Adding the invariant ending -O to the first part of a compound verb lends a note of insistence or even stubbornness to an expression:
1. g:l:a s:ÜK:a j:a rha hò
Aaòr t:Ü s:_a p:an:i ep:l:aO dðt:i hò !
'My throat is drying up and you insist on giving me
rotten water to drink!'
(from Premchand's YakÙr ka
kÙAaú: context.)
Another example, from a story where a low caste woman is intent on staking
a prior claim to a reward for becoming wetnurse to the baby boy of a
2. b:hÝj:i,
m:Üû_n: m:ðù c:Ü_ð
l:Üúg:i khð dðt:i hÝú !
'Bahuji, you'll give me heavy bangles at his Munj
(tonsure ceremony). I will have them, I tell you.'
(from Premchand's dÜD: ka
dam:: context.)
Adding -O to the
first part of a compound verb may also often give a sense of imminence or
immediate future:
3. Aaj: hi K:ðt: ki kXaI AarmB:
krð dðt:a hÝú, AeD:k
Yhrn:ð s:ð Aaðl:ð-p:an:i ka s:ùkX es:r p:r Aa s:kt:a hò
'I will start the harvest right from today. If I wait
any longer I may have rain or hail to contend with.'
(from Vrindavan Lal Verma's XÝXð kaúXð, p. 11)
(from Premchand's YakÙr ka
kÙAaú: context.)
5. n:ay:k t:iv:Òt:a kñ s:aT:
b:aðl:a, ' hm: AB:i s:b: dðK:ð
l:ðt:ð hòù. '
A more detailed discussion of the compound verb in -O and the expression of insistence or imminence can be
found in Hook 1974:261-7.
Other sections dealing with compound verbs:
Ral: .
Return to Mellon Project indexpage.
Drafted: July 1999.
4. y:h p:an:i kòs:ð
ep:y:aðg:ð ? n: j:an:ð
kaòn: j:an:v:r m:ra hò. kÙOú s:ð
m:òù dÜs:ra p:an:i l:aO dðt:i hÝú.
'How will you drink this water. Who knows what animal
has died in it! I'll just go get more water from the well.'
-O is commonly used in the first person
(especially with the verb kh dð
'say') as a way of indicating that the speaker will not take 'no' for an
(from Vrindavan Lal Verma's XÞXð kaúXð, p. 18)
'The officer said sharply, 'We'll see about all of
b:òY .
p:_ .
Compound-compound verbs ( g:m:i ý m:arkð rK: dðt:i hò.
Posted: 17 Aug 1999.
Updated: 19 Sept 1999, 18 Oct 1999, 18 Sep 2001, 11 Feb
2002, 7 July 2004.