Political Science
International Relations
Frames Index |
No-Frames Version

Last updated on November 11,
- Foreign Affairs
Online (University of Virginia)
- Comprehensive annotated guide to foreign relations from a U.S.
- General reference sources, U.S., foreign, IGO and NGO web sites
- One of the best lists of UN related organizations
- History and focus of international relations think tanks
- International and
Area Studies (Larry Schankman)
- Lists and annotates top regional studies web sites
- International news sources
- International
Relations (U.Brit.Colum.)
- Unique links from a Canadian perspective
- Major subjects include peace/security/defense, national,ethnic or
religious conflicts, and international economic development
- International
Relations Links
- Links to discussion groups, journals, newspapers, and international
law sites with a Canadian/U.S. focus
- Maintained by the Canadian Institute of International Affairs
- Links to international governmental and non-governmental, regional,
and social work organizations
- Links to social and economic development web sites arranged by
subject (e.g. population, housing, culture, employment) as well as social
services available
- Reference tools for social workers in the field of
international development, including maps, flags, contacts, and
travel information
- United States Foreign Policy
- Annotated guide to current and historical foreign policy sources
- Periodicals, newspapers, government documents, and archival
- Paper, microform, and web resources
- WWW Virtual Library:
International Affairs Resources (Elizabethtown College)
- Nicely annotated guide for college students by Professor Wayne Selcher
- Sections on area studies, maps, news, U.S. and international
government agencies, peace, think tanks and study abroad
- Includes starter tips for research
- United
Nations and Decolonization
- Eighty colonies have gained independence between 1945 and 1999
- Web site documents the United Nations efforts with history, original
sources, and a description of the Trusteeship Council
- Reports on the economic, social, and political status of the 17
colonies, including American Samoa, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands
- Maps of the world in 1945 and 1999
- Academic
Universe/Lexis (UMich Only)
- Full text of newspapers from around the world in English translation
for last several years
- Choose News/Guided News Search from main screen
- Then choose World News and a region of the world; you can click
on sources to determine what is covered for each region
- Sample Search
Asia and Pacific News
Iran w/10 Iraq and biological weapon!
1/1/98 to 2/28/98
- Foreign
Broadcast Information Service, 1975-96 (UMich Only)
- Indexes foreign radio broadcasts and newswires translated into English
- Approach by keyword, title, subject, and region
- Once the translations are identified, you can find the text in the
Serials/Microforms Room
- Guide
- Continued by the World News
Call Number #
AAP * Asia and the Pacific Micro-F X211 1974-87
AFR ** Africa (Sub-Sahara) Micro-F X212 1987-96
DT348.A24U529 current
EAS * East Asia Micro-F X211 1987-96
DS1.U59A39 current
EEU Eastern Europe Micro-F X209 1974-96
DR1.U58A239 current
LAT Latin America Micro-F X213 1974-96
MEA ** Middle East and Africa Micro-F X212 1974-87
NES ** Near East and South Asia Micro-F X212A 1987-96
DS41.D14 current
PRC China Micro-F X208 1974-96
DS701.U529 current
SOA *** South Asia Micro-F X215 1980-87
SOV *** Soviet Union Micro-F X210 1974-91
Central Eurasia Micro-F X210 1991-present
USR **** Central Eurasia Micro-F X210 1993-94
WEU Western Europe Micro-F X214 1974-96
* In 1987 AAP (Asia and Pacific) series became EAS (East Asia)
** In 1987, MEA (Middle East & Africa) dropped Mid East & became
AFR (Sub-Saharan Africa). South Asia added it, becoming
NES (Near East & South Asia).
*** In 1991, the Soviet Union Daily Report became the Central Eurasian
Daily Report. The mnemonic remains SOV.
**** In 1991, the index began covering JPRS reports on Political Affairs
of the CIS, citing them as the Central Eurasian Report (USR).
- Foreign
News Sources (Yahoo)
- Extensive list arranged by country
- International Crisis Group
- Numerous media briefs and updates on international crises
- Radio Free Europe/Radio
- News, analysis, special reports, and summary economic and human
rights information for Russia and Eastern Europe
- The Newsline feature has current
news broadcasts to Eastern Europe beginning 1995
- Newsline replaced the Open Media Research Institute Daily Digest reports
and provides a searchable archive to its reports back to 1991
- OMRI Daily Digests, 1991-1999
- World
Connection (UMich Only)
- Full text of foreign news broadcasts and press releases translated
into English beginning November 1994
- Searchable by keyword, region and subject, or Boolean logic and
modified by date
- Campus license for five simultaneous users
- Continues the Foreign Broadcast Information Service beginning 1996
- Voice of
- U.S. Information Agency radio broadcasts throughout the world
- See also International News Feeds
- See also Human Rights
- Index
of Economic Freedom (Heritage Foundation)
- Rates over 100 countries on economic freedom, with 1 being the most
and 5 being the least
- Factors include trade and price regulation, taxes, banking, and wages
- Includes explanatory text
- Find the online text under the "Downloads" link
- World
- Ranks countries on overall democracy and on individual measures (political
rights, civil liberties, press freedom, and corruption
- Amnesty
- Annual country reports on human rights practices
- Multiple investigations for individual countries
- Annual
Report on International Religious Freedom (State Department)
- Extensive country reports on religious rights
- Includes percent of religious adherents, outbreaks of violence
- Government laws protecting religious freedom
- Country
Reports on Human Rights Practices
- State Department annual report on human rights violations in
countries beginning 1993
- Crosspoint
- Annotated links to 1500 organizations fighting racism around the
- Primarily arranged by country
- European Centre for Minority
- Summaries and some full text (pdf) of reports and working papers
- Studies on minorities in individual European countries
- For the
- Summary of human reports reports given by individual countries to the
United Nations
- Hot links to the full text
- Part of the Human Rights
- Forced
Migration Projects
- Special reports on forced migration, especially in Russia and the
former Yugoslavia
- Covers causes and repatriation issues, such as property laws
- Active 1996-99
- Backup Web Site
- Fourth
World Documentation Project
- Originally free web site with over 500 full-text documents on the social, economic, and political
conditions of indigenous people
- As of September 2005, web site being reorganized and will charge $10 per year for research
- Gender
- Ranks countries on percent of women in professional, managerial, or
Parliamentary positions as well as earned income
- Part of 2008 UNDP Human Development
- Gendercide
- Gendercide is the extermination of one sex (e.g. men of fighting age,
women of child-bearing age, etc.)
- Detailed case studies of 20th Century
gendercide incidents
- Current news articles
- Human and Constitutional
Rights (Columbia University)
- Links to foreign national web sites on human rights (e.g. Supreme
Courts, human rights watch groups)
- Links to international and regional organizations monitoring human rights
- Human rights treaties
- Human
Rights and Humanitarian Affairs (Columbia Univ)
- Cyberbibliography of guides, directories, bibliographies, annual
review, organizations, primary sources, and journals on human rights
- Includes call numbers for printed materials at the Columbia
University Library (check MIRLYN for UMich call numbers)
- Web links provide extensive annotations
- Human Rights in
- Press releases and descriptions of human rights violations beginning 1994
- Information originates from a non-government organization of Chinese
scientists and scholars
- Text in English
- Human
Rights on the
Internet (ACRL)
- Annotated bibliography of human rights activist sources on the Internet
- Includes Meta sites, annual surveys and lsits
- Human Rights Watch
- Full text of country reports on human rights in various
- Breaking news and background reports
- Web site includes search engine
- Human
Rights Web
- Extensive guide to human rights organizations, data bases, and
newsgroups worldwide
- Includes inter-governmental and private web sites and documents
- Index for Free Expression
- Bimonthly magazine which reports censorship in individual countries
- Also includes theoretical articles
- Inter-American
Human Rights Database (Washington College of Law)
- Full text of the Inter-American Human Rights Commission annual
reports since 1970 and selected sessionsal documents beginning 1960
- Thematic and country reports on human rights in Latin America are
being converted to the web
- The Inter-American Commission is affiliated with the Organization of
American States
- International Freedom of
Expression Clearing House
- Searchable data base of 4500 action alerts and news items on freedom
of expression abuses in various countries
- International Covenant on Civil and Political
- United
Nations Commission on Human Rights
- Web site includes human rights protocols and treaties
- Documents of the Commission on Human Rights and its related bodies
- Reports by the UN and some decisions on human rights implementation in
various countries
- Country Reports
- Decisions
- Selected Decisions of the Human Rights Committee, 1982-92, are
available in the Graduate Library Stacks: K 3239.23 .H8611
- United Nations Official Documents
System includes the full text of Human Rights Committee decisions under
the series number: CCPR/C/Session/D/Number/Year (e.g. CCPR/C/82/D/92/2000
- Not Part
of My Sentence (Amnesty USA)
- Report on violations of women's rights in U.S. prisons
- Stories and recommendations on restraint, medical care, sexual abuse,
affect on children
- Fact sheets on women in prisons and a comparison of state laws
- Online
Human Rights
Archive (Yale)
- Treaties, cases and legal briefs on international human rights
- Press
Freedom Database (Committee to Protect Journalists)
- Approximately 2000 short reports on harassment of journalists worldwide
- Reports include name, country, harasser, and type (imprisonment,
censored, etc)
- Searchable by data, country, region, news organization
- Privacy
- Individual reports for 50 countries on privacy issues and laws
- Extensive material on general privacy issues, including Freedom of
Information, national ID cards, electronic money, electronic
And workplace surveillance
- Religious
Rights (UNESCO)
- Religious rights provisions of individual national constitutions
- International treaties with religious rights provisions
- Bibliography of sources and discussion groups
- United Nations
- United Nations position on human, women's, and children's rights
appears in Human Rights section
- United Nations Documents includes reports and resolutions from
the various committees and commissions
- The entire data base and individual sections are searchable via
- United Nations High Commissioner for
- "Refworld" is an extensive, searchable data base of United Nations,
legal, treaty, and statistical information on refugees
- "Refworld" also includes "Country" reports with descriptive
text on the status of refugees by country as well as statistics
- Information about the UNCHR and its publications, news
releases, and documentaries
- United
Nations Women's Programs (UNDCP)
- Links to UN conferences and committees promoting women's rights
- University of
Minnesota Human Rights Library
- International human rights treaties arranged by subject and
searchable by keyword
- United States human rights laws, speeches, reports, and historical
- International refugee and asylum information
- Women 2000:
Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the 21st
- Web site of the Special UN General Assembly Session of June 2000,
known as "Beijing +5"
- Progress and obstacles to women's progress in health, poverty,
safety, education, economics
- Country reports from government and non-government sources
- Links to UN web sites on improving the status of women
- Women's
Human Rights Resources (Univ.Toronto)
- Treaties, conventions and web links to resources on women's rights
around the world
- Subjects include education, genital mutiliation, girls, housing,
health, marriage, slavery, and violence
- Carefully annotated
- See also Treaties and
- Stratfor
- Private intelligence agency with weekly, quarterly and annual reports
on strategic and economic intelligence around the world
- Includes up-to-date news articles with archive back to
- U.S.
Intelligence Community (Columbia University)
- Chart describing relationship of U.S. intelligence agencies
- Annotated bibliography and web links to information on the CIA, DIA,
NSC, NSA, FBI, Energy Department and State Department
- Histories, intelligence reform, bibliographies, classified and
declassified documents, periodical articles
- Additional sources appear on the U.S.
Foreign Policy web page
- Links to United Nations, European Union, NATO, OAS and other agencies
- U.S. international relations sources
- For use with blogging software or blog service providers
- CNN World [http://rss.cnn.com/rss/cnn_world.rss]
- National Public Radio News Feeds [http://www.npr.org/rss/rss.php?id=1004]
- New York Times World[http://www.nytimes.com/services/xml/rss/nyt/International.xml]
- UN Pulse [http://unhq-appspub-01.un.org/lib/dhlrefweblog.nsf]
- United States Department of State
- Highlights [http://www.state.gov/rss/channels/highlights.xml]
- Press Briefings [http://www.state.gov/rss/channels/briefings.xml]
- Arms Trade (Center for Defense Information)
- Full text of articles and position papers promoting the limitation
of trade in conventional armaments
- Data base begins with 1993
- Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace
- Reports and working papers, primarily on US-Russian relations and
nuclear non-proliferation
- Economic development and democratization efforts around the world
- Chemical
and Biological Disarmament
- Annotated guide to locating books, articles, think tank reports and news
- Chemical and Biological Weapons Conventions and related treaties
- University, think tank, United Nations and United States web sites
dealing with the issues
- Cleaning Up the
Nuclear Weapons Complex
- Federal and research institution web sites about cleaning up nuclear
weapons complex in an environmentally and economically safe manner
- Includes think tank reports
- Good annotations
- Cold War
- Cold War
- Year-long television series on politics, 1946-91
- Chronologies, biographies, and full-text primary documents from
U.S. and Russian archives
- Information available after a program has aired
- Cold
War International History Project
- Primary documents and articles on the history of the Cold War
- Includes the arms race, policies of leaders, book reviews
- Lengthy sections on Stalin and Khrushchev
- Searchable by keyword, subject tree, type of document
- Combatting
Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Congressional Commission
- Outlines potential dangers from weapons by other countries, including
old Russian stockpiles and Iraq's anthrax
- Recommends changes in U.S. policy
- Issued 1999
- Defense-Aerospace
- Defense news from around the world in English
- Agence France-Presse is a primary source
- Defense and Strategy
Related WWW Sites (U.S. Army)
- Links for foreign governments and their military bases
- Extensive section on area studies includes religious groups and news
- Arms control, human rights, terrorism, warfare and U.S. defense also
- Information Warfare
- Bibliography of books and journal articles on information warfare
- Links to U.S. and foreign intelligence, military, and academic web
- Good annotations
- Institute for War
and Peace Reporting
- News and analysis of conflicts in Southeastern Europe and the former
Soviet Union, Afghanistan and Iraq
- International Association of
Counterterrorism and Security Professionals
- Includes articles on counterterrorism and security issues, such a
computer espionage
- International
Boundary News Database
- Single-paragraph news articles on international boundaries
- Includes both boundary demarcations and boundary disputes
- International Policy
Institute for Counter-Terrorism
- List of international terrorist organizations and data base of
terrorist attacks since 1990
- Daily news and weekly articles
- Searchable index to both data and articles
- International Relations and Security
- International
Security Policy and Military Affairs (Columbia University)
- Annotated guide to books, journals, indexes, statistics, and web
sites on military policy
- U.S., foreign, and international agency material
- Internet
Resources on Genocide and Mass Killings
- Online texts and bibliographies
- Subjects include Jewish Holocaust, Armenia and Kosovo
- Land
Mines (International Committee of the Red Cross)
- Numerous reports on the implementation of the 1995 agreement to eliminate landmines
- North
Atlantic Treaty Organization
- Historic documents, NATO Handbook, NATO Review
- Current press releases and fact sheets,
including those on military action
- Peace and Conflict: A
Global Survey of Armed Conflicts, Self-Determination Movements and
Democracy (Univ. Maryland)
- Annual survey of armed conflicts throughout the world with numerous
charts and graphs
- Includes chart showing each country's comparative standing on
self-determination, stability, discrimination, human security, and
- Appendix includes outcomes of armed conflicts since 1955
- Peace and Security through Disarmament (United Nations)
- Numerous UN initiatives, reports and resolutions on disarmament (conventional, land mines, terrorism, WMD)
- Peacekeeping Best
Practices (UN)
- Numerous reports on UN peacekeeping operations and practices
- Lengthy annual summaries of international military affairs,
conflicts, and disarments
- Includes statistics and signatories to major treaties
- Paper copy: UA 17 .S12 with current in Doc.Cen.--Doc.Ref.
- Strategic
Intelligence (Loyola)

- Links to U.S. intelligence and military intelligence web pages
as well as selected web pages of foreign countries
- Selected declassified documents and journal articles from Covert
Action Quarterly
- Strategic Studies
Network (Univ.Calgary)
- Annotated links to U.S., Canadian and International web sites on
military, strategic, and peace studies
- Includes organizations and journals
- Full text of its own StratJournal
- United
Nations Conference on the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light
- Conference scheduled for June/July 2001
- Preconference documents include memoes from countries and the text of
statements made in the Security Council on the issue
- Updates from subsequent biennial meetings
- UN
- World map identifies current and completed peacekeeping missions
since 1948
- Data for each mission includes a description, dates, military
strength, and the name of the primary military observer
- Separate sections of the web site include fatalities by type and
mission, numbers of peacekeeping forces contributed by country, lessons
learned from past missions, and the most current annual report
- Related Web Pages
- America's War Against Terrorism
- Award-winning guide to 9/11 events, government reports, and subsequent developments
- Updated to include archived material no longer active on the internet
- Documents in the News
- Contemporary news coverages of wars since 1995
- Federal Historic Documents
- Primary documents, treaties
- Declassified material on America's wars, including Revolution, Civil
War, World Wars, Vietnam
- Iraq War Debate
- Extensive coverage beginning with the leadup to the war in 2002
- Numerous government reports
- Kosovo
- Contemporary coverage of war and primary documents
- Military Statistics
- International data on war and peace
- Columbia
International Affairs Online (UMich Only)
- Search engine indexes current world politics journals, books,
conference proceedings, and think tank working papers
- Full text primarily of working papers
- International
Political Science Abstracts, 1989+ (UMich Only)
- Index to scholarly political science journal articles in Western
European languages
- Choose IPSA from the menu first; go to the next screen before searching
- Sample search: Russia near (Kosovo or Yugoslavia)
- Searches may be recombined
- Data includes author, title, journal, and abstract in English if the
article is in English
- If the article is in another language, the title is translated into
English but the abstract is in French
- Once you identify an article, search MIRLYN for the call
number and location
- Printed copy: International Political Science Abstracts,
1951- (Ref. JA 36 .I6)
- International Relations Journals and Magazines (WWW Virtual Library)
- Full-text online journals on international affairs
- ProQuest
(UMich Only)
- Indexes some 2500 journal articles in all fields since the 1980s and
provides the full text of many since the late 1990s
- Includes popular and scholarly titles, such as Comparative Politics,
Governing, International Political Science Review, The Journal of
Conflict Resolution, and World Politics
- Journals indexed by author, title, keyword, periodical, and date
- Articles may be marked for downloading
- Text in HTML and image formats
- NOTE: this is a great source for current events, such as the psychology of suicide bombers; limiting
articles of periodicals provides higher quality information
- SAMPLE SEARCH: suicide bomb? and periodicals only
- Public Affairs
Information Service Bulletin (UMich Only)
- Subject index to books, articles, and government documents on
politics and economics since 1972 in Western European languages
- Government documents include United States, United Nations, League of
Nations, and State Governments
- There are also paper versions (English, 1915+, Z 7163 .P98 and
foreign, 1968+, Z 7164 .E2 P96)
- Worldwide
Political Science Abstracts
- Indexes political science journals, monographs, dissertations, and
book reviews since 1975 and provides abstracts
- Search by keyword, author, title; delimited by date
- No thesaurus so foreign language articles must be retrieved using
their native keywords or keywords translated into English
- America's War Against Terrorism

- Comprehensive archival and current coverage of the 9/11 terrorist attacks
- Causes of the attacks, Afghanistan, reorganization of homeland security, and government investigative reports
- International Policy
Institute for Counterterrorism
- International Terrorism
- Features data base of terrorist incidents since 1990, searchable by
date, country, type of target (business, government, church) and number
of casualties
- Documents and articles from countries sponsoring terrorism
- Counterterrorism includes international
treaties since 1963 and UN resolutions since 1985 on the subject
- Patterns
of Global Terrorism (State Dept)
- Summary of terrorist acts by continent and country since 1996
- Appendix provides a chronology of terrorist acts and a description of
the terrorist groups
- Older printed editions available in the Graduate Library stacks
as: HV 6431 .I58
- Response to
Terrorism (USIA)
- State Department news source for other countries
- Reaction of United States to terrorist attacks
- UN resolutions, treaties on terrorism, trial reports of Pan Am 103,
National Commission on Terrorism, Commission on National Security, and
Gilmore Commission
- Terror
Info Bank (Intl Association for Counterterrorism and Security
- Description and activities of international terrorist organizations
- Chronology of terrorist activities for the previous year
- Additional lists of right-wing organizations and resources require a
- U.S. Office of Foreign
Assets Control
- Regulations on seizure of foreign assets and trade sanctions against
terrorist organizations and certain countries
- Includes master list of all countries and organizations against which
there are some sanctions
- Worldwide Incidents Tracking
System (National Counterterrorism Tracking Center)
- Search by keyword, region, and/or date to obtain a brief description
terrorist incidents around the world since January 1, 2004
- Data includes fatalities, injuries, and hostages
- Click on incident for known perpetrators
- Interactive map also available
- Carter
- Program information on the Jimmy Carter Center's efforts to eliminate
world hunger, disease, poverty, and conflict
- Links to web sites on international relations
- International
Relations Think Tanks (WWW Virtual Library)
- Annotated list of international affairs think tanks in the U.S. and
- NIRA World
Directory of Think Tanks
- Extensive links of think tanks arranged by country
- Issued by the National Institute for Research Advancement (Japan) and
published in English
- Dated 1993 but the information is more current
- Think Tanks
- Links to comprehensive think tank guides
- Annotations to individual research organizations
- Arms
Control Treaties and Agreements (ACDA/State Dept.)
- Full text of 40 historic arms control agreements
- Biological, environmental, nuclear, and space
- International
Trade Law Project (Cornell)
- U.S. trade law and links to international agencies with trade law information
Treaties (Fletcher School)
- Historical and current international conventions on arms control, environment, human rights
and trade
- Approach by topic or date with keyword index
- Organization
of American States Treaties
- Historic OAS treaties arranged by series number and searchable by
- United Nations Treaty Data
Base (UMich Only)
- United Nations Treaties
- Subject approach to international treaties deposited with the United
Nations and League of Nations
- Searchable by subject, parties, type of agreement, date signed
- Text viewable page by page
- Alternative plug-in permits one to view the entire treaty at the same
- The full texts of the treaties are also located in the
printed United
Nations Treaty Series (JX 170 .U54 with current in the
Documents Center)
- Multilateral Treaties
- Provides title, registration, date entered into force, location of
text, and participants with their signature,
ratification/accession/succession and reservations
- The paper is the equivalent is Multilateral Treaties Deposited with the
Secretary General (Doc. Cen. JX 4165 .U54)
- University of
Minnesota Human Rights Library
- International human rights treaties arranged by subject and
searchable by keyword
- United States human rights laws, speeches, reports, and historical
- International refugee and asylum information

Quick Jumps:
Frames Index |
No-Frames Version

Grace York, Political Science Librarian
University of Michigan Library
Graphics by Sherry Piontek and Barbara Perles
Since February 25, 1996 this page has been accessed 
[an error occurred while processing this directive]