nick, nicholas, nicky, nicoleHometown:
a2,MICroutons or Bacon Bits:
Croutons (lots), but i dont see the relevenceFavorite Salad Dressing:
italian, gonna make me a salad?Do u drink:
yeah, i drink my own urine, its healthy....or is that not what you were asking?...umm...Shampoo or conditioner:
neither, i want the shower cap (you know, from the basket at the hotel)Have you ever gone skinny dipping:
no, but sometimes i take my clothes off when i take a showerDo u make fun of people:
only if theyre smaller than me (or seriously handicapped)Favorite color:
navy blue (or black if you consider it a color)Have You ever been convicted of a crime?:
you mean recently?Best online friends:
cant borrow your cds and never return themOne pillow or two?:
well, if you want to kill them quick then 2...but its trickier than it looks...i mean, i would guess it is...Pets:
small lion (inside joke)Pets: (for those of you who didnt get the inside joke)
is just step spelled backwardsPets: (for those of you who are still lost)
i have no petsFavorite Type of Music:
loud quiet slow fastDream Car:
i dont really dream about carsType of Car u drive now:
redWords or phrases you overuse:
"Would you like fries with that?"...but thats just cos of my job....Toothpaste:
*helpful tip* to get the last bit of toothpaste out of the tube (you cheap bastard), flatten it with the end of your tooth brush...once youve mastered this, head on over to the random page and learn how to get ketchup out of ketchup bottles...Favorite Food:
Pizza (even so, i wish north campus had a little more variety) (UofM people know what im talking about)
How do you characterize yourself (a hopeless romantic or non-romantic)?:
just hopelessDo you get along with your parents?
sureFavorite town to chill in:
ann arbor or boulder, coFavorite Ice Cream:
maybe cookies and cream...on a sidenote, i think ice cream cakes should replace the traditional cake cakes often used for birthdays and such...Favorite Drink:
Mountain Dew, literally...i like to hike up mountains and lick the dew off the grass...What's your bed time?:
whenever i collapseAdidas, Nike or Reebok:
Adidas then nike then way later, reebokFavorite Perfume/Cologne:
whatever my grandma wearsFavorite Website:
the shugashackFavorite Subject in school:
maybe artLeast Favorite Subject:
the ones i failFavorite Alcoholic Drink:
i like rubbing alcoholCraziest person or silliest u know:
whoever sent me these questions (you know who you are)What do u look for in the opposite sex:
a pulseMost humiliating moment:
answering these questionsLoudest person u know:
the last person i ran over with my car, she should have screamed earlier tho...or am i not supposed to drive thru the middle of a soccer game?
> > s u b m i t t e d < < [ 6/09/99 ]
(submitted by: jackie)
1. In the morning after you wake up you:
a. brush your teeth right away
b. get ready and then brush your teeth
c. never brush your teeth in the morning
d. skip the brushing and go straight for the mentos
take a shower, scrub toilet bowl with some poor suckers toothbrush, brush teeth and then realize that im the only one who keeps my toothbrush in the bathroom...
2. If you break the tip of your pencil or run out of ink during a lecture do you:
a. hunch over your paper so no one notices that you're just pretending to write
b. ask your neighbor for one even though he/she chews on the pencil or pen
c. doze off because the class is so boring anyway
d. cut yourself with a pocket knife and write in blood
im studying computer engineering, no need for the "he/she", they are all he's...
3. If you stub your toe at a party do you:
a. cry like a two year old
b. yell at the host for having so much stuff everywhere
c. bite your finger to try to hide the pain
d. threaten to sue the host and leave in disgust
i lost all of my toes in WWII
4. If you're missing a pair of jeans with a tiny bleach spot by the left knee, and you see one of your friends wearing that exact pair do you:
a. accuse him of being a theif in front of everyone
b. ask him casually where he got the jeans
c. be more agressive and interrogate him about the jeans
d. forget it- jeans aren't worth a friendship
i had something similar to this just happen to me...someone stole some of my underwear and one pair had a small but distinctive hole in, i narrowed down the possible culprits to my step brother and the girl who has been stalking me for the past year....since the girl only exists in my fantasies i figured it must have been my step brother...i went in his room when he was gone and looked around and sure enough, there was my underwear..and i was sure of it cos i found the pair with the small but distinctive hole...i didnt feel like confronting him directly because he'd just deny he stole them and we'd both feel stupid...let me tell you, it is real annoying living with people who steal...i mean if he wanted to steal one of my barbie dolls or something, then fine, i can understand that, but my underwear?...wait a second, i dont have any barbie dolls...what are you talking about...
5. If you run over your neighbors cat do you:
a. hope no one saw and decide you know nothing about it
b. confess and agree to pay burial fees
c. yell at your neighbor for letting their cat run wild
d. buy them a look alike and hope they don't know the difference
id look on the bright side, at least the cat would never again cross a street without looking both ways first...
whoops, was that supposed to be multiple choice...
[ 4/28/99 ]
if you were to be on MTV's FANatic what band would you want the entire world to see you drool over? (submitted by: jackie)
well, i am sorry to say that i do not believe in the premise of MTV's FANatic, i think that if you like a famous person enough you should be willing to stalk them and not take the easy way out by trying to meet them legitimately on some crazy game show...if you were a painting what would you be? (submitted by: tim)
hmmm...ummm...this is taking too much thinking...please, only multiple choice questions from now on people...if you could be any famous person, who would you be? (submitted by: april)
i dont know, is pamela anderson dating someone famous right now? just kidding, i actually have no desire to be famous and i would not like to switch places with anyone famous or non-famous...but, ever since i was a child i have always wanted to be the pillsbury dough boy...not sure if you could arrange something like that...what's your favorite way to annoy a person? (submitted by: ben & jackie)
are you saying im annoying?...who ate my chocolate cake? (submitted by: dan)
you did you fat bastard and quit trying to blame someone else...its like ive always said about you americans, youre fat, lazy and irresponsible...huh? im an american too? question please...[ 1/03/99 ]
If you were a Spice Girl what would your name be? (submitted by: jackie)
well, my cooking is not that advanced so i have enough trouble thinking of a spice, let alone a spice that i feel characterizes myself...i dont really see myself as a spice girl tho i guess, yes i do wear tights, shorts that show off my ass, and makeup, but i just dont think im annoying enough to be a spice girl...
Send in a question, my email: ![]()