Political Science Resources
Internet Guides
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Political Science >
Internet Guides

Last updated on December 3,
- Links to federal, foreign, international, Michigan, and state/local
government web sites
- Related academic and commercial sites
- Wide range of links to U.S., international, and foreign politics
- Includes on-line periodicals, political research, political theory, and
discussion groups
- Foreign government officials, constitutions, election results,
flags, anthems and web sites
- Links to political theory web sites and the full text of
- Extensive guide to politics of Western European countries
(Britain, Ireland, Scotland, France), including governments, political
parties, history, and elections
- Additional materials on politics of other continents
- Subject guides to area studies, feminism, human rights, terrorism,
political theory
- Hundreds of links to parties, movements, elections, political
organizations, government, and embassy web sites arranged by country
- Searchable by country or world region
- Web site has outstanding coverage, which merits its high ratings
- Annotated guide to political science resources on the web
- Resources are broked into broad categories, including: general resources, U.S. Politics, Political Thought, The Discipline of Political Science, Comparative Politics, International Relations, International Organizations, and Public Policy Issues and Groups
- Resources are further broken down into sub-categories for easy navigation
- Comprehensive site for elections, political humor, political parties, lobby groups, and opinion polls.
- Provides a list of links to political resources on the internet
- Resources are in broad categories, including: general resources, the Americas, European resources, international studies, military and defense, human rights, and WTC (and consequent) War Watching
- Links to political science resources on the internet
- Includes a selective list of home pages for political scientists across the
United States
- Wiki of research sources for religion as it relates to politics
- Includes news sources, research centers, University programs, jobs,
and conferences
- Brief annotations
- Kimber was one of the first political science webmasters
- Links to British political web sites, political theory, and data sets
- Interesting links to election web sites from around the
- Annotated guide to the best web sites in the social sciences
- Focus on the US, UK, and Europe
- Searchable and browsable
- Links to major political science associations, book publishers and
- Online political news and humor
- Links to the key web site in a particular field of
- Excellent annotated links to social science data sets and
professional information
- Includes teaching resources, syllabi, textbook publishers, jobs, news
archives and groups
- Annotated links to online sources regarding international affairs, international studies, and international relations
- Sites are selected based on "long term value, favoring those with cost-free authoritative information and analysis online"

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Grace York, Political Science Librarian
Ray C. Walling, Documents Center Student Assistant 2008
University of Michigan Library
Graphics by Sherry Piontek and Barbara Perles
Send comments and suggestions to govdocs@umich.edu
Since February 25, 1996 this page has been accessed