and Federal News Service also publish selected markups;
use the keyword markup in addition to your subject when searching in full text
- National
Journal Markup Reports (UMich Only)
- Full text of committee discussions and votes since 1999
- Searchable by committee or subcommittee, keyword, date, and bill number
- Print sources for Markups:
- The text of markups often appears in the printed hearings of the
House Agriculture and Foreign Affairs/International Relations committees
- Votes occasionally appear in the House
and Senate Reports submitted on bills

- Congressional
Research Service Reports via LexisNexis Congressional Universe [UMich Only]
- Full text of CRS reports, 1916 to present
- Searchable by keyword and date
- PDF format of complete text
- Congressional
Research Service Reports via Univ. of North Texas [Public Access]
- Full text of many reports since the early 1990s
- Browse by broad heading or search by subject
- Congressional Research Service Reports
via Pennyhill Press [Commercial]
- Subject arrangement of reports beginning 1994
- Provides abstract and order information
- Some of the reports listed will also be free on the web
- Congressional
Research Service Reports via Thurgood Marshall School of Law [Public Access]
- Numerous reports on multiple subjects in pdf format
- Special interest in homeland security and health law
- Congressional Research
Service Reports via Memory
Hole [Public Access]
- Numerous 1990s reports formerly hosted by Christopher Shays and Mark
- Open CRS [Public Access]
- Search engine for major collections of CRS reports
- Also provides an RSS feed at http://opencrs.cdt.org
- Cumulative Search
Engine (Information to Act) [Public Access]
- Search engine to Congressional Research Reports on the web using the
Google search engine
- Subject Compilations of CRS Reports [Public Access]
- CRS Reports on the Environment (National Council for Science and the
- Full text of over 800 reports, primarily relating to the environment,
natural resources, and agriculture
- Some reports on international finance, foreign trade, and
governmental reform
- Searchable by author, title, category, CRS number and
keyword in abstract
- CRS Reports on
Foreign Relations (State Department)
- Monthly links for past three months
- CRS Reports on the
Legislative Process (House Rules)
- Reports from the Congressional Research Service on House and Senate
- Analytical reports on the introduction of bills, committee and floor
action, the budget process, and Presidential actions
- Includes historical statistics on Presidential vetoes
Reports on Military Affairs (FAS)
- CRS reports on military and security affairs
Reports Related to National Security (Global Security)
- Short list of security reports
Reports on Science (FAS
- Reports are available from the Federation of American Scientists but
indexed under different headings: intelligence, nuclear weapons, space, secrecy, Middle
East, terrorism
- Floor calendars for the House and Senate beginning 104th Congress

- Century of American
Lawmaking (Library of Congress), 1774-1875
- TIFF images of the
- Journals of the Continental Congress (1774-93)
- Annals of Congress (1789-1824) (and Grad stacks: J 11
- Register of Debates (1824-1837) (and Grad stacks J
- Congressional Globe (1833-1873) (and Grad stacks J
- House and Senate Journals (1789-1873)
- Senate Executive Journal (1789-1873) (and Grad stacks
JK 1251 .A2)
- Journal of William Maclay (1789-91)
- Individual issues browsable; search engine for entire collection
rather than individual titles
- Congressional Record, 1873+
- Full text of debates and roll call votes
- Daily Digest summarizes days events in and outside committee
- Indexed by bill, Member of Congress and subject
- Graduate Library stacks: J 11 .R
- Congressional Record via LexisNexis Congressional
(UMich Only), 1985+
- Indexes the floor debates in the Daily Congressional Record since 1985 by keyword, speaker, and date
- Access from a separate section on the lefthand menu
- Provides the full text
- Indexes the Bound Congressional Record
- As of June 2009, the date coverage was 1957-97, but expansion back to 1873 to be completed by December 2009
- Access through a tab under Congressional Publications
- Also provides the full text
- Congressional Record via Hein Online, 1873-2004 (UMich Only)
- Browsable and searchable version of the bound Congressional Record
- Annual indexes can be especially helpful in locating information by type
- Congressional
Record Index, 1983+ (Public Access)
- Keyword index to the Congressional Record since 1983
- Record includes articles, bills, reports, and remarks with a citation
to the date and page of the Congressional Record daily edition
- Congressional Record via GPO
Access, 1994+ (Public Access)
- Full text of the Congressional Record beginning 1994
- Congressional Record via THOMAS,
1993+ (Public Access)
- Congressional bills and Congressional Record, 1993+
- Best public source for keyword indexing of bills and Congressional Record due
to proximity searching
- Best source for text of the Congressional Record
- Includes text of all bill versions
- House
- Procedural moves in the House of Representatives without debates
- Used for legal purposes
- Full text browsable and searchable, 1991-99

- Congress Votes
Database (Washington Post)
- Complete list of floor roll call votes in the House and Senate since
the 102nd Congress, 1991
- Sections for each Congress list House and Senate votes and votes by
bill number
- Links from the main listing for each Congress provide analyses of
individual roll call outcomes by party,
state, region, gender, boomer status and astrological sign
- Overall for each Congress there are analyses of those votes with the
widest and narrowest margins, late night votes, and members who missed
the most votes
- There is also a full list of members for each Congress with brief
biographies, a list of their individual roll call votes and how they
compared with GOP and Democratic opinion
- Spanning all Congresses is an analysis of roll call votes for
building designations, impeachments, nominations, speaker elections,
treaties, and vice-presidential tiebreakers
- House of
Representatives Roll Call Votes
- Votes tracked by Clerk of the House beginning 1990
- Arranged by year with most current vote first
- Table provides vote number, bill number, brief description, and
result of vote
- Click on vote number for a summary of yeas and nays by party and for
votes of individual members
- Project Vote
- Roll call votes on selected issues beginning with the 104th
- Arranged by subject and then by vote, party affiliation, and
- Senate
Roll Call Votes
- List of floor votes in reverse chronological order beginning with the
101st Congress, 1989
- List links to a separate record providing the votes of individual
senators on an issue
- Voteview
- Free software download to analyze key roll call votes in Congress,
- Choose issue to determine number of yea and nay votes by party
- May map the data by geography or ideology
- Does not include the names of individual Members of Congress
- Detailed guide to tracing legislation
- Includes committee, member, and political information

- Annotated list of the best election web sites
- Candidate web sites, campaign finances, and opinions on issues
- Primary, caucus and convention information
- Weekly publication with non-partisan political
analysis of Congress
- Identifies major legislation, the issues, and
- Current roll call votes
- Political party and election analysis
- Web coverage begins in 1983 and is
- Determine the amount of attention government gave to 19 major
topics, 220
subtopics, or a section of the budget, 1946-2002
- Filters allow you to choose topics and the type of material (budget,
Congressional hearings, Presidential executive orders, laws, New York
articles, CQ Almanac articles, and the Gallup Most Important Problem
- Results yield data and graphs
- Additional dataset tools available
Political Party
- American
Presidency Project (UCSB)
- Political party platforms beginning 1840
- Includes third party platforms when the party received an electoral
- Contract
with America
- Ten policy changes the Republican candidates for the 104th Congress
of Representatives brought to the table
- Includes bill text and description
- Paper copy located in Documents Center and Undergraduate Library:
JK 271 .C7331 1994
- Signatories in
- Current newspapers, news magazines, and
Book (Citizens Against Government Waste)
- Listing of pork barrel appropriations for FY 2008 by subject and
- Oinker Awards (most obvious pork) and pork barrel per

- Economic Budget and
Outlook projects trends in federal income and expenditures
- Revenue implications of proposed
- Staff testimony before Congressional
- Renamed Government Accountability Office in 2004
- General Accounting Office
- Lists of recently-released "Reports and Testimonies" beginning with
August 1995
- GAO policy documents and decisions of the Comptroller General
- General Accounting Office Reports to Congress:
Blue Book Reports (GPO Access)
- Full text of "Reports to Congress" on government resource management,
October 1, 1994+
- Searchable by keyword in text, report title, report identifier, and date
- For a known report number, use quotation marks and type the number as
shown: "PEMD-95-1"
- Use the National Economic, Social and Environmental Data Bank
CD-ROM, issued through August 1995 and located in Documents Center,
to index earlier reports
- Selected reports are available in paper copy (HJ 10
.R44), GPO microfiche (Micro-F X255), and
American Statistics Index microfiche; ask Documents Center
staff for assistance
- For historical reports not available at the University of Michigan,
contact the General Accounting Office Documents
Distribution Service at 202-512-6000
- Indexes federal government publications since January 1994 and will
ultimately provide links to federal depository libraries receiving those
- Indexes Dept. of Energy and GPO sales publications
- Links to GPO Access sites for the Federal Register,
Congressional Records, bills, and GAO reports
- Links to THOMAS (bills and
Congressional Record),and other federal and state government Internet sources
- Extensive section on Congress found under "Explore the Internet"
- Describes POW/MIA data base
- The OTA published research reports on science and technology
policy until eliminated
- Princeton's
Woodrow Wilson School is a main site for the full text of
the OTA reports
- University of
North Texas Cybercemetery is the official GPO historical site
- Additional sources:
- All reports, 1972-95, are available on CD-ROM in the Documents Center
(Do 73)
- Search MIRLYN
for printed copies of OTA reports
- OTA reports may also be available on Congressional Information
Service microfiche located in the Documents Center

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