University of Michigan
College of Architecture + Urban Planning

Notation A/V

Stationary camera / Intersection

Record an intersection using video and sound independently of each other. You are to interpret the scale and or place where this intersection takes place. Your notations will be in camera edited to be 5 minutes long each. These should include a variety of viewing positions and variety of lengths of views. Frame your views carefully and do not move during recording. Movements will only take place in between recordings..---Martha Skinner


Recorded by
Chris Lanzisera

An edited recording of a street condition in downtown Ann Arbor. Footage is quite brief in duration, but is spliced and recycled in several different ways so as to describe the events in an entirely different way. The result is a movie that may seem intact upon initial viewing, but a closer inspection reveals discontinuities in logic at the site of the splices.


Modem version

Ethernet version

20k bandwidth 160x120
Cinepak, 5 fps

300k bandwidth 320x240
Cinepak, 15fps