Graduate Student Positions Available

There are several graduate student positions available in my group in the areas of model complex synthesis (especially metalloporphyrins and non-heme iron complexes), high-level spectroscopy (including Magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) and Resonance Raman spectroscopy), and electronic structure calculations using density functional theory. Transition metal nitrosyls and their role in biology are central research areas in my group. These are studied using corresponding synthetic model complexes. Research projects are also available in the fields of alternative energies (functionalization of 3,5-semiconductors for solar-to-fuel conversion), and biocatalysis (using heme proteins with artificial cofactors).

Projects include:
Synthesis of model complexes for nitric oxide reductases. This includes the preparation of heme and non-heme iron model complexes, the investigation of their coordination chemistry with NO, and reactivity studies (using chemical and electrochemical means). All complexes will further be investigated using a multitude of spectroscopic methods.

Preparation of metalloporphyrin HNO adducts, using bis-picket fence porphyrins, including model systems that emulate second coordination sphere effects.

Synthesis of new electrocatalysts for immobilization on 3,5-semiconductors (for example GaP), and then photoelectrochemical studies into their ability to reduce protons/water to hydrogen. This includes both catalyst development (especially Co-bis(benzenedithiolate) derivatives and related compounds), and the development of new immobilization strategies.

Preparation of engineered heme proteins as new (green) catalysts for the conduction of organometallic reactions in water.

Please email me for details. I am available to discuss any of these projects in detail in relation to your research interests.

Dr. habil. Nicolai Lehnert
Professor of Chemistry and Biophysics
Department of Chemistry
The University of Michigan
930 N. University
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Office: 2807 CHEM
Phone: (001)-734-615-3673
Department FAX: (001)-734-647-4847