Part I : General Introduction to FEM
1. What is FEM ? Relation with CAE, FEM Programs
2. Typical Finite Element Library
3. Finite Element Modeling
4. Type of Finite Element Analysis
Part II : Foundation of FEM
1. FEM for Truss/Frame Structures ( will be skipped )
2. Dynamics for Truss/Frame Structures ( will be covered at the end of the course )
3. FEM for Plane Elasticity using QUAD4 ( will be skipped )
4. QUAD4 : Plate/Shell Structures ( will be skipped )
5. HEXA8 : Three-Dimensional Solid Element
6. Heat Transfer Analysis ( will be skipped )
7. Flow Analysis ( will be skipped )
Part III : Advanced Topics of FEM
1. Mesh Generation Methods and Adaptive Finite Element Methods
2. Sensitivity Analysis and Design Optimization
3. Recent Trends in FEM Technology
Crash Simulation of a Car Body by DYNA ( Lowrence Rivermore Lab )
All the document files for homework and additional notes are prepared by MS Words 6.0.1 in Mac to create postscript files for Acrobat 3.0 to make #.pdf files for internet posting. Acrobat 3.0 Reader can be downloaded from Adobe, and these files should be read in any Mac, Window, and Unix computers.
a) State the principle of the minimum potential energy and Castigliano's first and second theorems.
b) Describe a brief history of the finite element method.
c) Derive the equilibrium equations using the principle of the minimum potential energy of the spring system shown in Fig.1. Here k1 and k2 are spring constants of two possibly different springs, P1 and P2 are applied forces at Node 1 and Node 2, respectively. To describe the equilibrium equations, use u1 and u2 are the nodal displacements at Node 1 and Node 2.
This links contains most of commercially available finite element analysis software in the world. If you wish to look at availability of FEA software, please visit them. Especially, you should look at MSC/NASTRAN, ABAQUS, ANSYS, ADINA, LS/DYNA, and others. The following is a selected list.
Please visit this site often, and explore what is going on in the area of FEA.
The University of Michigan
2250 GGBrown Laboratory
2350 Hayward
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2125