It is natural to wonder what the difference
in meaning is between the compound and non-compound forms of a given verb
in contexts where either form occurs. There is no formula that can be
mechanically used to decide when to use a compound verb and when no to.
Not enough is known about the meanings of the compound verb to provide
such instruction, even if there were space to write it all down. Correct
use of the compound verb is a matter that is much more complex and subtle
than learning the correct use of the causative or the subjunctive. It is
something one learns gradually over the years, after hearing and seeing
the compound verb thousands of times and after making many mistakes which
, with a bit of luck, native speakers of Hindi will correct. However, this
is not to make an unfathomable mystery out of it. There is a great deal
one can learn by conscious attention, study, and practice.
1. Aaj: s:Øb:h
m:ØJ:ð Aap:ka 18 n:v:mb:r ka Q:t: em:l:a .
To say em:l: g:y:a here might imply that
I was unhappy to get it, or that I had been anxiously waiting for it or
that it had been lost and I found it again. The compound verb supports
numerous possible interpretations. Another example:
2. m:ðra j:n:m:
uÀis: s:aò b:y:al:is: m:ðø hØAa.
To use the compound hað g:y:a here
would have humorous effect: I was born by mistake or without wanting to or
after having waited around (in heaven?) for a long time. Or after several
attempts. In short, using the compound instead of the non-compound forces
the hearer to entertain one or another implausible alternative to my
simply being born when I was.
3. m:òø
t:s:v:ir b:n:at:a hÜú l:ðekn: t:s:v:ir n:hiø
b:n:t:i. (film song)
Substituting the corresponding compound form b:n:a l:ðt:a hÜú for b:n:at:a hÜú in the context of (3) creates a
While completeness is one of the primary
meanings of the compound verb, it is not its only meaning. In
each of the following sentences taken from Premchand's
g:aðdan: the action
is the same action and the subject (a bird) is the same, too.
There is no difference in completeness:
4. rat: kað y:haú
raðz: p:an:i p:in:ð Aat:a hò.
kB:i-kB:i daðp:hr
m:ðø B:i Aa j:at:a hò.
(from Chapter Seven of g:aðdan:. See context.)
Here the use of the compound verb seems to have something to do
with expectations. The first sentence sets up an
expectation that night is when the bird comes to drink.
The second sentence expresses an exception to that.
Another example of the same kind:
5. B:aðl:a . .
. gv:al:a T:a Aaòr
dÜD:-m:VK:n: ka vy:v:s:ay: krt:a
T:a. AcCa dam: em:l: j:an:ð p:r kB:i-kB:i eks:an:aðø kñ haT:
g:ay:ðø b:ðc: B:i dðt:a T:a.
(from Chapter One of g:aðdan:. See context.
Again the second sentence expresses a departure from the normal
state of affairs and, as such, gets the compound form
b:ðc: dð-.
Departure from a norm is also expressed in " v:h kb: m:r g:y:a !" ('What do you mean he
died! [He didn't die!'] ) as opposed to " v:h kb: m:ra ?" which asks a simple,
straightforward question about time of death. A similar
play of rhetorical against normal use of a question word is
supported by the use of the compound verb in " kaòn: Aa g:y:a !" ('Well, who do we
have here!') as opposed to " kaòn:
Aay:a ?" ('Who is it?')
To exercise on the meanings of the
compound verb.
Other sections dealing with compound verbs:
compound verbs ( khð dðt:a
hÜú ! )
To index of grammatical notes.
To index of m:lhar.
Keyed in by ev:v:ðk
Ag:rv:al: Mar 2001. Revised and revamped 6 & 7 Apr
2001. Augmented 4 & 7 July 2004.
(an adapted, revised and corrected version of § 24A of
Hindi Structures)
First we will look at some general
formulations of the difference in meaning between the compound and the
simple verb. Then we will examine how these differences are realized in
concrete situations.
An action may be thought of as consisting of
a number of stages or phases. First is the stage of inaction, of intention
and preparation; then comes the stage of effort; then the consummation of
action leading to achievement, change or transition to something new. In
most general terms, using a compound verb allows the mind to travel across
the phases of an action. Using the simple verb illuminates a single stage.
(However, the choice of when to let the mind travel fully through the
phases of an action and when not to is not a matter of simple whim. There
is remarkable agreement about when a full look is appropriate and when a
simple flash will do. This agreement is such that speakers of Hindi are
able to restore an author's choices to a doctored text with a high degree
of accuracy, provided they are able to see the full context.)
If someone says
ev:#ant: km:rð m:ðø Aay:a in one's mind's eye one
sees Vikrant inside the room. But if one says
ev:#ant: km:rð m:ðø Aa g:y:a , this fairly simple
picture becomes complicated or deepened in some way. One may think of
Vikrant as someone successively outside and then inside the room. One
becomes conscious of both the process and the result of Vikrant's passage
into the room. Or, depending on context or intonation, one may come to
know the speaker's attitude toward this event, that is, how it changed
him. Perhaps he was anxiously waiting for Vikrant and was relieved by his
arrival. Or perhaps he was quite happy before Vikrant came and annoyed him
by his entrance.
Using the non-compound to express an action
usually indicates that the speaker is interested only in registering the
result of the action. That is why the simple verb occurs to express
actions whose results are routine, predictable or at least not out of the
'I got your letter of
November 18 this morning. '
'I was born in 1942.'
Sometimes a non-compound is used not to
record a result without attention to the activity preceding it, but to
record preceding activity without attention to the result. The
non-compound t:s:v:ir b:n:at:a
hÜú in (3) refers to the effort to form a mental picture,
but in itself does not imply a successful completion of that effort:
'I try to form a picture
but the picture doesn't form.'
'Every day it comes here at night to get a
drink. Occasionally it comes here in the afternoon, too.'
'Bhola was a dairyman and had a milk and
butter business. Sometimes, if the price was right, he'd
also sell cows to the farmers.'
Ral: .
b:òY .
p:_ .
Compound-compound verbs ( g:m:i ý m:arkr rK: dðt:i hò. )